
Tyler Simons

Hi everybody,
I'm new my cousin Annie is on the site and I thought it would cool to make one too. So I'm Tyler.....
Hi Tyler! Welcome to HNZ! :)
I fear you've just missed sorting - but if you realllyyy want to get in on things while it's still early in the school year, PM me and we might be able to make an exception for you. ;)

Otherwise, if you click the "Information" link at the top of the page that should help you get started - and I'm sure your cousin will help you as you need it. And for anything else, feel free to contact me.
She's helping me now she said she applied for me to be a family member. This character is related to one of hers so.
Thanks for the info :)
Hey Tyler!
Welcome to HNZ!!

If you ever wanna RP, just shoot me a PM and we can do so.. :)

BTW, I love your avi and banner... (Justin Bieber) :wub:
Welcome to HNZ Tyler! ^_^ I am sure you shall have a fantastical time here!
Donna x :donna:
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I am still getting the hang of things but I think I'm going to like it here.

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