Need to rp

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
I'm in a bit of a rut with this character, but I really like her and don't want to give up on her :ummmm: ! So, I am looking for Irene to have more friends, and I am especially looking for a love interest for her. Oh, and enemies are fine too.
Irene is 22 and works for the Ministry and owns the Dinette in the mall. She is pretty nice and easy to get along with, though she does have some blood prejudice. She was raised to think muggles were below her, and although she is trying to be more open-minded now that she is estranged from her dad, it is still difficult for her to not think that way. She graduated from Durmstrang, but was not very popular there...oh and her brother's a death eater, but she has no idea.

If you're interested, let me know!
Valen would love to be her friend. Basically, she'd be nice to her because she thinks she's pretty, so yeah, they'd become friends for a shallow reason, on Valens part anyhow, but she's a fantastic friend once you get close to her. Thing is, Valen would be a very bad influence. She's pretty b*tchy and starting to become somewhat evil, but she's still got some good left in her......somewhere :)

Let me know what ya think! If you want nicer friends I understand.
I have morgan who could be her friend. she owns the inner eye also in the mall. i am also in a little of a rut with her.
Valen: I think that would be great!! Irene needs more friends, and it would be fun to have her bad side come out. It's definitely in there somewhere, though she hasn't had reason to bring it out lately. Maybe that's why she's in such a rut :p
Do you want me to start or thread or do you?

Elvera: That would be cool too. I also have Cyndi so I'll leave it to you which one you'd rather be friends with. Irene is a bit closer to Morgan's age, but Cyndi and Morgan may have more in common. Is there one you'd rather rp with? I'm good either way ;)
sorry i didn't know you were Cyndi i think that Cyndi would be a better match, so we should try her first but then if that dont work then try Irene.
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