New broom and bat!

"Ahem," Kaela said while clearing her throat playfully. "We kind of need a quaffle if Team Potter is gonna prove anything. Can someone get into the shed?"
"Um, I can't, but maybe one of our captains out here can." Lily said, looking back and forth between Ford and Courtney.
"Oh. I thought you guys already had gotten a quaffle out. I guess I was wrong. I'll go get one." Courtney then quickly flew down to the shed and yanked it open. She dug around for a few minutes and came out with a quaffle.

Holding the quaffle in one hand, she flew back to the others. "So I guess this means that the Potters start off with the quaffle," she said in a not very serious tone.
Hilary saw that Courtney now had a quaffle and so she flew over to the hoops ready to guard. Seeing as she knew that atleast one of them was a chaser she didn't feel totally confident but okay. Gryffindors are known for show it, it's just a game. She smiled to herself and got ready.

(((Are we doing any sort of points system or are we just...playing :p))
((Well, seeing as we never decided IC...))

Kaela didn't really see this working very well. I mean, they were just passing the quaffle. This 'practice' was not turning out how she had wanted it to. "Yeah, Team Potter can have the quaffle first." She wasn't smiling, and didn't really seem terribly excited. She hadn't even considered scoring, and didn't really want to think about it just now.
((Sorry I didn't know how to ask that IC...))

Hilary smiled a little and turned at the hoops. She had no idea what exactly it was she was doing but whatever it was she would do 3000%.
Lily realized that she was starving. Her stomach was growling loudly, and she was sure that everyone else could hear it too. She knew that she should eat something before starting the match otherwise she was sure she would fall off her broom.

"Hey, before Team Potter gets rolling, I need to grab a bite to eat. Be right back." Lily flew down to where she had put the brownies and jumped off her broom. She grabbed a great big one off the top of the stack. She hoped it was a good one and started to devour it fast so she could get back to the game.
Courtney felt quite uncomfortable on her broom after Lily had left to get brownies. Something about the tone of Kaela's voice made Courtney uneasy. She bounced the quaffle in ger hands a couple of times before tossing it in the direction of Kaela and Ford. "Actually guys, now that I think about it, I'm kinda hungry myself."

She turned around on her broom and started to fly in the direction of where Lily was sitting and munching a brownie. "Hey Lily, don't eat them all before I get down there!"
Kaela frowned outwardly now as she caught the quaffle. All she had wanted to do was get acquainted with her new broom and bat, and everything kept getting stalled. She hadn't really flown much yet, and hadn't picked up her broom at all. And now Team Potter was eating brownies.

Kaela turned to Ford with a sad look on her face. "Now what?"
Ford did not like how this whole trial run of Kaela's new supplies was going, he had just wanted to fly around with her. "Do you just want to do what we originally planned? If they want cake or brownies, let them eat cake or brownies." Ford said.
"You sound like a regular Marie Antoinette," Kaela said with a smile. She thought she remembered Ford saying he liked history, so she figured he would get her reference. "Anyway, I dunno. I mean, we took the time to set this game up..." She bit her lower lip and looked to Ford.
Ford thought for a moment, then looked over at Team Potter, "They don't seem too concerned with flying right now, though."
Hilary was floating by the goal hoops waiting for an advanced play from the Potter's but all they were really doing was munching on brownies. She saw that Kaela and Ford though poised for the game couldn't really play without opposition, but what was Hilary supposed to do. She looked towards Lily and Courtney and yelled "Hey Potter's the brownies aren't running away, let's play some quidditch."
Courtney took a bite of her brownie that was rather salty and spit it on the ground. "I guess we'd better get back out there. But I'm not heading back to the others without you by my side."

She picked up her broom and flew towards the others. Once she had reached Kaela and Ford, she stared blankly at them, waiting for direction of some sort. Wow, this has got to be the most awkward quidditch practice ever.
Lily had gotten a good brownie, full of marshmallow and chocolate, and she devoured it down. "I'm coming Courtney!" she yelled as she flew up next to her friend, waiting to find out how the others wanted to do this.
"Alright, are we ready to do this?" Ford asked diplomatically, a little irritated that their quidditch practice was once again interrupted by brownies. "Do you remember the rules we discussed or did the brownies go to your head?"
Courtney did not particularly want to get into a shouting match with Ford, so she decided to laugh at his comment. "Yes, I believe we still remember the rules. And those brownies contain so much sugar, it would only do us good to have them get to our heads. Right Lil?"
Lily gave Ford an odd look. "Yes, we are sugared up and ready to rock. Let's get this going then."
Hilary felt her stomach grumble, she kind of wished she had taken a brownie break but no such luck. Instead she just focused on the game that was about to start.
((Uhm, I'm not real sure what to do with this thread now. I started it as Kaela had just gotten her new broom and bat, intending it to be done before the game. Now that the game is done and over with, it doesn't make much sense anymore... :unsure: ))
(((We can do whatever you would like. I am flexible and not offended one way or another. If you want we can just pretend it is over and be done or we can keep posting as if this is still before the game. I can go either way.)))
((I'd really like to just end it. We can still say it happened, make up the events, whatever. I just don't want to drag it out any longer.))

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