Closed Moving Forward With You

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
It had been two days since Onyx had proposed to Jamie. He'd slept early that first night, absolutely worn out. Jamie had left early the next morning for a practice that had lasted most of the day, but they had been up fairly late last night. There hadn't been much talking, but he didn't mind so much. Onyx woke up early the next morning, the sun was just starting to peek in the windows. Onyx groaned and sat up. He yawned, stretching a moment before pulling the blankets back up from where they'd tangled around his waist. He wasn't ready to get up yet, even though he knew Jamie had another practice soon. He pouted as he realized Jamie had rolled over during the night. That just wouldn't do. Onyx crawled over his lover, wiggling back up under the frenchmans arm and sighing softly. He cuddled into Jamie and purred, feeling warmer and completely content now that he was where he was supposed to be.
Jamie had never imagined that his life would take the this turn. He had thought he and Onyx would politely and slowly date for a period of time before they moved in, and then maybe got engaged. But they’d jumped a couple of steps, and really Jamie was pretty content with it. He loved Onyx deeply and in the few days from that it had just been pretty magical. He stirred in sleep, as he felt someone crawl into his arms and it was enough that his eyes opened slightly. Onyx was there, content in his arms, and very sleepily Jamie leaned in and kissed his head. ”Morning baby,” his voice was gravelly, heavily ladened with sleep. His eyes were struggling to open fully but he was trying his best, wanting to be awake and paying attention to his finacee.
Onyx smiled as Jamie kissed him, nuzzling in closer. He had one hand tucked between them, resting comfortably on Jamie's chest, but he draped the other arm over Jamie's side and hooked a leg through Jamie's. "Noo," he whined softly, pressing closer. "Sleep. You have practice if we wake up," Onyx complained lightly, trying to burrow against Jamie. "Stay," he pleaded half-heartedly, feeling very warm and content.
Jamie smiled softly, giving a little laugh. ”Not immediately, I don’t need to go just yet,” he told him sleepily. He would need to leave the bed at some point, he did have practice and with a game upcoming he couldn’t be the one not taking part or working hard. ”I would much rather stay here forever with you,” he added sighing contently. He wished that this had happened when he’d been able to get more time off, but he hadn’t. So, he needed to just grin and bear it.
Onyx hummed softly, not bothered to move despite the temptation to shift up and kiss Jamie. He purred quietly, absolutely comfortable and not ready to wake up. In his sleepy stupor, Onyx found the few thoughts that crossed his mind, crossed his lips. "Mn, mon chiot?" Onyx yawned, shifting slightly to run his nose up Jamie's neck lightly. "If we're getting married does that mean I can be a Derouin too?" He gave a silly smile, sighing softly. "I like that. Onyx Derouin," he giggled sleepily, burrowing impossibly closer. "I'm really happy you want to keep me," he commented gently, pressing a lazy kiss to Jamie's shoulder.
Jamie hummed sleepily as he continued to slowly wake up, wanting Onyx to go ahead with what he wanted to say. He thought it was both funny but sweet that Onyx seemed to have no hesitation in taking his name. ”I like that too, Mr Derouin,” he joked lightly, but it felt so oddly nice to say. He wouldn’t minded if Onyx wanted Jamie to take his name, but he had to admit he enjoyed the prospect of Onyx being a Derouin. ”I’m really happy you want to keep me too,” Jamie agreed tightening his hold on him and pressing light kisses to the top of his head. ”I will never get bored of waking up to you,” he spoke softly, ”Even if I have to then quickly get up to go to work,”
Onyx giggled softly, pressing gentle kisses over all the skin he could reach. "Well, maybe," he murmured, running his nose lightly up Jamie's neck. "After your next game we can take a little vacation, run off somewhere that's just you and me," he offered, shifting so he was a little more above Jamie and peppering kisses over his face. "I'll make you all of the best food, rub your back every night, live in your lap and just smother you with kisses," He laughed lightly, unsure if he was promising nice things or just threatening Jamie with a clingy boyfriend fiancé.
Jamie smiled and nodded, ”Yes! Very much so, somewhere warm with spa’s and plenty of relaxation areas and good restaurants where I can treat my baby,” he agreed, thinking that a vacation with him would be great fun. It would be nice and good. Though just being at home with Onyx and having him be around like he was saying would be good too. ”That sounds like heaven,” he agreed giving him another kiss. He loved Onyx and this life with all his heart. He then sighed and groaned. ”I’ve got to get up baby,” he moaned unhappily. Beginning to stretch and start the motions to get himself up and out of bed. ”You don’t need to get up though baby, you stay in bed, stay cozy and warm” He hadn’t moved too much and was slowly getting himself into a sitting position. He would need to shower first and then get something to eat before heading out.
Onyx giggled, kissing Jamie happily and playing idly with his hair. He smiled brightly, giggling again as Jamie talked about the vacation. "Or maybe we could get a little cabin out in the woods, with snow everywhere. Wear big sweaters, drink hot chocolate, cuddle by a log fire and keep each other warm with no one around for miles but you and me," he offered, trying to curl up closer to Jamie.

He whined loudly when the man said he had to get up. "Noo, babyyyy," he whined again, sitting up behind Jamie and pressing against his back. He laid his arms over Jamie's shoulders and peppered kisses over the man's neck. "I don't wanna if you aren't in bed," he pouted, squeezing Jamie. "Can I shower with you or should I just make breakfast?" He asked, knowing the shower would take longer than necessary if they both went.
Jamie gave a little laugh, he wouldn’t mind where they went so long as Onyx was there and they got to relax. He appreciated too that Onyx leaned into him as he began getting up. ”I think that’ll make me more late,” he joked, ”But if you wanna make breakfast, I won’t say no,” he told him. He knew that it was tempting but he did have to go to work. He couldn’t really be that late, but a breakfast was a must. He turned slightly and kissed Onyx before finally getting up, he stretched as he made his way to the shower. This day had to get started at some point.
Onyx pouted as Jamie declined a shared shower. He knew it was probably the smarter idea but it was hardly the fun one. He sighed, falling dramatically onto the bed as Jamie got out of it and watched his love leave the room. Onyx whined lightly when he was alone, before forcing himself out of bed. He threw on his undershorts and one of Jamie's shirts before shuffling out and tossing together a light fruit shake for Jamie's breakfast, thinking it was fast and had enough proteins to keep his lover going for a while. He spent a little more time making Jamie a lunch to take with him. It had been hard at first, trying to figure out what was best to feed Jamie with his intense practices, but Onyx thought he had a system down that both worked well and pleased his love.

Breakfast, of course, went all too quickly, and Onyx was loathe to say goodbye. He caught Jamie, nuzzling into his neck and pressing close. He whined openly, not wanting to let go at all. "Be safe, come back home to me in one piece," He whispered, hugging Jamie tightly and cuddling impossibly closer. "I love you so much, Jamie," He added gently, shifting to press a lingering kiss to Jamie's lips. He was still half reaching for Jamie as he stepped away, reluctance clear in his eyes.

When he was alone again, Onyx let out a heavy sigh. He had a few things to do today anyway. Leaving a note just in case he ran late, he returned to his own apartment. He'd fed Jamie, but hadn't felt particularly hungry himself. His usual morning routine was simple- feed the fish, check the mail, clean the apartment. He was finished within the hour and found himself wondering back to the spare room he used to keep all of his musical equipment. Onyx had been humming an insistent tune for days, and he'd had enough.

He quickly set to work, playing, writing, composing. Time escaped him as he worked. He wrote, rewrote, recorded, deleted, spent hours upon hours building and tuning and composing a complex melody that had been reverberating in his head. He didn't hear his door open, or notice how low the sun had gotten. He sat perched on the top of his desk, still in Jamie's shirt and his shorts, one leg up for support. The guitar, piano, and drums were all charmed to play along with the melodies he'd written into them, giving him the best acoustic sound as he composed. His violin was trapped between his chin and his shoulder, eyes shut as he was lost in the melodies. He hadn't told anyone yet of his newest instrument, but that hardly bothered him as the sweet refrain filled the room and drifted through his apartment, breathing life into the melodies that had haunted him.
Jamie had reluctantly gone to work, a pity that this had all happened right when another game was to, where he really couldn’t give up more time for his beau. But he’d worked hard knowing what awaited him when he got home. So when he walked in and realised that Onyx wasn’t there he frowned. Of course then he found the note and knew at least where he was. He decided it would be good to just shower, dress and then go to him. They should decide what to do with their places. How best to combine their lives. He dressed and then apparated to Onyx’s apartment. He knocked on the door and then stepped inside. Finding Onyx in the throws of a song, that sounded simply beautiful and was mostly unwilling to interrupt. It was only when he heard enough of a lull that he clear his throat, ”Baby?” he said hoping to get his attention without startling him too much.
Onyx was drawn from himself when he heard a familiar voice. His eyes lit up and he hopped off the desk, the music fading away, and rushed out front. His entire face lit up when he saw the man in the door. "Jamie!" he giggled, rushing forward and kissing his love eagerly. "What are you doing here, what time is it?" Onyx stepped back, his brow furrowing. Before Jamie could answer, Onyx's stomach growled loudly.

Onyx blushed, stepping back. It was then he realized he was still a mess; still in his shorts and Jamie's shirt, his hair a mess. He swallowed nervously. "I-i- um... I was composing, I just... fed the fish and... there was just music in my head, um..." He glanced out the window and did some quick math in his head for the time difference. "It's dinner time, isn't it?" He winced. "That means I haven't eaten today," he murmured, sighing and looking up to Jamie bashfully.

"I'm sorry, I... I lost the entire day, I haven't made dinner. Let me go find pants and a hairbrush, and then I can throw some food together," He went to turn and wander away, his mind already running through what he had in his fridge.
Jamie smiled softly at his fiance and smiled at his words. ”Oh baby, let’s go out for dinner,” he told him. He didn’t expect Onyx to make dinner, he didn’t mind. ”We can maybe talk about moving in together properly. Getting a place together,” Jamie gave him a little smile, hoping that he would bring all of this to where they lived together, he knew he would always enjoy the days when he would walk into his home to the sound of music. ”I know a little corner restaurant, it’s be quiet and lovely,” he told him. ”What do you say baby?”
Onyx paused as Jamie spoke, turning back to look at him. He could feel himself blush, and he nodded easily. "Okay, yeah, a date sounds nice. Give me a few minutes to get ready," he asked, wandering back for a long kiss before giggling and walking back to his room.

It took him a minute to get ready, he wanted to look nice. He settled on a shorter black skirt with a small slit in the side, dark almost see through leggings that fell just above his knee, short black boots, and a dark gray off the shoulder top. He spent a moment on his hair, fluffing it out and tucking a small blue ribbon just above and behind his ear, and refreshing his eyeliner. Since they were eating he only did his eyes, a soft brown eyeshadow to make them pop and a hint of mascara. He stepped back, and pleased with his appearance, he wandered back out front. "Sorry it took me a minute, mon chiot, but I'm ready to go. " He announced, smiling brightly.
Jamie nodded and smiled, taking the opportunity of Onyx getting ready to explore his apartment more. He looked at the sheet music but it might as well have been in an alien language to him. He didn’t mind waiting and took the chance to magic a note to the owner of the restaurant to make sure he had a table for them. Jamie knew all the good magical and muggle corners of this place. He’d live there long enough that he of course knew it. He didn’t mind waiting for Onyx either knowing that his appearance was important to him even if Jamie would never mind it. He smiled when Onyx reappeared and easily put his arm around him. ”Beautiful,” he said as he kissed the man’s cheek. He guided them out of the apartment and then down the streets towards the restaurant.

Jamie smiled as they approached and he opened the door for Onyx to go in before him but was quick to follow and after a short discussion with the maitre de, they were guided to a table. Jamie made sure he was the one to pull out Onyx’s chair and then sat down in front of him. The place was nice, tastefully decorated, definite old french feel. Very warm and cosy. It wasn’t too busy but not too empty. Jamie was smiling at Onyx fondly, ”Be sure to get whatever you want, dinner’s on me,” he assured him, ”But I’ll get us some wine to start?”
Onyx giggled softly as Jamie kissed his cheek, reaching for the mans hand and following him out to the restaurant. It was adorable, small and homey. He giggled softly as Jamie pulled out his seat. He settled down, smiling warmly and giggling again as Jamie sat. Onyx smiled warmly, resting his chin on his hand and reaching the other across the table, laying it down palm up in a silent offering. "Wine sounds good. Something red."

His stomach rumbled and he gave Jamie an apologetic smile. "Sorry," he peeked at the menu, ordering something hearty in his now fluent but accented French. Once their orders were placed, he sighed warmly and settled into his seat more, picking up his wine. This was probably the first time he and Jamie had really sat down to talk since Onyx had proposed. He smiled shyly, cradling his glass. "Hi," he greeted softly, unsure where to start. "How are you?" he asked brushing his bangs without actually moving them back.
Jamie nodded, of course red. He spotted something good on the wine menu and ordered it in rapid french. He was the first to taste it and then once he’d approved it, both glasses were filled. The man then picked what he wanted and ordered. He lifted his glass and held it to Onyx so they could lightly toast before drinking. He gave a little smile. ”Hi,” he replied, ”I’m perfect, I just came home from a job I love to the man I love,” he told him, reaching a hand out to Onyx. ”How are you?” he said. He did think they should take this time to talk about the future their next steps but he was sure that would come easily in a few moments.
Onyx blushed deeply, unable to help but giggle softly. He lowered his eyes, reaching out gently to slip his hand in Jamie's. "I'm nervous," he admitted, sipping his wine and keeping his eyes on their fingers. "I, ah... got a bit carried away, huh?" he laughed nervously, and let out a shaky sigh. He bit his lip, running his thumb over the back of Jamie's hand. "Uncle James always says I care too much, too soon,"

Onyx smiled, swallowing loudly. "It was right away, you know." he peeked up at Jamie before looking back down just as quickly. "At least, once I was sober." He took a slow breath. "You opened the door, and said my name, and I just... I knew," he pulled his hand back, falling back in his chair a bit and staring at his wine instead. "I tried to ignore it. Fight it. Pretend I didn't." He let out a shaky laugh, looking away to stare at the wall, his hair falling to hide his face. "I'm... still scared, really. I know... I know how I am. I know I'm too much." he sighed, folding his hands tightly in his lap.
Jamie gave a little smile and then it faltered somewhat, moving to be a little more sympathetic. He shook his head. He knew some of those fears would be difficult to overcome. They’d sort of skipped over several steps and hadn’t yet had time to work on those things but Jamie just gave a little smile. ”My parents have always told me I care too much, too soon, too specifically,” he didn’t have that much experience having not found anyone since his last relationship than Onyx but it was true of other areas. And he just smiled. ”I do not believe you are too much, I do not believe there is any amount of you that will ever be too much for me,” he said, with a little smile. ”I love you, so much Onyx, there is nothing you could present to me that I wouldn’t want to face for you, alongside you, with you,”
Onyx peeked up through his hair, his breath catching as Jamie spoke. He slowly tilted his face back up, eyes wide and his cheeks red. He let out a dreamy sigh, scooting closer again. He propped his chin in one hand, offering out his other hand to be held. He smiled warmly, purring softly for a few moments as he stared at his Jamie. "Mm... I love you, too, mon chiot," he replied easily. It was odd how little Jamie had to reassure him, how easily and completely Onyx trusted him.

Everything just felt safe, and warm, and right, and Onyx stopped trying to think of the right things to say and just let himself be. "I want to move in, if that's okay. I don't know where I'd put my fish..." He pouted a little. "I might have to keep my flat, just leave my things there and go over when you're at practice," he mused, trying to piece his thoughts together. "I just... miss you, a lot, I don't like sleeping without you but I've been afraid it would be too clingy of me to just ask to stay in your bed every night," he admitted with a light laugh.

Without thinking to stop, Onyx continued on, lightly rambling and staring at nothing in particular. "Maybe we could get a house somewhere. Something to grow into." He flipped his lip ring idly. "I like the idea of having a little family, you and me and a couple of kids. Not right now, of course, but later on. I don't think we need to worry about an accidental pregnancy," He laughed lightly. "But someday I'd like to adopt or have a surrogate or something, have a few little babies of our own." He sighed softly, a dreamy look in his eyes.

"To be honest, I've been thinking of going to a university or something, once I'm sure things have really settled in my head. The performing job is fun and all, I like the experience I'm getting, but I'm actually not a center stage kind of guy. I want to write music, be a composer maybe. I want to know more. I just keep picking up instruments," he smiled softly, turning his eyes back to Jamie.

"I was waiting to tell you, but I've been learning the violin. I think I'm getting okay at it," He chuckled, before shaking his head and clearing his throat. "Sorry, I went on a bit there, huh?" He laughed nervously, biting his lip and looking to Jamie to see what he was thinking.
Jamie smiled at him and listened as he began talking though a few points. He thought it funny that at least a few of those thing were all things he had thought about. He had thought they should move in together, perhaps initially to his place but for them to then find a place together would be better. He thought it a little funny that Onyx might be worried about being clingy over them sleeping in his bed every night, if only because they were due to get married and he wanted to spend every or as many nights as possible with his love. Some kids would be nice, down the line a little, he wasn’t so fussed about whether they were surrogate or adopted but he’d like a baby first and then maybe an older child or two if adoption. He hadn’t thought about university but if that was what Onyx wanted to do then why wouldn’t he support it. When he was finished and even acknowledged that he’d said a lot at once Jamie just gave a little smile. ”Baby,” he spoke softly.

”I agree that we should move in together, I think we should get a place together and not just have you move into my place and call it ours. Maybe we could move out of Marseille and into one of the neighbouring seaside towns? If you'd be happy to stay in France?” he said. He’d call up a realtor as soon as he could. ”You also never be too clingy with wanting to sleep int he same bed every night, after all, we’re going to get married, that sort of means that’ll always happen, and I sleep better with you there. I’d love to have kids some day, a couple, not too many.” he said, and then gave a little sigh and smiled. ”Baby, us getting married, us deciding to have a family doesn’t mean you have to put any dreams or desires on hold. If you want to go to university to study composing or music then you do that, we’ll figure our lives around it. If there’s anything you think you need to do with your life, I would always much rather you tell me and we figure out how to make it work that you never bring it up and feel regret,” He wanted Onyx to know that he’d never stand in the way of what he wanted, that they’d always be able to work together to figure something out. He would rather Onyx feel fulfilled than bored, regretful and unhappy.
Onyx had to admit he hadn't been sure what sort of reaction he had been expecting to receive. But the answers he was given absolutely stunned him. Jamie seemed so... so calm, so collected. Onyx was speechless for a moment, before snapping back into reality. He stood abruptly, not saying a word as he picked up his chair and moved it so he was sitting beside Jamie instead of across from him. Onyx settled back in his seat, picking up Jamie's arm and curling around it. Once his head was snuggled against Jamie's elbow, Onyx slowly started addressing the points again.

He ran his fingers down, playing idly with Jamie's and shutting his eyes as he spoke. "I've been planning to move to France for a while, mon chiot, but I was afraid of asking to move in and I was afraid of asking you to move into a new home with me," He admitted gently, pressing a kiss to Jamie's skin. "Ever since the time I stayed with you while we were sick, my bed has always just felt too empty, too big," he sighed, nuzzling closer. "I've been worried you would change your mind, not want me, and if I pushed to spend even a little more time with you then you would shut me out," His grip tigthened a little as he admitted his feelings.

"I always liked the idea of four. Not four kids, but like, a family of four, you know? Like you and me and two little ones," He hesitated, stilling a moment. "Like we were supposed to be. Me and my sister and our parents." He sighed, rubbing his nose gently in Jamie's elbow. "It was always so lonely with just me and uncle James. I love him, and I love my family, but I always wonder if things would have been different," he squeezed Jamie's hand lightly.

Of everything Jamie had said, the last bit was what had surprised him the most. Onyx was used to giving. He peeked up at Jamie, uncertainty in his eyes. Onyx had always given. He'd learned French, planned to move countries, planned to find a way to make Jamie's home his own. He hadn't expected Jamie to return his efforts in any way. "I... are you sure?" he asked, surprise clear in his voice. "I don't... no one has ever..." he was at a loss for words, and he looked away, struggling to piece together what he was feeling in a way that Jamie could understand.
Jamie smiled softly as he watched Onyx get up and move to sit next to him. The restaurants tables moved to allow this to happen so his food would still be in front of him. Jamie just put his arm around Onyx and brought him in closer as Onyx replied. He wouldn’t mind moving away from france but he could admit he was reassured by not having to. Moving in France would be just fine, he was sure it would go smoothly, they’d have plenty of options with it. He gave a little hum of agreement to the feeling of the bed alone being too empty. ”My bed is better with you in it,” he agreed. Jamie nodded lightly too at his mention of a family, it did seem like Onyx wanted a more traditional family unit and Jamie was more than happy with that.

”Four people in a family is a good size,” he agreed, and though Jamie was from a family of five he knew the differences weren’t many. He was surprised that he was most silent and struggled most with Jamie’s talk of doing whatever felt most right for them, on working on things to be able to achieve his passions. ”Of course baby, we’re a couple, and we’re going to get married but that doesn’t mean we stop being individuals with our passions, it just means working together to make them happen. Thankfully, my work is relatively flexible and pays very well, so we don’t have to worry all that much about barriers,” he wasn’t sure what else to say there wasn’t much he could really say now, he’d said more than enough to show his point that they would always work together to achieve either of their dreams.
Onyxs heart fluttered in his chest as Jamie spoke. He let out a soft sigh, reaching up to press a kiss to Jamie's jaw and giggling when it left a perfect kiss print. He didn't bother taking it off, secretly pleased to leave a little mark that showed Jamie was his. He snuggled into Jamie's side and sighed again, sliding his hand over the inside of Jamie's thigh. "You're perfect," he hummed, completely content tucked into his fiance's side.

He was quiet a moment, stirring only when their food appeared. He suddenly remembered how hungry he was. He sat up, thanking their server before digging into his food, trying to be polite as possible while still rushing just a bit. It was several bites in before he spoke again, turning to smile at Jamie. "I think it's about time I officially introduced you to my family," he teased softly, sliding his free hand back over Jamie's knee. "There are a lot, so maybe we can just start with small dinner parties?" he suggested. "We should probably start with Uncle Chal and Grandmother." He mused, sipping his wine.

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