National Friendship Day

Lily Cliffeton

flourish and blotts owner | mother
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Curly 9 1/2" Sturdy Larch Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
1/2012 (47)
I didn't really know where to post this, but here seems like a pretty good idea.


Back in January my friends and I decided that since there was a day for mothers, father, boyfriends/girlfriends that people had left out one important group of people. Friends. Friends are awesome. They help you through thick and thin.

So on the 31st of August Every year, we thought that we should make it National Friendship Day. It's a day to say thank you to your friends because without them, we wouldn't really be that far.

So, While for most parts it isn't the 31st yet, ((But I have like two minutes to post this before the internet gets switched off))

Happy Friendship day!!

You guys are all awesome! And such cool and brilliant friends!

I completely agree! Go best friends, and all the sleepovers we have. <3
Tony Alraur said:
*hits Nick over the head with a table*

wub j00000000000! :wub:

.... =))

Tony, you're awesome XD
International Friendship Day dates back to the U.S in 1935 - so your idea is a good one and has been shared by so many people in the past that it already exists. :r
It's actually celebrated the firs Sunday of every August. So this year it was on August 2nd. :)
Wikipedia said:
In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie the Pooh as the world's Ambassador of Friendship.
Amazingness. ^_^

At any rate. :hug: Tony for the violence! :D

We figured that there was already one, but we just made our own anyway. We'll remember a day we picked better than any other.

At least we got the right month. lol :D

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