Old School Week New Tricks

Caleb Thorne

broomsticks server | duelist | reckless | '60 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Swishy Applewood Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
06/2042 (20)
Caleb remembered how much he had to beg for his parents to cave and get him a pet but he had proven himself to be perfectly responsible. Peach, his rat, sat in front of him where he had position himself sideways on one of the courtyard benches. He held up a small piece of a grape and waited till he got her attention before giving her a command.
Jenna was going outside to see if the weather was nice when she saw a boy doing the most disgusting thing she had ever seen! "EW!" She yelled, leaning away. "IS THAT A RAT?!"
Caleb flinched as he hear a girl yelling. He looked around quickly to see what she was freaking out about and he realized she was looking at him. "Yes it is." he said with an edge in his voice. He held out his hand and Peach climbed inside. "Good to know you're just dumb and not blind." he said sharply.
Jenna had to fight back the urge to throw up as the thing crawled onto the boy's hand like it was nothing. And that was a hand he was going to use to touch doorhandles and cutlery, things she might also use. "EWWWW, PUT IT DOWN!" Jenna yelped, drawing her wand. She didn't know any rat-killing spells off the top of her head, but she was a creative witch. She could figure something out.
Caleb rolled his eyes. He was used to Lila being squeamish around his rat but at least she was quiet about it. "Or what?" he said with a mocking laugh but narrowed his eyes when she pulled out her wand. "What are you going to do about it?" he asked dryly before pretending like he was going to take a step toward her.
Angel quietly missed the days where he could hear students yelling and just pointedly ignore it, but sadly those were behind him. Spotting the source of the commotion, he simply situated himself in Jenna's eyeline, hoping maybe his presence alone could diffuse the situation.
Jenna leaned back when the boy moved closer, barely even thinking as she waved her wand at him. "STUPEFY!"
Caleb hadn't thought she would actually jinx him so he hadn't had the foresight to pull out his wand. But he hadn't made it that far in the dueling tournament for nothing and was able to dodge out of the way, clutching Peach to his chest. "Are you bloody mad?!?!" he yelled, furious and scrambling for his wand.
Angel could only sigh in defeat when Jenna seemed unbothered by his presence, pinching the bridge of his nose as he strode forward. "You have got to be kidding me, what part of that seemed like a good idea," he said, not bother to hide his irritation as he looked at the two Slytherins.
Jenna didn't lower her wand, even when the new Head of House came over. "He was gonna throw a rat at me!" She shrieked, taking a step back from the younger boy. "It's got DISEASES!"
"I was not!" Caleb shouted. For a moment he wished he had done something like that but realized he'd never actually bring his pet any closer to such an awful person. If there wasn't a professor already here he'd tell her exactly how he felt. "She does not!" he argued. "If anyone has a disease it's you and it's rotted your brain." he said before sticking out his tongue to make his point.
"Who throws a rat?" Angel asked incredulously, stepping forward between the two in a vague attempt to diffuse the situation. "Right, enough! You, take your rat and go. You, Jenna, we'll be talking about this," he said, motioning Jenna to follow him.

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