New Character Needs Plots

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Bradley Skeffington

Active Member
OOC First Name
Hello, everyone! So, this is Bradley Skeffington, my very first character on HNZ and he's in desperate need of some friends, enemies, and anything else you can think of. I'm not too concerned with ships just yet simply because he's only eleven and I don't want him to start dating right off the bat.

If you're still curious, here's a few things that describe Bradley:
- Friendly
- Polite
- Passionate
- Loves to have fun and live life to the fullest
- Patient

I'm a flexible person and am willing to work out anything if you have any specific ideas. ^_^
Hello Sam, I'm Mina and this is my third character here.
If you do not mind I can arrange a thread with you, like within these 24 hours.
Now for the charrie: Lovisa is a Swede, she's generally nice to be with but she can be a little bit too serious sometimes. She's bullied by her identical twin because she's perceived as weak and stupid... Which isn't true at all. So yes, when do you want a thread? :)
Haha. Okay..
I have Amanda Pike. She is from the U.S.A., and moved so she could go to Hogwarts New Zealand and not be too far away from her family. She is nice and likes to read. She is smart, even though she doesn't think she is, and is normally called the nerd just because she's smart and isn't very popular. But with her friends, she loves to have fun and can be very random, causing everyone to start laughing. So how does it sound?
Lovisa: Your character sounds like someone Bradley can definitely get along with. I'd love a thread anytime you're ready for us to RP in too.

Penelope: The fact that Amanda can be random and likes to have fun are two qualities Bradley enjoy in people. I can see a great relationship between Amanda and Bradley as well.
I have Giselle Lorka here who'll be a first year in Y11 ^_^

Giselle is a very polite, sweet, honest and loving little 10 year old most are am I right? :p She is also very confident (border-line cocky), competitive (mainly in running and quidditch), warm and street smart. She is generally a fun loving girl and loves making friends.

If you'd like to RP them now that'd be great ^_^ Before first year starts Giselle will be going through a sort of change due to a plot so some friends would be great for her to help her get through it all and stay her usual self as much as possible :D

Let me know what you think?
Hi hi,

This is Tegan (Tiggs). She is very bouncy and fun unless she is in a large group of people. She likes people and doesn't believe in enemies because that means someone is mean and people aren't mean. She could be a friend for him, she loves life and is happy to do whatever as long as it is safe.
I'm making a new charrie soon.. Darla Kuang, planning on making her a genius and a muggle- lover like the rest of the family.
She could speak 4 languages fluently and had been learning all her life so she's not good around kids on her age.
Her parents had been forcing her to learn at all time and she had no time for playing, etc.
She'll be attending HNZ soon...
I can offer up James killian whic is my only student aged character, he is eleven and very curious about life he grew up in japan but he is american born and sees the world in a unique way. He is kind and loyal and is very funny to be around since he grew up in such a sheltered way.
Giselle: If you need someone to help comfort Giselle, then Bradley is definitely the type to help. He enjoys helping people and will certainly help Giselle with any problem she has, even if the two of them just met. A thread with Bradley trying to help out Giselle would be great.

Tegan: Oh, I definitely see a lot of similarities between our two characters which is great. I honestly don't see Tegan and Bradley butting heads at all, so they would make great friends too.

Mason: I feel like Bradley would take great interest in Darla since she seems to know a lot more than he does. However, I believe he would pick up on the fact that Darla does not get to have much fun because of her controlling parents. Perhaps Bradley can help her have fun from time to time?

Eric: I can see James and Bradley getting along quite well too. I don't see any differences between the two of them, though I feel like they wouldn't but heads either. I can see the two of them being good friends, if you'd like them to be at least.
That's awesome :D Well if you want them to be friends beforehand that would be great because I'm sure Bradley would notice the change in her right away...after the change she will become a lot quieter so she may not be willing to talk to people as she is now :erm:

If you want I can set up the thread or you can set it up, either way ^_^ Closer to the time I can PM you the details of what is going to make Giselle change so you know what you're getting yourself into really ;)

(BTW - It's Giselle xD )
If you would like to start a thread for us, that would be great! And yes, that PM letting me know when Giselle has changed will be a great help, otherwise I might forget and be incredibly confused. :p
That sounds great and Jame will be in need of a few friends, do you mind starting up a thread?
Bradley Skeffington said:
Tegan: Oh, I definitely see a lot of similarities between our two characters which is great. I honestly don't see Tegan and Bradley butting heads at all, so they would make great friends too.
Great! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been online with her for a while. Do you want to start a thread or should I?
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