Music among the flowers.

"Oh great!" Harri said glad they would be able to get something for a good price. "Me look great?!?" Harri said "I think thats practically impossible, I only ever look alright or ok!" She said laughing, "But you'll look fantastic in that dress you described!" she siad
Zazuka made a dramatic hand gesture. "Hush, there is no such thing as a girl that can't look great." She said confedently. Zazuka didn't know what had gotten into her. Maybe it was Harri's energy that was making her feel great.
"Thanks!" Harri said beaming with a smile that seemed to scream how much energy she suddenly seemed to be filled with. "I'm so glad your coming to the ball now!" Harri said although she hadn't really known her that long she already felt that they were firm friends.
Zauzka was glad she could still giggle like a normal girl even though she a bit more diffrent than most. "Well the resons for not going are just as good as the reson for going so why not take the former." Zazuka said brightly. "And don't worry it will be an absolutly awsome trip."
"Thats a great way of thinking!" Harri said beaming at the optimism Zazuka showed. "Yeah I think the trip will be great!" she said still smiling. "So where are you from then?" she asked keen to know more about her.
Zazuka's good mood seemed to go out like a candal. "A small town called Willow's Rain." Was all she said looking down. Thinking about the place seemed to be getting more painful for her not easyer.
Harri smile vanished as Zazuka's smile turned upside down. "Sorry we won't talk about it anymore if you don't want too." Harri said, she kicked herself at the prospect of bringing back bad memories to her.
"It's ok you didn't know. Anyway where are you from?" Zazuka said trying to bring back some of her cheer back inot her voice and eyes. It would take a little bit to bring the smile back.
"Oh I'm from London I'm muggle born so no magical towns for me!" She said and smiled.
Zazuka laughed into her hand. "I'm muggle born too so done's worry about that one." She said brightly. "London what's that place like?" She asked encuragnly.
"Londons great for shopping most of the people are great but some aren't!"Harri said laughing "There's the posh people who like hate everyone! Then there the like poorer people who think there better then you and then theres me, normal sort with abnormal qualities like.... MAGIC!" she said and laughed.
Zazuka giggled. "Yes well that is a abnormal ablitly then again we are in a school for it so it can't be that uncommon." She said then sighed. "I want to treavl after I leave Hogwarts, what do you want to do?" She asked hoping to get a unbelieveable answer.
"Well too be honest I have no idea!" She said and sighed, "I have absoloutly no idea about being an adult in the wizarding world, but in the muggle world I always wanted to do something amazing! Not quite sure what but.. oh well!" Harri said "Not very interesting I no!" Harri laughed.
Zauzka shook her head. "I'm sure you'll do something amasing either way. Hey what kind of music do you like? I was singing something I liked before you got here but I want to know." She praticly babbled on.
"Well mostly I like indie kinda pop music!" Harri said asuming that Zazuka knew what this was as she was from the muggle world "How about you?" she asked.
Zazuka thought about then smiled. "Whatever gets me singing like I have a passion for a band called Nightwish but it's counteracted by the obession I have with curten 'No Doubt' songs but really couldn't label eather og them." She said moving her head a little as she explained. She knew she sounded wierd now.
"Oh cool!" Harri said, she loved all kinds of music "I absoloutly love music I can't imagine life without it!" She said and felt like she had realeased a buble of energy with it.
Zazuka tilted her ehad. "Oh really! Neather can I without music I couldn't do this,

Mine is the Earth and the sword in the stone
Mine is the throne for the idol
One fleeting moment and it is all gone
Crownless again
Will I fall?"
She sang in her opera-esc voice. Zazuka always tryed to imetate the lead singer from the group.
"Wow you have an amazing voice!" Harri said after Zuka had finished singing. "Do you sing alot?" she asked.
Zazuka shook her head. "Only when I'm alone or really into the music I'm listening to. And when the inperation strikes me like just now." She said a bit of a joke in her voice.
"You really should sing more often!" Harri said truthfully "Ever thought about lessons or anything?" she asked
Zazuka laughed. "I probobly wouldn't do any good anyway. I just like to emetate that singer because her voice is really beautiful." She said with a sigh.
"Yes you would you have an amazing voice! And if you can immitate someon with a good voice it must mean you have a good voice!" Harri said laughing. "So exams soon, done much preperation?" She asked.
Zazuka nodded with a sigh. "I'm usually looking over two sets of notes at a time I'm studying so hard." She said looking up at the sky.
"Gosh really!" Harri said she had done hardly any preperation "Maybe you should take it a bit easier.

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