new idea

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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
well i have just had an idea for elvera. as i was completing her runes class i aid that she doesn't have a sister. But what if she did, i was wondering if anyone wants to be her half sister on her farther side. her fathers name is arthur, however the rest of the character is up to you. it would be cool if they were a similar age so anyone hogwarts age, preferably at hogwarts, but anywhere will be great, bur maybe not a firstie.

also friends would be good for all of my characters. these are
Elvera le fey, fifth year claw
Briar rowan, second year lion
morgan le fey, shop keeper.
Hi Eve,

I don't mind rping with Eve&Briar.

Esme and Eve can be friends? Perhaps, Esme fully Hispanic, but she likes to portrait that she something else. She not proud of her Hispanic heritage just because both her ex parents were dead beats.

As for Briar,
I have Madlyn, she's a part giant, tomboy really from North Dakota. She moved from Dakota to the edges of Ireland, in a small town because her parents didn't think it was safe for her growing up in America. So I don't mind them meeting? Maybe in the forbidden forest, its okay with me!
i love the idea with madlyn, i am sure they could be misfits together. i think that that will be an awesome idea. do you want to satrt a rp or shall i?
as for esme i think maybe some other time, i just can't see a connection at the moment.
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