Closed My Winless Fight

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Set right after the start of year feast

The start of year feast had been fine, it hadn't been bad at all. Still, Isadora felt antsy and frustrated. She had enjoyed talking to her classmates again, but it felt different and she was mad about it. She had also noticed Cameron looking at her from the Slytherin table, which frustrated her even more. He had acted like he didn't care last time, but now he was watching her? He hadn't even written her once, and now he was being weird. A small part Isadora wondered if he was mad she was back. Maybe he had liked it better when she was gone. She knew deep down that wasn't true, but the thought still pissed her off. So when she left the entrance hall and spotted the stupid back of his stupid head a bit ahead of her, she called out. "Hey, Cameron!" She practically shouted. "What's your problem?"

OOCOut of Character:
This fight is set in a pretty public place, if your character wants to join after a few replies, please PM! Characters that know these two are preferred.
Cameron knew part of this whole prefect thing included him herding the first years to the common room but maybe he could get away with just standing by the stairs and waving them down without actually having to talk to anyone.

That hope was quickly dash by Isadora's voice and Cameron immediately flinched, shoulders bunching around his ears as he swung to look at her. "If anyone's got a problem, it sounds like it's you," he shot back defensively. He'd barely said a word to Isadora since she'd come back, the only good thing arguably bout the new prefect badge keeping him busy, so he didn't know what she was so bent out of shape about now.
Isadora took a few steps closer to Cameron, suddenly hating the way he stood like she had slapped him. She hadn't. But he had hurt her. She didn't understand why. "Yeah I do have a problem, with you." He she said, her voice still carrying. "I guess there's nothing like going to a different school than realizing who your real friends are. Margo actually wrote me." She said as she stopped in front of him, crossing her arms. "And she hasn't avoided me since I got back either." She added angrily.
Cameron crossed his arms, rolling his eyes as Isadora got in his face. "I get it, you're back, big whoop, I'm glad you're here," he said shortly, aware the second the words left his mouth he'd completely missed the mark on sincere and come out hostile instead. This was stupid, what was she even yelling at him for, he'd let it go that she'd just abandoned him and now he was the one getting yelled at? "You left. I think if anyone gets to be mad about that it's the ones who got dumped without so much as a goodbye! And you didn't write me either so. There," he added hotly, annoyed he couldn't cross his arms a second time to add to his point. "Yeah well I bet she didn't ask you to help her with brother and stuff either. Because, oh yeah, you weren't here to help!"
Isadora felt her face flush in anger when Cameron spoke. She had still hoped he was happy she was here but just awkward, but he sounded angry. Her eyes widened as he went on. She threw up her hands. "I didn't leave. I was dragged away! Cameron, do you seriously think I chose not to say goodbye? I told you my parents forced me. They didn't exactly give me details, okay? They just told me it was happening and then one day woke me up, my luggage packed, and shipped me off. Oh, that was after refusing to let me leave the house." She spat at him angrily. The memory hurt to think about, but Isadora was too angry to let tears even try to fall. "Sure! Blame me, the person shipped off to a strange country where it's f*cking freezing all the time and I didn't know anyone for not writing. I was waiting for you! For any sign that you even missed me!" She said, hands balling into fists. Isadora winced when Cameron talked about Margo. About her brother? She had no idea what he was talking about and it hurt her more than him yelling. "What?" She asked, her voice quieter now, clearly confused.
Cameron scoffed as Isadora made excuses. How was he supposed to know that, it wasn't like she'd bothered to tell them. Or do anything about it. "Bet you just didn't try hard enough," he said sourly, hunching more as Isadora kept yelling at him. Only one of them here had been the friend who'd left. "Well excuse me for not spending every waking moment thinking about after you left us without bothering to do anything about it," he shot back, looking away as his chest tightened, breathing coming out sharp. "Sorry to break it to you we didn't spend the entire year just pining away about you, we actually had our sh*t to deal with," he said, flinging an arm out as if to gesture to it all.

The bit about Margo had clearly hit home and Cameron couldn't help but sneer triumphantly. "See, exactly. You're so worried about everyone thinking about poor Isadora, maybe we had our own stuff going on, aye. Did you ever even ask? Or did you just expect us to sit in a box waiting till you got it together enough to come back?" He asked, voice raising loudly to counter Isadora's shrinking tone.
Isadora had hoped that explaining the situation would make Cameron see things more her way. She had been absolutely murderous when her parents hadn't let her out of the house, but they hadn't let her go. She hadn't even had her wand, and if she did, she wouldn't have been able to do magic undetected anyway. Hearing Cameron say she just didn't try hard enough hurt her. But it hurt even more when he said they didn't spend the entire year pining away after her. She stared at him in shock, tears welling in her eyes. "Well, if you need to know, I did spend the entire year pining away about you. And Margo. I missed you, but I guess I forgot what a colossal jerk you were." She snapped at him. "I know you had stuff to deal with, but you could've written me a single letter asking me how I was doing! And now that I'm back you're just mad I had to leave. I didn't want to go! Can you get that through your thick skull?" She asked, practically shouting again. This time, she couldn't hold the tears in. She felt them trail down her cheeks. She wiped at them angrily.

It confused her that she had no idea what Cameron meant when he spoke about Margo. It pissed her off too. She hadn't known anything, but that wasn't her fault. "I asked how she was." She said feebly. "I'll talk to her about it and she'll explain." She grit her teeth. "Don't worry Cameron, I won't have any expectations about you again." She said quietly, looking at him with all the hurt and betrayal she felt. She wanted to hit him. Instead, she tried to hurt him with her words. "Though I doubt you had anything to deal with besides being a bitter loser." She added in an angry hiss. "Just standing on the sidelines being angry at everyone and everything. It's sad."
Cameron scoffed again, eyes burning and set firmly on the stone floor at their feet; anywhere except looking Isadora in the eye right now. Why did girls always cry around him. "Well that's just pathetic," he said without any real bite, at least until Isadora started insulting him again. "I was over it, oh great you're back who cares we're back to normal now but you were the one who had to go and make a big deal out of it and now you're yelling at me like I'm the one with a problem?! I told you you just want to make everything about you and you can't handle it that maybe we spent a year without you lording over us and survived just fine," he snapped, sympathy for Isadora's tears immediately lost.

He swallowed hard the more Isadora talked. It wasn't a surprise that she or Margo thought about him like that, but it stung to hear her say it. He'd hoped she out of everyone would get how he felt, but apparently they'd lost more than just time while she'd been away and he could only curl his lip at her in a nasty sneer in response. "At least I didn't have to deal with you telling us what to do all year," he snapped back, eyes searching for an exit, or maybe one of the Gryffindor prefects. What was the point of being a prefect if he couldn't give Isadora detention so she'd just leave him alone.
Isadora winced when Cameron said it wasn't a big deal that she was back. Wasn't it? To her it was. But maybe it didn't matter to everyone else. Maybe Cameron really hadn't missed her. Maybe... maybe she had been wrong. She had nothing to say to it, nothing to defend herself. She wiped at her eyes again. "Fine. I get it. You didn't care I left. Or that I came back." She said bitterly, feeling just as angry as before but aware that more yelling wasn't going to do anything. She mostly just wanted to sob, and she wanted Margo. But she wasn't going to let Cameron see more of her tears. "Thanks for letting me know you weren't really my friend." She added, her voice hollow.

She was almost glad she at least seemed to get to him with her words about him just being angry all the time. She wanted him to be hurt. "You'll never have to deal with me again." She said angrily as she moved closer. Almost without thinking about it, she shoved him, hard. It felt good. "Have fun being alone." She hissed at him.
Cameron opened his mouth, whether to angrily dispute Isadora or confirm it, but found he couldn't find the words, like they'd both tried to jump out at once and gotten stuck. Instead, he closed his mouth quickly, teeth nearly clacking together, mouth a grim line, looking back pointedly at the ground. If that was how Isadora felt, then fine. He'd survived a year without her. He could survive another one again.

Stomach feeling like a pit, Cameron wasn't ready when Isadora shoved him, stumbling as he fumbled to get his hands out from where he'd shoved them in his pockets as he tried to keep his balance. It felt like one last insult to injury and Cameron hoped Isadora would do him a favour and just disappear again. "Yeah. Well. F*ck you," he said petulantly, working his jaw furiously. He didn't know if he wanted to lash out or curl into a ball and disappear, both options warring in his chest. "Being alone sounds perfect right now if it means not dealing with you," he hissed back, wanting to run but unwilling to be the first to turn away until Isadora had.
Isadora didn't think she could be more upset about this, but then Cameron just stared at her quietly instead of refuting anything she said. She kind of regretted shoving him, but at the same time she kind of wished he had fallen and had been hurt. "Well f*ck you too!" She responded as she stepped back. She had nothing else to say to him. Angry, hurt, and upset. Isadora turned on her heel and stormed off.

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