Member count

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Alicia Barker

Professors: 13

Professor Lilandra Waltham - History of Magic
Professor Casper Grigori - Astronomy
Professor Kiara Ana - Flying, and Divination (Ravenclaw Head of House)
Professor Savannah London - Transfiguration
Professor Augustus Keller - Potions
Professor Cecily Rambolt - Herbology
Professor Nicolas King - Defense Against the Dark Arts (Gryffindor Head of House)
Professor Canoc Taggart - Care of Magical Creatures
Professor Belladonna Weiss- Muggle Studies (Hufflepuff Head of House)
Professor Arithmos Manteia - Arithmancy (Slytherin Head of House)
Professor Freya Heimdall - Ancient Runes
Professor Gabriel Lloyd - Charms

Students: 87

House Count:
Gryffindor: 15
Ravenclaw: 16
Slytherin: 16
Hufflepuff: 12

4th Years:
Gryffindor: 2
Bruin Dumbledez
Cyndi Weasley

Ravenclaw: 2
Courtney Potter
Estrella Drage

Slytherin: 3
Bellatrix Green
Ford Harkonnen
Sophia Stark

3rd Years:

Gryffindor: 2
Hilary Grace
Kiera Kingsley

Ravenclaw: 2
Kaela McIlvoy
Lily Potter

Slytherin: 2
Kale Thomas
Katrina Redding

Hufflepuff: 3
Caysi Finnigan
Maddiie Hollawarth
Rhyspa Aireous

2nd Years:

Gryffindor: 6
Ana-Cole Shorts
Katalina Vanderhol

Ravenclaw: 7
Daniel Olsen
Elissa Montez
Ginny Porter
Jayne McKenzie
Jessy Stone
Kailey Paramore
Kasey Carla

Slytherin: 1
Athene Perthro

Hufflepuff: 5
Crystal Peacocks
Katheryn Kingsley
Lemina Troque
Njord Aesir
Sam Britton

1st Years:

Gryffindor: 9
Amy Stone
Andromeda Fiorelli
Ellie Sparks
Harriet Turner
Jolly Cooper
Kera Kensington
Mike Goulding
Miranda Carson
Vydrael Wyvernblood

Ravenclaw: 5
Brian Getathorn XIX
Emily Gray
Fred McElroy
Kali Paytah
Zazuka Bones

Slytherin: 10
Aisyah Aminuddin
Andrew Bruke
Briella Deo
Caina Dante
Hadan Johnson
Hannah Lindstrom
Heidi Lindstrom
Hilde Lindstrom
Isadora Hughes
Lexi Rodriguez

Hufflepuff: 4
Arnold Ababueva
Dannie Lee
Emma Shorts
Violet Bellamy
I think the Headmistress was only counting the active ones.
Frances Peverell and Elise Finnigan both have left. I am going to go ahead and assume that Bear xia18 is not active, juding by the lack of proper name.
Everyone is right, lol! I will be updating this list after exams, since it seems that we're getting new members and some of the other members are leaving. :D
Katie Lovegood said:
Katlina is active I dont know about the others
Oh, well then my apologies three of four were inactive... :lol:
Jade Caja is still active. She is a Gryiffindor 1st yr. Please add my name to the list.
For first year Ravenclaws, I'm not sure about Emily Gray but it seems Ivy Black is still active.
I have added Jade, and will look into the other two later.
Ah, then I undid my edit, sorry :-B
oh I see, well someone didn't tell Ivy that cause she posted yesturday in Potions classroom :D
Professor Nicolas King said:
I have added Jade, and will look into the other two later.
It appears you have not added me, and I'm a 2nd Year now anyway.

Thanks, Jade.
I'm pretty sure it isn' my 4th year class is put under 2nd years
Nobody has the time to update this thread properly anymore, and with the constant come and go of people it would be difficult anyway.
I think I'm closing this thread now. :)

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