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Evelyn Manning

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Hi guys! I have also two girls that are going to be sorted next year. And I would really like it to have a few plots so that I can begin with RPing when they are sorted! So these are my two new chicks.

<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="150">Sofia Gabriella Rosenberg


<FONT font="Georgia">Sofia is Swedish and lives in Stockholm with her father, two younger sisters and brother. She lost her mother when she became seven years old and had to support her dad with taking care of her younger brother and sisters. Sofia is a spontaneous girl that loves to do something exciting and is open for something against the rules. She has a passion for music especially for dancing and singing. Also she is a big flirt and really loves attention from boys, she likes to hang out with boys especially, but she doesn't have something against girls too. Sofia hates Quidditch and that has a reason, she has a terrible fear of heights because of how her mother died. Her mother was a famous player from the Nordic National Quidditch team, but she fell from her broom after she got hit by a Bludger Bat, and because of that fall she died. She is still struggeling with her mothers death and seeks comfort by boys especially.

Looking for? Her future is very open but I'm really looking for some first year or second year boys that likes to hang out with her and that doesn't mind to be flirted with, maybe like that attention too. Sofia isn't really hanging onto someone because she is afraid of losing them, so she just chat with lots of people. Maybe in the future some best friends are possible. For romances it is a bit too early and she doesn't like to stay with one person.
<SIZE size="100">Beaubelle Alaina Waldgrave


Beaubelle is Half Swedish and Half English. She lives in Bibury, England with her parents, two brothers and sister. She is the cousin of Sofia and is nothing like her. Beaubelle is shy like really shy, she doesn't dare to stand up for herself or anyone else. She doesn't like attention because she is insecure about what she has to do or how to act. She always first thinks about something before she does it. She keeps in mind what other people would think of her. Her hobby's are reading and playing the guitar. She is a sweet girl that would never hurt anybody and if she likes somebody she tries to chat with that person, but she has trouble with bringing up subjects. Beaubelle writes in her diary and she does that every evening, but in that diary she writes what she thinks about people for example, but she doesn't dare to say that out loud. She is very influenceable, because she is afraid to get bullied so sometimes she does thinks that she don't like but just because she is scared that people would be mean to her if she doesn't do it.

Looking for? Anything is possible, but I'm looking for friends that can give her more confidence or perhaps some bullies that make her do things that she doesn't want. For romance maybe later, because she needs to feel safe and comfertable at Hogwarts first.
Hey Jamie!
I've got Abel here as a possible friend for Sofia. He's a very laid-back guy and won't be the type to seek adventure and be fully energetic all the time, but he's a big goofball and surely fun to be around. He's a caring and protective (sometimes a bit over-protective) kind of guy and won't take it well if anyone does anything to hurt his friends. I think they would get along well.

Abel sounds like a good match with Sofia. She isn't looking for adventure all the time too, but the fact that he is caring and protective would definitly interest Sofia. We keep in touch ;)
Hey Jamie, I'd like to offer Odette for Beaubelle in the form of a not entirely healthy friendship? Odette is very manipulative and competitive with other girls so I think she could maybe see Beaubelle as "competition" in a way and also sense her shyness and insecurity and befriend her with the idea of keeping her close while keeping her confidence down with subtle digs and actions. I hope I'm explaining it well enough. I'm not entirely sure how it would develop, maybe it would turn into real affection & a real sort of friendship if Odette's view of the world changes or maybe it could stay bad and end after a while but that's something we can figure out along the way if you're interested ^_^
@Daphne: Hi! It sounds interesting and Beaubelle would just listen to what Odette would ask of her. And the fact that Odette is manipulative is really what Beaubelle her weak spot is, she would just go on with it, if you know what I mean. We will just see how it goes, but it sounds good!
Hello again! I have Medea here, who hasn't really experience a proper friendship before due to her family travelling from place to place frequently throughout her life. I think she could be a decent match for both your characters, as all three of ours seem like the need a bit of growth and support.

Medea favours male acquaintances usually, purely down to the fact that in her experience there is far less drama attached, but she doesn't have anything against girls in particular and tends to be open to anyone offering the hand of friendship.

I feel like Sofia could really bring her on in the confidence department, and in the same way perhaps Medea can help out Beaubelle in a similar fashion. Medea is inquisitive and will not hesitate to question. This is useful because she wants other characters to feel comfortable and like there is someone interested in them and what they have to say. In the same sense, she will not hesitate to question someone on why they do the things they do, and she is likely to try and help characters face things they have been avoiding. She is a problem solver by nature, and sometimes this applies to not just crosswords, but people too.

Might land her in some hot water at some point, come to think about it ~
Jamie Jamie Jamie!

I have Rufus here for Sofia and Beaubelle.

Ruf will be obsessed with surrounding himself with lots of friends because he wants to be/feel popular and he will literally do anything to get those friends at the moment. He's a social climber basically, skills he's learnt from home that his brother never quite acquired. Ruf is extroverted, charismatic and confident, honest and reliable. However, he can be quite judgemental and snobbish, something that he has taken from home and will hopefully grow out of, eventually. He gets on with both girls and boys. He's not really into sports. Rufus is mindful of the rules and wont do anything that puts himself in danger or get him in too much trouble but like I said earlier this can be compromised if he thinks that it will lose him potential friends.

I think that Sofia and Ruf could be good friends, because she's so spontaneous she could help to bring him out a little and be a bit more open.

I think that Beaubelle and Rufus could be friends. He could be the one to initiate their conversations since she is so shy and he is so confident. Rufus is concerned with how he comes across to people also and cana be quit self conscious underneath his bravado. Rufus is also from London so maybe that could be a way that they bond and find friendship? He could definitely help her with her confidence.
Lauren Lauren Lauren!!

I like Rufus already he seems pretty cool. I'm so into Sofia and Rufus because she just likes the attention and just as Rufus she wants to have as much as possible people around her. So they definitely are nice for a RP.

About Beaubelle I already have changed the fact that she is from London oops, I shall change it here also. She is from England so that would be a start of a conversation. I'm open for this nice plot!

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