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Charlotte Owens

holyhead harpies chaser | mother of 3
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Dan ♡
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Hey, it's me again :p

As I was going through all of my RPs I noticed that I barely had any going on at all with Charlotte so this topic is just for Charlotte as I think she needs more friends or enemies more than anything. Also, I feel like I should pay more attention to her xD

Charlotte is the second Slytherin in her family (as far as she knows) and is slightly insecure of her green robes. She is a very bubbly and optimistic person and strives to help people whenever they're in need. She loves getting into trouble and doesn't like it when she doesn't get what she wants. She loves being the center of attention. If not enough attention is given to her she'll always try and do something spontaneous to get in the middle of things. She's all about new experiences, trying her best and has absolutely no self-control. In my opinion, she'd be a very good target as an enemy :tut:

So, I'm mainly looking for friends and enemies but if anyone would be up for flings and finals then planning ahead is always a great idea. Hopefully there's something there for everyone ^_^
Hey Kaye, you know I love Charlotte so I'm very happy about this topic. First there's Georgina who I'm guilty of ignoring. They've hung out a little before and I think they could be good friends. Georgina is nice mostly but she's also snobby and full of herself, that comes from her upbringing and I want to get het back to that. For that reason she can be infuriating to be around but if you find a bully/enemy character for her then Georgina would definitely have Charlotte's back.

Then comes everyones favourite second year, James Cade. Now their time together has been limited so far to the cliffs and the mandrake incident. It appears Jamesdidn't come off too well in her eyes and well we just can't have that. I think they should have a topic all their own. They need to officially become friends outside the 'group' as it were as atm I fear their proximity friends and James needs to get her to get to know him away from Maddie's influence. Now the fun part. I have a little planned in this area already but I'd like for James and Charlotte to date, maybe later on in years, dare I suggest they could be finals??? :r

Let me know what you think.
Charlotte&Georgina: They definitely sound like a great pair! Usually Charlotte would stand up for herself but she wouldn't mind at all if Georgina was willing to help her. I definitely know someone who we could plot with if you're thinking of plotting something like that, otherwise we could always just get them to do something with just themselves.

Charlotte&James: Yes, I don't really like the idea of them being against each other either D: Charlotte can be really stubborn when she wants to be so if James keeps being mean to Maddie then I'm not sure how pretty that'll turn out. We can definitely start a topic with them both though and try and get them to be friends and then I'd be very happy for them to be finals! I already have one fling planned for her throughout her fifth year so if we can get them to date after that then that'll be great :D
Charlotte&Georgina: Sounds good. If you have someone in mind for something like this that would be great if we cluld get it rolling.

Charlotte&James: I totally spaced. I meant to actually suggest something for their topic. They both play Quidditch now so maybe one catches the other practicing and we can go from there. I know we have another Quidditch related topic going on so if you want to go with something else thats cool too.
Charlotte&Georgina: I'll PM the person and then PM you :)

Charlotte&James: Oh yeah, the one at the cliffs has been going on forever so I guess we could just leave it for now :r As for them practicing quidditch, I already have a topic at the quidditch pitch and the plot is literally the same thing xD I was thinking they could get up to some mischief with a prank or something but I'll be fine with starting another topic in the quidditch pitch if you're really up for it.
No no something mischievous is always fun. Any thoughts on what they could do?
It's always fun doing something with the professors so how about we get one of the professors to play along with it? How about a nose-biting teacup? They could get the professors to drink out of one somehow and see what happens?
Yes that sounds awesome. Now we can play it safe and use say my Professor or we could get someone else involved. Maybe even shoot for someone scary :r
Using someone scary sounds fun but I'm not sure if Charlotte is willing to make trouble with Styx right now considering he is her head of house or any other professor who could get them into a lot of trouble. :cry: Your professor sounds like a good idea but I think it would be more fun if we had someone else in on it as well. I'm just not sure which professor though xD
Yeah Styx might be a bridge too far at the moment. As well as my Professor what about, Professor Pendleton perhaps or the new Herbology professor, she's crazy strict so that could be fun.
Oh, yes! The Herbology professor sounds like a great idea! We could perhaps get Charlotte and James to go to her office and then start telling her how wonderful a professor she is before trying to convince her to drink some pumpkin juice or something out of the cup. Which account should I PM you on?
RIP Kaye and James :r (Just keeding)

Can I offer Reuben Lagowski as a friend? ^_^ He's super lonely and could do with a close friend, and their mutual desire to help people and to get into mischief could bring them together!
Aww poor Reuben.

Anyway, Kaye you can pm me on this account.
Charlotte&Reuben: Charlotte already knows Reuben but, yeah I think they could be best friends! Did you want to plot something or just wing it?
As always, I'm always up for Maddie and Charlotte to RP, we both love her :wub:
Although, I'm not sure what Mads will think about James and Charlotte getting together :r :glare:
But yeah, any mischief Maddie will definitely be up for :p
I think Charlotte and Saveli should meet - as they look the same. For many reasons. Of course Saveli is growing older and will even change PB's soon. However while they still look similar I could see Saveli telling Charlotte that for all they know they are related or something silly xD

Besides that they are in the same house, and Sav really needs some friends. Once she warms up to someone she can be very, very sweet! Let me know what you think.
Charlotte&Madeline: Yes, that is solely the reason why I'm a bit weary of what Charlotte would think of it too :r I love RPing with Maddie so let's do it! Maybe an adventure in the forbidden forest? Charlotte hasn't really been in there lately so that should be fun.

Charlotte&Saveli: I was actually wondering before if we'd be able to RP them together at some point. I think they'll get along pretty well if Sav will be able to keep up with her. Let's wing something unless you want to plot something in advance.
Charlotte Owens said:
Charlotte&Madeline: Yes, that is solely the reason why I'm a bit weary of what Charlotte would think of it too :r I love RPing with Maddie so let's do it! Maybe an adventure in the forbidden forest? Charlotte hasn't really been in there lately so that should be fun.

Sounds good to me, do you want to start or shall I?
Do you mind starting it? I'm afraid if I do it won't be up until ages D:
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