New Roleplayer

Kieran Breck

OOC First Name
Rowan, 15 inches Core of Chinese Fireball heart-string
Hello Everyone

My name is Søren. I'm from Denmark, big harry potter fan and even bigger fan of roleplaying.

I must say that the site is great and I was looking for something like this.

Looking forward to roleplay with you.

See you around!

Hey Søren! I'm Helena, I'm from New Zealand. I've never been to Denmark, but a couple of my characters are half-Danish. :lol: I'm sure you'll find your way around the site, if not there's always the admins/mods/members around to help. See you! ^_^
Welcome to HNZ !! :D I'm Madz ^^ Hope you get familiar with the site with no problem :) It takes time but it will become easy !
Hey there! My name is Donna, I'm one of the Global Mods here, welcome to HNZ! A good place to start if you get confused is the Site Documentation , but feel free to PM myself or any of the other Mods/Admin if you have any questions ^_^
Hi there, Søren (opt + o on a mac produces the ø symbol, I've just learned. ^_^ )!
Welcome to HNZ.
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada. I think you might be our first member from Denmark (at least the first one that we know of) andddd that's awesome. :p

If you have any questions or concerns about the site, feel free to poke me via PM.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your stay on the board!
Welcome to HNZ! :hug:
I'm Jessye! I really hope to see you around the board sometime! It'd be awesome to roleplay with you! :woot:
Welcome to the site!
I'm Cyndi, one of the admin, and I hope to see you around :) .
Hello Soren!

Welcome to HNZ!!

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