Music among the flowers.

Zazuka shook her head again. "No I want to do well by my house and get good scores on all my exsams." She said thinking of what the Ravenclaw patch on her robes ment.
Harri thought that Zuka had maybe taken what she had said the wrong way "All I meant is that you shouldn't put too much pressure on yourself, you don't want to get too stressed about them!"
Zazuka sighed, it was her words that had gotten mistaken or so she thought. "I said that wronge. I mean its really the only way I an study. My brane works in such a way that I can't consetrat on one thing at any one time so I tend to do two so I can stay foucused." She explained. "I'm really not stressed out about them at all."
Harri sighed "I wish I could do that. I loose concentration in a matter of seconds when it comes to revising." Although she had studied she always worried that what she done wasn't enough, especially when she was so easily distracted all the time.

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