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Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
hey, so i'm back and in need of everything pretty much. i'll go by years and try to keep this short as possible for my sake !!


ari desai - ravenclaw soon to be 7th year.
ari comes from a traditional and conservative background. he was born in mumbai but because his dad was in the military ( wizards/muggels ) they traveled and relocated a lot. because of this, his parents try extra hard to teach ari their family traditions and history. ari just wants to be a regular wizard without disappointing his parents, especially his father. his father wants ari to follow his footsteps and join the military. so there that. ari open for friends and enemies. right now he engaged to npc. he has a thing for bethany, but we don't know how far that will go.


stella stilisnki - hufflepuff soon to be 7th year.

stella, my other 7th year and my lonely cat lady. stella loves fashion, so much so she ignores everything else in life including magic. she just loves creating, and she feels like using magic sort of like cheating. also, magic kinda sucks because had any of them known magic when her father was sick growing up, maybe he would be alive today. so she sort of just like eh, magic. tho, she is trying to get passed all that and making an effort to give magic another go. so far so good. anything wanted here. stella bi just an fyi.


syrus stilinski - gryffindor soon to be 4th year.
syrus is the youngest out of his siblings. he very much likes magic, but is beginning to slack a lot in his school work. syrus also loves flying, but his family doesn't want him anywhere near a broom!! he tried out for the team but didn't make it. so he been bummed about that lately. i would like to have more siblings rps, so if you want we can set things up with the stilinskis. otherwise syrus can use a lot of everything as well. haha!! he's my fave.


chante ateara - hufflepuff soon to be 2nd year.
chante is madlyn and chayton bundle of joy. she pretty much a miracle baby between two lovely big people. madlyn wasn't sure she would even have kids, then taa-dah! chante happened. so i kinda wanna put a lot energy to chante. madlyn is my fave hnz character, but yes! chante needs to be active. with friends and enemies and maybe a little crush. chante small, i may keep her small. either way, it makes for an interesting story to write with parents as big as hers.


joshua toubia - ravenclaw soon to be 2nd year.
joshua my scary cat. haha! okay, so his dad tortured his mom, because he a wanted wizard in the wizarding world. unaware of his past, his mother never knew that side existed until he tried to shut her up one day! unable to care for her children, joshua's aunty raised him and his sister with very little use of magic as possible. his aunt was afraid their father would find them, so for the most part they lived almost like muggels. so the wizarding world sort of new to him, well the casting spells and changing to animal part. his aunt still used potions, plants and magic rituals in the muggel world. joshua, ha, i have no idea what joshua would need. anything open for him!

these will be my only students for now. i don't think i'll be sorting anyone new bc i'm really busy some days and yeah, i'd like to at least rp with these characters before i decide to bring more into the mix. thank you!!

Hey Madz! :) I have some to offer despite the plots I already have :p

For Stella, I can offer Alessio Benivieni, who's going to be in 7th year as well next year and he's in hufflepuff. Al is muggleborn, so for quite some time has thought that he doesn't belong in the wizarding world. That's soon changing though. He's nice and friendly to almost everyone, and probably wouldn't mind socialising with a fellow puff. I think him and Stella could get along.

If you're looking for sibling RPs, I have Alessio's sister Sara, she's in Slytherin and soon to be in 3rd year. I don't know how well her and Syrus will get along but much like Alessio Sara is friendly and loves to meet new people. She has like an endless amount of energy when she's excited/happy/optimistic xD

Finally for Joshua I have two in his year. Athena Rey-Martinez and Xavier Mackintosh. I don't have a lot planned for Xavier atm and I'd really like to do more with him. As for Athena, I can either see them becoming friends or frenemies, depending on whether she makes a good first impression on him xD She isn't the best of people, she tends to lie to get her way and she's also manipulative, but if you see past those bad qualities she can be a really good friend :)

Let me know what you think! ^_^ I know that could be quite a lot to take on at once, so feel free to choose whatever sounds good.

- Clara
Tesla x Stella: First look at this [picspam] and tell me that they aren't cute? So they are both in Hufflepuff and even though there is an age difference I imagine they would have at least seen each other in the common room. Tess and Stella are a little different in that Tess knows very little about fashion and that sort of stuff, she also is not exceptionally creative and is more analytic so it could be a whole 'opposites attract' sort of thing with them? They are both muggleborns so they could relate over that too. Maybe Stella helps Tess with fashion because right now Tess just dresses in very baggy clothes. Maybe like a cute lil flirtationship because I'm all about their faces together tbh?

I'll maybe add more later.

I'm thinking Patrick Vernier could be a good friend for Joshua. Patrick is quite timid too and a bit of a loner so I'm really looking for friends for him to hopefully develop him more. Maybe they could become really close friends depending on how they get along?

For Stella I have Lilyanna Hope who also finds magic quite useless and is all about creating instead of using magic. I think the pair of them could really bond with this, but considering how hard it is for Lilyanna to get along with anyone, they could turn out as enemies depending on how their first meeting goes.

Lastly, I think Ari and Charlotte Owens could really get along. Charlotte would take pride in trying to cheer Ari up whenever he is sad and would be jealous with how much he has travelled the world as she loves travelling and would probably ask him a million questions about it.

Let me know what you think ^_^
clara! :hug:
woot! you gave me a fair amount of choices, and not to be greedy but i loved them all! haha. we can see how stella gets along with alessio. she really her own person, but i guess something can happen?? i should mention she in the school newspaper. actually it would be funny if syrus and sara got into a dispute over something silly and the older siblings chimes in!! it would be hilarious.

as for athena/xavier, whoever you want to offer, i'm game. joshua still under development and i'd actually like to finally write his bio and development soon. so anyone of your firsties would be good with joshua. he really random with his peers. haha! i seriously think he just out of it.

alexis! :hug:
they are super cute!! i think that's why i made erin her best friend, because any cute girl posing with her is just extra cute!! haha. let me stop. i love that idea. stella always looking for new inspiration and if she thinks she can play dress up with tress i think she would be a little flirty and just say how pretty she is and all that stuff!! probably to get her to model her clothing and then who knows?? i think it would be great!

kaye! :hug:
patrick and joshua would be nice. like i mention above, he is random and jumpy. meeting someone like patrick would be interesting to play out! i think he will overcome his fear of spells and charms once his sister get sorted in a couple years. who knows?? is lilyanna part of a club? maybe, stella can be interviewing her for the paper, until it becomes a little personal??

as for charlotte, yes it would be nice to get him talking to more students. like he transferred to hnz but all he really done is follow bethany, his crush around. and i think in his 7th year, he'll call off his engagement and distant himself a little from his family.

let me know which ones you would like me to start @ everyone!! i'd be happy to start some soon! thanks :hug:
Yay, I'm glad you like Joshua and Patrick! Lilyanna is only a part of the Hogwarts Monthly, but maybe she can be interviewed about her prefect duties? Or the Wild Patch Club event that was half inspired by her? I'm not really sure, but either way there's definitely something to talk about.

I can start one for Ari and Charls and Joshua and Patrick and, if you don't mind, could you start one for Stella and Lilyanna? I'll start them once the new year starts though to avoid any confusion, unless you feel the need to start them any earlier.

Hahaha glad you like the options! ^_^

Alessio x Stella x Syrus x Sara: Alessio used to keep to himself too, but now he is more open and optimistic towards socialising with others, so they could get along. Al is friendly. I do like that sibling idea though, it could be funny to see Sara get into an argument with Syrus xD It'd give me a chance to RP the annoyed side of her. Which I don't think I've done before.

Joshua x Xavier: Athena is a little more developed than Xavier is and I have actually RPed her more often, so maybe we could do Xavier? I also do not have a bio for him currently as far as I can remember but I'm hoping to have one up soon! His personality is more observant, caring, and protective and he does what is right. He is also blunt/honest, and that is all that I have about him currently. :)

I could start the sibling RP with Sara if you want and you could start the one between Joshua and Xavier? I don't mind where :hug: Also, if an opportunity comes up sometime in future to do an Athena/Joshua one that's also cool. Who knows, maybe they'll appear in an open thread together at some point.
kaye. ^_^
i sure can! perfect duties actually would make sense because stella never held that title and since she hasn't done much with the paper, she can sort of just randomly see lilyanna and start chatting it up?? we'll develop from there. can't wait with the others!

clara. ^_^
ah the beauty of a siblings thread is that you never know what's going to happen in them. haha! i've never rp'd stella and syrus together and i just thought why not. it would be interesting to see the outcome.

i'll start joshua x xavier, yes! i'll probably be posting in the great hall, just because. :)

thanks so much!!

Perfect I can post the link here when the sibling one is up :D And the great hall sounds good to me!
Hey Madz, I don't think we have roleplayed in the past so here I am.

For either Chante or Joshua I have Lenore Harvelle. She is my soon to be second year Gryffindor. Lenore is part goblin (she is small and has pointy ears), but she tries to keep this a secret (wearing her hair over it, beanies etc.). She is afraid of the prejudice, but does try to stand up for people. Len doesn't like prejudice at all and won't stand for it. Overall she is generally really nice and likes a lot of people.

For Syrus I maybe have Elizabeth Chatwin or Perry Wyatt.

Elizabeth is the keeper of the Ravenclaw team and loves Quidditch. Maybe they can train together? Perry is my soon to be third year Gryffindor muggleborn. He still is a bit clueless about some of the magic things and also is fond of every sport there is. He is afraid to apply for the team, since it seems absolutely impossible to get in. I don't know if you like these idea's, but we can always discuss more if you like.
Elizabeth Chatwin said:
Hey Madz, I don't think we have roleplayed in the past so here I am.

For either Chante or Joshua I have Lenore Harvelle. She is my soon to be second year Gryffindor. Lenore is part goblin (she is small and has pointy ears), but she tries to keep this a secret (wearing her hair over it, beanies etc.). She is afraid of the prejudice, but does try to stand up for people. Len doesn't like prejudice at all and won't stand for it. Overall she is generally really nice and likes a lot of people.

For Syrus I maybe have Elizabeth Chatwin or Perry Wyatt.

Elizabeth is the keeper of the Ravenclaw team and loves Quidditch. Maybe they can train together? Perry is my soon to be third year Gryffindor muggleborn. He still is a bit clueless about some of the magic things and also is fond of every sport there is. He is afraid to apply for the team, since it seems absolutely impossible to get in. I don't know if you like these idea's, but we can always discuss more if you like.

Sara Benivieni said:
tamara! :hug:
lenore sounds like a cutie pie. :wub: i can see chante really getting along with her just because her parents are both part giants and if chante find out that she is part goblin, she would definitely be there to lend her support. we can also do something with joshua in a bit?? i'm not sure how he'll react to her being so small and such. :)

your other two sounds good! i can see syrus being competitive with elizabeth. they can train and play their own little game of quidditch! and syrus can use some more muggel born friends. he understands, he didn't make it on the team last year tryout.

clara. :D
thank you! here xavier x joshua.

Let us start with Lenore and Chante and Lenore first and Elly and Syrus?
Or do you want Syrus Perry first, I don't mind one or the other. :)

Where do you want to start the topic and how can you notice Chante has giant blood?
Hey Madz!

So Amber and Stella and April and Syrus already met, but I'd love to do more with you!

Maybe we can have April and Syrus meet again? Do something together? They were fun last year, though I am not sure what they could be doing. (Exploring? Flying? He could be doing something and she could go bother him :p )

Also for Chante I can offer Gabriella (who is in the dormitory with her) or Fleur. Gabriella is kind of serious, and can be a bit of a stick in the mud. Fleur is a lot more chill and friendly, so she may be easier to befriend. I'm not sure which she would fit with better, but I'm willing to try either xD
Elizabeth Chatwin said:
Let us start with Lenore and Chante and Lenore first and Elly and Syrus?
Or do you want Syrus Perry first, I don't mind one or the other. :)

Where do you want to start the topic and how can you notice Chante has giant blood?

Amber Chou Wilson said:
Hey Madz!

So Amber and Stella and April and Syrus already met, but I'd love to do more with you!

Maybe we can have April and Syrus meet again? Do something together? They were fun last year, though I am not sure what they could be doing. (Exploring? Flying? He could be doing something and she could go bother him :p )

Also for Chante I can offer Gabriella (who is in the dormitory with her) or Fleur. Gabriella is kind of serious, and can be a bit of a stick in the mud. Fleur is a lot more chill and friendly, so she may be easier to befriend. I'm not sure which she would fit with better, but I'm willing to try either xD
tamara. ^_^
yes, lenore x chante we can start with.
how bout she finds out she part goblin and then she can open about her giant blood
in her? she might end up growing tall, but i think by human standards.

i can start lenore x chante.
elly x syrus, we can either post that in the quidditch field or maybe syrus could be tossing around a soccerball to try and replace his love for quiddtch onto something else. i can see him trying. :correct:

let me know if that's okay!

daphne. ^_^ :hug:
they were fun, haha!
syrus x april deft needs to link back up again.
but maybe he bugging her this time?? i'd like to get him away from too much quiddtch. xD

as for the girls, any will do xD for now let's try chante x gabriella??

and if you like we can do more amber x stella?? i'm open for anything. :)

thank you!!! :wub:
I like both idea's :) Maybe Syrus is playing soccer outside the field and then Elly comes and she tries to get him back to playing Quidditch? haha :) Fun! Looking forward to both.
Syrus x April: Sounds good! I'll have April do something xD Maybe we can get this going when its a bit closer to the new schoolyear?

Chante x Gabriella sounds like fun too, if you want we could have them in the Hogwarts Express on the way to school perhaps? :o Now that we have the start of the year we can use that too :p

And Stella and Amber were fun too! Maybe Stella could show her a bit how she designs her clothes? Amber would be very interested in that.
@tamara here lenore x chante
you can start syrus x elly??

but i miss syrus x april =)) we need to start something, anywhere with them!
i can do gabi x chante, we can do stella x amber after the hogwarts express thread?? just an idea. xD

@kaye we can start ours?
sorry on mobile. :p
Aw Madz xD I miss them too! I'll start something with April asap, and then we can do Stella and Amber later yes. It's smart not to take on too much at once :p

So I start April and Syrus and you start Gabriella and Chante?
nonsense! they were great thanks. :)

i miss them but then again he was a little butt to her. haha.
sounds like a plan with both rps.
i'm trying not to overdo it, but i might end up sorting one to fix the ratio. haha. :p
worst excuse ever.
I can offer Alexis Sage for both Chante and Joshua!!

Alexis and Joshua have already met in the express last year and they were both in the same house. So, they are definitely seeing each other more around the castle. Maybe, we can rp them more along with the other second years as well as just the two of them? Alexis is friendly and can easily get along with each other. Looking back, I have to check their thread in the express on what they first thought of each other somehow. I am already forgetful.

Alexis and Chante may have shared classes but did not get to know each other personally. So maybe we can start them talk to each other by either of them asking some class-related questions but this would be possible when the term starts. Or we can just have them bump into each other. :wub:

I can also offer Alexis for Syrus for any plot possible. I am still brainstorming what could work so I might have to edit this post sooner or later. However, if you have ideas about them, that would be awesome. I am open for any ideas since I am intending to develop Alexis into its fullest! :r :r

I haven't forgotten about you guys here. :doh: :correct:
Sorry I've been sick and had no energy for HNZ. Will get to everyone as soon as I can. Thank you. ❤
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