New Kids on the Block

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Mackenzie Mitchell

Hufflepuff Grad | Retired Surfer | Eeylop's staff
OOC First Name
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Ok guys sorting is here so I have two freshly sorted fresh faced first years to offer to the rping public. If I have ignored rps from you in the past, don't let that stop you, I'm much more on top of things these days.
Casey Daniels.Reluctant Sytherin

Gryffindor legacy Casey was devastated to be sorted into Slytherin, but not one to dwell on things he can't control he is looking to make the most of it. So far he has made one friend so he is looking for more, all house need apply but he does need some friends from his own house. He is not a typical Slytherin, mostly because he didn't want to be there. He is friendly and kind, likes being social and adventurous. Any questions about Casey feel free to shoot one at me.

Mackenzie Mitchell'Puff

Mackenzie Mitchell could believe what lay in front of her when the Hogwarts letter dropped on her doorstep. As a muggleborn she always believed that magic was something you heard about in stories as everyone else did. She grew up on the Australian coast and has been a keen surfer since she could walk. Mack is a bubbly and energetic person and loves to be out and social. She can be brave in situations but she will only be adventurous when she is dragged into peoples adventures. She loved meeting new people and it sexcited by the prospect of going to Hogwarts.​
I have lewis here to offer. Im thinking him and mackenzie could be friends, he could be like her mentour or something. As they share similar personality traits i can see them getting on really well together if your interested :) He might also get on with casey aswell so they could be friends as well
I like the idea of Mack having a mentor, someone to show her the ropes and what not. Yeah he and Casey can be friends too but I'd like to get Mack and Lewis together first, seems like an interesting match up.
Have rhiannon who could be a mentor for Mackenzie. She is also a muggle born. And although she comes from Scotland she lives in Australia
Also I have Lowan kickett who could be a friend for either of them (more likely casey). He is a gryffindor first year both relieved and disappointed he wasn't in slytherin like his sister. He is a bit of a rule breaker, he is quite toug ant thick skinned. Probably more so than his older sister but doesn't feel the need to put on a tough act as much. He plays afl and soccer. If you have any questions please let me know.
So I thought I would come around and post...

For Casey Daniels, I do have two Slytherins about his age! Erik Metzger is a second year, part-veela and son of a well-known Quidditch player. He is kind, but he is a bit quiet and serious. I figured he would be a great friend to him! My other Slytherin is Vladimir Zhefarovich, and he is a bit on the cold and cruel side... He could be a loyal friend, or a great enemy! Or he can get to know my Gryffindor, Matt Greene. A little rough, but once he comes around, he will be one amazing person to be around.

For Mackenzie, same one above, Matt Greene. He never knew about magic before his letter, so they could be in the same boat?

That's all I have. xD
Mia: Mackenzie can never have too many mentors and it'll be good to for her to have a friend who knows what she is going through. So we should set something up for those two. Lowan and Casey could be good friends, he doesn't have a lot of friends so by all means bring it on. They have similar views on Slytherin, Casey obviously being the unfortunate one to get sorted into it.

Kaitlyn: Erik could be a good friend for Casey, he's older so he could kind of mentor him. Not sure about Casey and Vladamir. He isn't the kind of person Casey would want to be friends with, but maybe Vladamir could lead him down the wrong path or something.

Matt Greene would be a good friend for Mackenzie. He could be friends with Casey too he'd be a better fit than Vladamir.
Casey: If you need someone to lead him down the wrong back, Vladimir is definitely the one to do it. And Erik I think would be perfect! We can RP Matt and Casey after Casey and Erik, sound good?

Mackenzie: I am excited to have some friends for Matt! I am ready to RP them whenever you are!

I'd start them both if you wanted, but you'd have to wait til Thursday. If that's okay, but if you wanted something sooner, then feel free to start them. ^_^ I am a faster replier than I am a starter =))
I'm ok to wait for now. But I might get the rp bug and post something, if I do I'll pm you.
Hot of the presses. A topic in the Slytherin common room. I'm thinking Casey and Erik.
Hello there!

I have this little guy here. His name is Graeme and he's from Scotland. He's a nice guy, he is a hufflepuff afterall. However, Graeme isn't necessarily a normal Hufflepuff. He's a say exactly what he thinks kind of guy. He's incredibly loyal, but if you piss him off, he might take forever to forgive and forget. He works hard, but isn't all to interested in doing well in school. He wanted to go to Hogwarts Scotland, but ended up here. He likes it, but it's not home. He loves helping people out, and has a friendly and open nature about him.
He could be friends with either Casey or Mackenzie. I can either or happening. However it's up to you!
I think he could be friends with Mack and Casey. Graeme doesn't feel at home and Mack feels like a fish out of water as a muggle born so they have similar feelings to being there so they can relate to each other. Casey, like Graeme is a nice guy so they should be able to get along well.
Casey Daniels said:
Hot of the presses. A topic in the Slytherin common room. I'm thinking Casey and Erik.
The one that said "Making the best of a bad situation is meant for Casey and Erik?
Cause another RPer joined it. xD
Ah. That rp was closed, I'll whip something else up if I get chance.
Well, you could make it open. I'll have Erik join anyway. :r
I'll do just that.
This will be fun. :r
I can see Casey and Iason Samartzi being quite good friends. Iason is quite social-able but is more old for is age than a first year should be but I would like him to be around more people is age and see what its like to be 10/11.

Casey and/or MacKenzie
Could be good friends with Serenity Dion who is a sweet, friendly, outgoing Ravenclaw and can easily make friends with anyone.
Sounds good Pat
Sure, I'll start one for Macenzie and Serenity and you do the other?
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