New Zealand Condo

Liesel Patrokov

Active Member
Liesel apparated to her New Zealand Condo with ease and then slumped down on her couch she was expecting Nina today and quickly said, "Scourigify." This quickly cleaned up everything, and Liesel smiled at this.
Nina walked down to her Grandmother's condo with Asher having idle conversation all the while. When they got there Nina said, "There it is." Nina smiled at Asher and opened the door to the building to let Asher go inside first.
Asher walked with Nina and when they reached the door Asher's stomach was filled with butterflies. She nodded and took a tentative step forward. She was so nervous meeting Nina's grandmother.
Nina walked into the building behind Asher and said, "God I have never been so nervous to see my Grnadmother." Nina chukled nervously.
"You're nervous? She already likes you...I'm the one who's nervous." Asher mused.
"Yeah but your my best friend and I want her to like you," Nina said with a smile to Asher. Nina walked ahead over to the stairs and started to walk up them almost forgetting that these staircases don't move.
Asher smiled brightly and couldn't stop herself before she wrapped Nina in an embrace. "You're my best friend too Nina."
Nina smiled and hugged Asher back and said softly, to both herself and Asher, "Okay its like ripping off a band aide, it'll be fine."
"I always hated ripping off band aides..." Asher mumbled as Nina lead her further into the house.
When they reached the second floor Nina turned a corner and the first door on the left was her Grandmothers so she walked quickly over to it then waited for Asher to come and she knocked on door while waiting for Asher.
Asher stood beside Nina fidgeting nervously. She took deep breaths and her face turned steadily redder.
Liesel heard a knock on her door and she stood up but because of her old knees she knew it would be too hard to get there quickly so she called out, "Come in darling!" She knew that it would be Nina. Before Nina came in she quickly put her wand in her pocket.
Nina tried to open the door but it was locked so she took her wand out and said, "Alohamora." The door quickly unlocked and she opened it for Asher to go in first.
Asher looked at the open door then at Nina nervously. "But..." She didn't think she should be the first person Nina's grandmother saw.
"Do you want me to go in first?" Nina whispered to Asher she looked a little nervous.
Asher just nodded, afriad that she would end up squeaking or something if she tried to speak.
Nina nodded and walked into the condo and saw her Grandma standing in front of the couch so she ran quickly over to her and gave her a warm hug and said, "Grandma I've missed you so much!" Nina smiled brightly at her than waited for Asher to come in aswell.
Asher stepped inside the door and watched Nina greet her grandmother. Asher smiled and the butterflies began to flutter faster.
Liesel hugged her Granddaughter and said in German, "Have you been practising your lessons?" Then she looked at the other girl that entered after Nina and she said in english, "Hello, you must be one of Nina's little friends." Liesel smiled at the girl she seemed rather nervous and she said, "I'm Mrs. Patrokov, its nice to meet you...?"
Asher stepped forward and smiled shyly. "Its very nice to meet you as well."
Nina spoke in German to respond to her Grandmother's first question, "Yes but I have been busy with the Triwizard." Nina then said, "Grandma this is Asher Lurken."
Asher took another step forward and nodded in greeting.
Nina chuckled a little at Asher and walked over to her and took her by the hand and said quietly and through her teeth to Asher, "Don't worry it will be fine." Nina walked Asher to her Grandmother so they could greet each other properly.
Asher let Nina lead her. She could hear her pulse in her ears.
"The Triwizard Tournament? Are you a champion Nina?" Liesel asked worriedly, she was a professor at Beauxbatons when the boy had died and when Fleur came back she was quite distraught.

Liesel fought the urge to bow ceremoniously and she put her hand out like any muggle would do, she always found it hard to act like a muggle when she was with wizards and witches but she had to acct for Nina, she needed to make sure she thought they were related.

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