Ministry Careers Fair

Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Once the school year ends, the Ministry and Kaunaz Vocational Center will be co-hosting a careers fair [ID#=123319]. The fair will be specifically geared towards learning about ministry positions, and we need your help!

What we need: Ministry Employees!

If you'd like to table and represent a ministry office or department, please send a PM to me answering the questions below. Preference will be given to heads of departments though we will also be working to share the wealth with RPers tabling.

The turnaround will be short - you can begin submitting today and the last we can accept apps will be November 15th EOD.

1. Character's Name
2. Department/Role
3. Years in role
4. IC- Why do they want to table?

Who else can participate: Once the event begins, we encourage everyone, recent grads, students interested in learning about careers, young adults without jobs, etc. to join!

Looking forward to it!

Just a few days left!
Does this include like healers and journalists?
1. Character's Name: Edmund Westwick
2. Department/Role: Department of Mysteries Head
3. Years in role: 10 as an Unspeakable, 3 as department head
4. IC- Why do they want to table? In a department that deals with so much classified information, it only rly makes sense to send the leader so he is here Very Begrudgingly as a Professional Requirement
One more day!
The app is closed! Will reach out to you all in the next few days. The event begins next week!

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