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Therese Fergusson

Woolongong Warriors Keeper | Sweetheart | Mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Mermaid Scale
Hey people! I'm making a PD for my firsties and upcoming firsties, because I just like plotting and have a lot of inspiration at the moment.

I start with the first year Students:


I really love rping this cutiepie. Therese is the most sweet and positive girl you will meet. She doesn't judge people and see's in everyone something positive and beautiful. She is a first year Hufflepuff and loves to meet new people. She likes to hear people their stories and is very curious to others so ask a lot of questions. She is the oldest daughter of her parents and has three other sisters. Gabriel, Sofia, Gabriella and Beaubelle are her cousins around the school. I'm very open for plots with her. In my opinion Therese would never hate somebody so she could fit with everyone and if someone doesn't like her she would respect that. I'm looking for friends and I'm open for flings in the future. She already has a final.


Gabriella is the oldest child and that brings a lot of pressure along since her parents expect her to be perfect. She feels that pressure and is very driven for good results in her life. The high expectations of her parents also has it negative aspect and with Gabriella that would be she is insecure. Gabriella is a real perfectionist, she will not be easily satisfied with something. In contact with others she can be a bit difficult since she is used to have control, but she is eager to make friends at Hogwarts. Gabriella can be a stubborn if she wants something or things to know something of how things should go. The connection with her siblings isn't good, she tries to ignore them. I'm looking for anything for her, some friends and flings or a final is still open.


Gabriel is the second born son and little brother of Sofia who's also in Gryffindor. He is a big fan of sports especially Quidditch, but he also likes Muggle sports. He is very competitive with everything, he likes to make out a lot of things games and than win. If he loses he can be really irritated and angry and finds it hard to deal with. He doesn't have problems with breaking rules and likes to go on adventure in the middle of night for example. He doesn't like studying and is not very motivated for lessons. Gabriel is hotheaded especially when someone tries to insult him, he can be really stubborn than. I'm open for anything, I'm looking for friends, more enemies and flings since he likes to be around girls. He doesn't have a final yet.

Than to two unsorted students, that will be next IC year:


Charlotte is yes a Harper the half-sister of Odette and sister to Matthew. The girl doesn't know about Odette being there at all and see's her father as her example. She is very spoiled by her parents and likes to get the attention. For Charlotte her brother is veyr important and she will do anything for him. She is miss perfect as she gets called by the children from her childhood. She likes to shop, and likes every luxuary there is. She is a true leader and will not ever follow people in her life. She will do anything to achieve what she wants and can play this pretty dirty by playing with other feelings. People would say she is a perfect actrice since she can fake her real intentions pretty good. If she doesn't get what she wants she can be a dramaqueen and pretty angry. She is a girl that will try to hurt somebody hundred more times if people have hurt her one time. For this queenbee I'm looking for some friends or people on her side, in some way a kinda squad. It will be nice to meet fellow future students already, but later is also fine. I'm very open with this and I guess will be a lot of fun. I guess she will have a lot of enemies too.


Liam is the little bro of Beaubelle but is completly different than she is. He is a Alpha Male and a born leader. Something that he has in common with his cousin Sofia is that he is a big flirt. But Liam is extreme, he is confident about himself and see's it as his mission to speak to as much girls as possible. He can't do anything about it, he just likes girls so much. His ambition is to become Auror just as his father. Liam likes to be in control of things and doesn't like it when others tries to control him. He is very social and will talk to pretty much anyone. He will do anything to achieve his goals, and takes his school very seriously. I'm looking for friends, best buddies, enemies, flings you name it.

I also have many more characters, if you like to plot with them that's fine too! Let me know if you have some idea's I love the inspiration of everyone :D
I know I said I'm back for good and can plot but I'm only 95% sure ... I'm only offering two for now >.<

Nora Seville-Maxwell everyone knows her as the girl who tried to kill one of the Hufflepuff players :teehee: and now that she's pretty much on school arrest (I would like to call it like that) she had nothing else to do. [A little bit about her] Nora is Teagan and Caelan's cousin. She's a disappointment, as per her cousins, because she's in Slytherin and no Maxwell has ever been sorted to any houses since (Although, this might change yet again because of another Maxwell coming). Nora likes to be unique, she's a rebel and a spoiled brat. She thinks highly of herself (Being a Spanish aristocrat) and nothing scares her, not even the Headmistress. But as time goes by since the incident from the first Quidditch match, Nora was beginning to think that it wasn't the right step to represent the Maxwell family name ( :r except Teagan's actions doesn't count, she's not even a Maxwell) so, Nora would like to change that by, at least, being friendly. The Slytherin can be loyal to someone trustworthy and can also be a two faced to *****y people. [I chose] Therese Rosenberg because she seems patient with people like Nora and would probably like to hear her rants about her cousins and other people. I would actually like them to be good friends if that's possible :r

Next up is ...

Ysabel Becerra-Alvarado a very curious, smart-ass and sporty girl. She's getting the hang of the wizarding world, specially Hogwarts New Zealand, but hasn't have that many friends yet. Ysabel can be annoying with her questioning and such but is very kind. As of right now, the only person she trust is her twin brother who's in Hufflepuff and would be with him everywhere but she's trying to cut the umbilical cord somehow. [A little bit about her] She came from a wizarding family but didn't know about it till last year. After her parents revealed what they do for centuries, her lack of trust of people came in (Because she and her brother doesn't know if there are still bad scourers around). Ysabel isn't competitive when it comes to games and sports. I chose Gabriel Rosenberg because I have this idea ... if you're open for them to be frienemies? Because maybe she can beat him on some sports and Ysabel can jokingly insult him and it can drag from there? And they're in the same house which works perfectly. They'll see each other often and would get in a heated argument and also if you're up for it too Ysabel can have a crush on him (but that'll have to be a secret. It can be revealed sometime when they're in 4th or 5th year), just a thought though.

I'll try everything to reply on time once you agree and start a thread :)
I have Elizabeth Chatwin for Therese. I think these two can be friends easily. I can offer Perry for Gabriel. If you want more info I am happy to give you some =]
Jamiee! We've discussed a lot of this on Skype, but its easier to remember when its here too :p

Therese & April will continue to be friends I think! I would love to do a topic with them. Therese is so patient with April's loudness and her need for attention, which is something I think she really appreciates.

I sort of wonder how April & Gabriel would interact too, under all her energy she's very sporty and will be into quidditch like him. Maybe they could be friends or potentially date briefly later on?

I don't have a lot of ideas for Gabriella right now, but I have my own Gabriella (Tillington) being sorted next year and I think they might get along! She's a bit of a perfectionist too. We could discuss this more later if you want.

Then there's the epic rivalry that is Sophie & Gabriel, which I would like to continue :p Though I also still like the idea of her getting a crush on him later and being absolutely horrified and hating herself, but we'd have to see if it's just one sided or what works

I don't have anyone right now that could be a good follower for Charlotte, but obviously her and Matthew will have to do a lot! We should do letters between them while they're on different continents still. And down the line her and Odette!

So, I want to continue with Marcos and Gabriel's friendship a lot! Because i love their interaction.
I also was going to offer Marcos to Gabriella, as friends/potential love interest, Marcos is an energetic and kind person, while she's a perfectionist, he really isn't, but he'd always support her and tell her how perfect it is when she does something. I think they could be friends, and if they gel well we talk future plans?

Let me know what you think!
I come bearing many options xD Feel free to pick as many or as few as you like.

therese · jessica
We talked about trying this a while ago, and then I never started anything sorry D: . So if you're still keen to add another lovely Hufflepuff to Jessica's Slytherin life have these two become friends, I'll put it at the top of my list.

gabriella · jessica
I can offer Jessica as a friend (or perhaps frenemy, depending?) for Gabriella. Jessica is a completely social creature, and is attempting to make friends with as many people as possible. Gabriella's insecurity could be interesting, as Jessica may either build her up or play on it to get the other girl to spend time with her. I can see potential conflict perhaps in regards to Gabriella's perfectionism - if it extends to schoolwork, Jessica is about to become very bad at that. Otherwise, it could be interesting to see how the two would interact when they're both rather controlling and like things a certain way.

gabriel · jessica
Jessica will become interested in talking to boys very soon I think, so I can offer her up to see what may happen between them. She's the type of person that will usually say whatever the other person wants to hear in order to make them think highly of her, so I can totally see her complimenting Gabriel and inflating his ego just that little bit more :p

charlotte · frankie
I admit, I do want to complete the Harper trifector by rping with Charlotte :r But I also think she and Frankie would get along wonderfully badly. Frankie is also a person who likes to take the lead, so I think they'd clash heavily - particularly because Frankie wouldn't think much of Miss Charlotte's princess attitude. Frankie is loud, brash, always trying to drag people into doing things with her, and very judgemental - she either likes you or she doesn't. She is also living in America, although in LA, so it could be easier for them to meet somehow before school.

liam · frankie
This one I'm suggesting more for the lols than anything, but seeing as Liam likes to flirt with all girls possible, and Frankie is already aware that she's attracted to girls rather than boys, I think it would be funny to see how both he and Frankie react to the situation, particularly as they both seem so strong-minded.
I love to see your reactions! I have to say this last semester before summer vacation is pretty busy for me, but I will manage!

Alex: Glad to see your back! I'm so up for Therese and Nora, this is exactly where I can show Therese and see how she will react to this people. She will indeed be pretty patient and I'm sure Therese will like the girl and perhaps show her some kindness and inspire her with that. If you want to start this that would be awesome!

Ysabel and Gabriel sounds like a lot of fun and I'm open for some fling idea that you say! I'm willing to start a thread when I've got the time for this one.

Tamara: Hi! I'm excited for Elizabeth and Therese I'm sure they will fit good together. And Perry and Gabriel seems fun too. I would like to continue with them. Don't know if you have a suggestion which one you will start?

Daphne/ Amber ( I just call you that sometimes XDD): Heya!! I agree with you. Therese and April are so cute! I love to do a topic for them too. If you can start something for these two that would be awesome! April and Gabriel never thought of but I guess he can like her. We can see how the two Gabriella's work out next year. Haha I always had that thought of Sophie and Gabriel together after all, but we will see. For now I like their hate towards eachother and I will react asap!! And for the Harpers that will become fun!! I can start something with Charlotte soon!!

Emzies: Hi Emzies!! Marcos and Gabriel should indeed continue. Perhaps some adventure will be nice with the two? And this Marcos and Gabriella thing I really like. I guess she will very much like him. And the fact Gabriel is his best buddy now will be interesting since the two don't really like eachother and if they end up together that will be funny. I'm very much interested in this. We discuss it on skype further!

Kathy: Hey girl! Haha don't worry! I love everything with Jessica so we will discuss that further on skype. Charlotte and Frankie I'm really interested for and I'm sure we can do something before Hogwarts with this. I can see a battle between them coming haha. And Liam and Frankie will be so funny, he will be very confused if he finds out one time.
I'll start Therese and Nora. ASAP. And I'll send you the link. Thanks for agreeing to plot
Evelyn Manning said:

Emzies: Hi Emzies!! Marcos and Gabriel should indeed continue. Perhaps some adventure will be nice with the two? And this Marcos and Gabriella thing I really like. I guess she will very much like him. And the fact Gabriel is his best buddy now will be interesting since the two don't really like eachother and if they end up together that will be funny. I'm very much interested in this. We discuss it on skype further!
Yas to both!
We could do a Marcos and Gabriel topic over the break, they could go to the candy store or something like that?
And with Gabriella and Marcos, could meet at the Yuleball? if you don't have any other plans for her, he could run into her at the yuleball and they could talk, maybe form a friendship, and if they get along we could discuss it further on skype?
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