New Pictures!

No, not me, this is the Nick that Violet and her friends flirted with for no apparent reason after being mean to him.
Alyssa Snow said:
Professor Nicolas King said:
No, not me, this is the Nick that Violet and her friends flirted with for no apparent reason after being mean to him.
Hehe wow.

Your a goon Nick! :r:
I find myself forced to concur.
I figured that I should wish everyone a happy halloween, and hopefully, get into the spirit.


Yes, that'd be me. Dressing up early for the occassion. :lol:
Since we're going down the costume path....
I guess I'll show you what I was last year! :D

Can anyone guess? :D
Isabella, you look like an engagement ring.
Sad thing about my pic in the previous post, I usually dress like that. :p
Jaken Styx said:
Isabella, you look like an engagement ring.
Sad thing about my pic in the previous post, I usually dress like that. :p
Lol, no sorry I'm not that. :p

Ahh I wish/hope someone gets it! :rofl:
Are you a Sim? :p

Hahaha Nick, we're over the other Nick now because he didn't call any of us after we gave him our numbers. :(
A Sim?! I thought I recognized that little pointy thingy at the top. :lol:
Great games.
I would've never guessed she was a sim. Those pointy things are always ywllow or red for me :D
Violet said:
Hahaha Nick, we're over the other Nick now because he didn't call any of us after we gave him our numbers. :(
You can't get over him if you were all just being mean to him. :arr: I wouldn't call you either. :doh:

Pic 1
At Camp this year
Pic 2
Left to Right
Shraddha,Vaidehi,Malvika,Paridhi(My BFFL),Dikshi,Me!,Mansi,Reetisha(my good friend)
In our party after graduating form grade 7 :D

that's my classmate fatima who hold the character of Llheione cole.


my darling classmates at the beach.


his so daring to do that!


don't expect me to solve it, either i can;t solve it properly.
Oopsie! :o I guess I made some mistake!I will post the pics as soon as I get them on photobucket :D
I swear, this is the best photo of me in existence:

And I believe this is awesome if only because my shirt looks neon:

T'was taken at the bowling alley on Monday. :) And no, it's not the photo, I always look that blurry. :p
Aiden, you're a girl in RL? Wow :lol:
And your brother looks cute xD

Violet, you look great in both pics!
And i love the earrings! xD
Thanks Bianca! :)

Haha, a majority of the guys are girls IRL, seemingly. :p

Your friend has cool hair, Aiden! And I like your glasses. :)
Aiden your hair is cute and your glasses are awesome, i hate mine its color violet.

and violet, your hairstyle is wicked, i'm going to copy cat that on our second prom.
(Sorry if they're so big, and sorry if they're crappy quality--my mom's out of town so she took the camera and I had to resort to a camera phone.)

Harry catching a Snitch...

The Dark Mark! :D

Me with both of them, in my HP shirt. :p

It was sooo hard, 3 days long, but so fun and TOTALLY worth it!!! :D
OMG Isabella that is truly amazing! I want a pumpkin with the Dark Mark on it!

You should enter those into like, a pumpkin carving contest. xP
Indeed, awesome pumpkins. :D

Yeah I am :D Thanks Lexi :D I like my hair when its dyed balck I think it looks pretty cool and I know right Sarah Janes hair is awesome over the summer she died it blue and bought extentions and her hair looks awesome, though the extentions are starting to get a little old :p

Oh he isn't my actual brother:p Thats what me and 2 of my friends call him, Inside Jokes :wub: And yeah I know he is, but he is pretty awkward its funny

I thought this school could use a boy :p

Those are some sweet pumpkins Isabella :D

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