My sister dragged me here!

OOC First Name
Willow Wand 13 1/4" Essence of Acromantula Venom
Hello my name is Samantha, and as my topic title states, my sister dragged me here. I love Harry Potter and read the books multiple times, but sadly I have not a clue about role playing sites. My older sister Jessye has told me all about this site for the past two years and have never been interested up until now. So, hello! :)
Welcome to the board, Samantha! :)
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I hope that you enjoy your stay here. ^_^
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me (but bug your sister first ;) ).
As already said, you know me.
You swam with me.
Now you can even RP with me. So awesome, right? :r

Anyways, here is the Site Docs and they are very handy to look over. Awesome that a sibling of Jessye's finally comes around, cause you are a lot more awesome than my brother. xD

Again, welcome!
~ Sir Kaitlyn
Well thanks guys. Except for jessye. I am NOT your baby sister!
More Samantha's. xD

Hey there! Welcome to HNZ. I'm Zach, Zach-attack, Zachie. Whatever you want to call me. xD

Enjoy your time here. ^_^

~ Zach
Hey your sister knows me in RL :p It's cool to know so many people from our area are on any ways, I'm Brittany, but everyone calls me Annie. I hope you have a good time here, hope to see you around the site. :)
Hey Samantha :hug:

Welcome to HNZ, I'm one of the GMs here! I hope you enjoy your time on the site and bug Jessye lots and lots because with my experience it's lots of fun :r

Anywho, see you around,
- Pattycakes :hug:
Welcome, welcome. If you decide to bug someone else feel free to bug me. I don't mind and truthfully I am pretty much unbuggable in less your name happens to be Nick :glare:
Welcome to the site Samantha!
I'm Cyndi, the other admin. I hope you enjoy it here :)
Thank you for all the warm welcome's everyone!

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