Luxen in Brightstone.... Not so Bright Closed

Libby was tempted to ask him why he kept staring at her whenever he mentioned being bad, but didn't.

"But that's, why would you charge more for something? Customers may as well go to Brightstone or Obsidion to get whatever they want. Who would want dark things?" She asked thrillingly, wondering if she could get him to say something about himself that would tell her why he was acting strangely. Not knowing much about how businesses worked, she decided she wouldn't delve too deep here.

When Arisa said they should leave, libby said, "Hmm. In a minuite" and thought she could sence fear in her friends voice.
Arisa really wanted to leave like NOW but her friends showed no intention of leaving just yet and she wasnt going to leave them with a person she thought was a death eater. She had run into one and wasnt going to let that happen to her friends. Arisa started to look around the street they were close to people so he wouldnt dare hurt anyone, although that hadnt stoped him Arisa thought she shivered remembering that night.
Libby out of the corner of her eye saw Arisa shiver. Turning to her she asked, "Are you ok? Maybe you should go back?" she wasn't being rude, but if she didn't want to stay she could leave.

(carry on wen aeon and luxen get back? scratch that..hes here XD)
"No im fine its just a little cold thats all" Arisa said not sure if they lie had worked. Scared or not she was not leaving them here. She looked over to the man gave him a quick dirty look then looked over to Aeon hoping to see a sign of wanting to leave soon.
Aeon looked over to the girls and gave a slight frown. "Maybe you two should go look at some shops or something. Or find someplace warmer." He suggested, looking from one girl to the other.
Libby shook her head. One and one with Silver back might not be good idea. "Ill stay, ive got everything i wanted anyway" she said, but turned her pale blue eyes to arisa.
Arisa refused to leave she couldnt. "Im not leaving eaither" Arisa said with fear and determination in her voice. She thought Libby knew how she felt, maybe she had run into one too. Arisa knew her wand wasnt going to do her much good considering she only knew stunning and blocking spells but she was a good muggle figher, which probably wasnt going to do her any good with an adult wizard eaither. Just then Arisa noticed Libby looking at her. She didnt have anything to say.
(( -head desk- ))

"You really should go somewhere else, You guys aren't acting normal." Aeon said, raising his eyebrow.
They really should have gone, They were acting strangely.
"We told you we wernt leaving" Arisa said starting to get mad. Didnt he know how much danger he was in!?
Libby nodded, "She's right." I'm never normal she thought.. "We're not leaving you here! End of." she whispered sharply so Silverback couldn't hear her.
"I assure you I'm Dark Mark Free, Good Children like yourselves have nothing to fear from anyone right?" Luxen said with a laugh both girls seemed rattled "the truth is, you'd be surprised how many 'good people' buy dark iteims" Luxen said to the girl named Libby "why, a few years back tons of 'good' people used the unforgivable curses on those they suspected of being Death Eaters, I don't question what they may use my iteims for because who am I to judge their intentions" Luxen said.
Libby looked back at Silverback, "well, then their not goodpeople are they!" she replied. How can you be good and kill someone? You cant.
"Just because your dark mark free dosnt mean you wont hurt people" Arisa whispered to her self.
"Sometimes taking a life prevents them from taking many lives" Luxen said coldly "back then it was wartime and people were being murdered left and right, people did what they had too to protect those closest from the monsters that would hurt even young children such as yourself" Luxen said once more in a dark undertone "if you truly think I'm evil then perhaps you should leave me to my shopping and judge somebody else since you seem to be experts on human character" Luxen said indignantly, he hated know-it-all kids the most.
Libby just stared at him, still wondering if he was bad. There as no proof, although there was something about him. "Am i right in saying you said there was an adventure?" she asked.
"I don't know, I mean adventures like this would require bravery" Luxen said with a smirk "you kids don't seem that brave" Luxen mocked. "Why don't you go back to school and play with your puffskins" Luxen added.
Libby frowned when he said they didn't seem brave. "Because mine died" she said. This wasn't true but she wanted to say somthing that would make it feel bad, partly because she didn't a puffskins, Dyllan however was fine.
Aeon frowned slightly at Silverback. "I'm in Gryffindor, We're known for our bravery." He stated, feeling another bump in his satchel when his own pet puffskeins heard Silverback talk about puffskeins. "There's nothing wrong with puffskeins, there easy to take care of." Aeon added
"Of course Puffskins are great creatures, all the great heroes had them" Luxen said with a slight snicker. Ignoring the fact that the other little girl's stupid puffballs died "Gruffindors are known for their bravery so it surprises me that you and your friends are afraid" Luxen said with a smile.
Aeon looked back at them both and gave a slight smile. "I'm the only Gryffindor here, And I'm not scared." Aeon said, confidently, What was there to be afraid of? He'd been in the Borely Mansion, and he wasn't scared then.
"Hey, im not afraid ether, and im Hufflepuff" she said. Libby was proud of her house and would be very angry if he said anything bad about it. "Bravery isn't everything" she added.
Luxen laughed heartily "of course Bravery isn't everything, when your a Hufflepuff" Luxen said with a smile "why don't you go back to the school and Aeon and I can go on that adventure, after all I know he isn't afraid of being brave" Luxen said with smile and a wink towards Aeon.
"No" she said firmly. She had decided before not to leave him here, last time she had been in the presence of a death eater she had nearly been killed, and she wasn't going to let that happen to Aeon, even if Silverback claimed not to be dangerous.
Aeon smiled at Silverback and turned his head towards Libby. "You should go, really. It's fine." He said, trying to reassure her. She wasn't right here, And he wanted her to get away for awhile and relax.

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