Closed love her like my own

Elio Zephyr

we all have our reasons 💫 teaching assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Whippy Elm Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
1/2035 (27)
It had been nearly three weeks since Elio and Rowan had split up, and become separate identities following their own paths instead of the conjoined one they'd built for themselves for years. For the majority of that time, Elio had been ignoring what that meant for him, and everything he thought to be true throughout his life. He didn't want to lose himself down the rabbit hole of what ifs, or whether he should have done or said anything differently, or whether he could have noticed things changing over the years if he'd given it more consideration. He didn't want to think about it at all because in truth he didn't know how to deal with the fact Rowan simply wasn't there beside him anymore, and that alone was enough to make him feel as though he was being wounded all over again. Instead, he spent days trying to fill up the hours with everything he could as a distraction, a way to keep moving through the fog and do what he needed to get done.

The first thing he knew he had to do, was talk to Chrys. Elio's house already felt empty without Honey's constant presence, and while she'd returned to her father after everything had happened, Elio had promised that no matter what he'd always be there for her. He'd never expected to care for a child, it just hadn't been something he'd ever factored into his life, but after Honey had joined them he had surprised himself at how much he'd come to appreciate her. She brought with her a certain type of joy that he couldn't find in anyone else, her mischievous humor and cheeky grins always won him over. He needed to find out where he stood with Chrys since the breakup, how much he knew from Rowan already, and to discover whether or not he thought he was capable of more.

Elio knew there was a chance that Chrys would revoke their previous arrangement for good, that the time he'd had with Honey had come to an end, at least in the way he'd come accustomed to. He had to be ready for that. No longer could Elio pretend however that he wasn't nervous there was a chance he wouldn't be able to look after Honey without Rowan, but having had one band-aid stripped away from him, he may well have gotten the second one over with so he knew where he needed to go from there. He was grateful that he could still call Chrys a friend of his own though, and that no matter what happened with Honey he wouldn't hold it against him. Perhaps after all this would be the time Chrys wanted to bond more with his own daughter, and Elio would have to respect that.

Despite having been to Chrys' house a number of times, it wasn't for any great length of time so much as picking up or dropping off Honey. He was on their doorstep now, taking a step back the moment he'd knocked, bracing himself for the conversation he was about to have with the former Hufflepuff. Despite everything that had happened to turn his life upside down over the last few weeks Elio would still try, and for Honey, he wasn't sure he'd ever stop trying. He'd come to love her like a daughter of his own over the years, and even if Chrys wouldn't let him continue to raise her he had to make sure that Honey knew above anyone else that he wasn't going anywhere.
Chrys considered it a great sense of luck that he happened to be home when Rowan had shown up on his doorstep with Honey after they'd come back from some family thing. He initially had been a little hesitant about them taking Honey, as he hadn't seen her in a while, but after he'd seen Rowan's face when she'd dropped his daughter off - well, he was even more concerned that he'd let her go. Honey hadn't said much since she'd gotten back, not about the trip anyway, though he'd asked her numerous times and even Luna, whom Honey seemed to have a small soft spot for (apparently she was a bit of Quidditch fiend his daughter) wasn't able to get her to spill the beans. Chrys didn't like it, and once Rowan had come to drop off Priscilla, he'd understood. He wasn't about to take sides in their fight, or whatever had gone down, but he did wish it hadn't happened, apart from the fact that both of them were his friends, it was affecting Honey and it seemed that nothing he said would change her mind on whatever was going through those brown waves of hers.

Honestly he almost wanted to tear both of them to shreds, but what right did he have to be angry about how their attitude with each other was affecting his daughter when he was never around anyway? He had tried in those first years, but once the decision had been made that he just couldn't do it full time (for a number of reasons honestly) he'd almost wiped his hands of it completely. He was her father, biologically and legally, but socially? He wasn't sure he deserved that title, or if he ever would. He'd missed the very early parts of her life, and everything he saw when he looked at her just reminded him of Elio and Rowan - and sometimes of Elsie if her obsession with paints was anything to go by. He'd brought her a colouring book once and she'd insisted on colouring the entire thing only in orange because of something to do with aesthetic which had been such and Elsie thing to say it had almost hurt. Then of course she would proceed to give him that sly little smile and he'd see the parts of her that were him.

Even her accent was getting to that weird point now where she was talking more like Elio and Rowan than she was like him and his accent was still very distinctly Australian. Was he to be the only member of his family that had a child who didn't sound Australian? Because that didn't seem to be an issue for any of this siblings. Even Elsa hadn't lost her accent yet and she was about to pop out a baby. He shook his head, looking at Luna over his shoulder where she was sat on the couch playing with Honey's hair. She'd fallen asleep about an hour ago, which was lucky, because it was just now that he heard the door, and went to open it. He had known it would be Elio, he just wasn't sure what he would find when he opened the door and was surprised to find a surprisingly put together Elio Zephyr. Huh.

"You best come in then," he says, quietly, not wanting to disturb Honey asleep on Luna's lap, he walked them both through to the kitchen where they could talk a little better. He did walk them past Honey though, so that Elio could at least see that she was in one piece. He wasn't sure what his friends thought of the arrangement, probably that he was a shitty father, but he'd known that already. He'd always wondered when they were going to bring it up. "Heard it through the grapevine, Rowan didn't say anythin', ain't seen her," he said, in case Elio wondered if she'd been stopping by. He was surprised she hadn't actually. He knew how much she loved Honey - or how much she said she did. He doubted it very much now. "She dropped off that and f@cked off," he said, pointing to the duck also dozing quietly beside the door.
There had been a time, a long long time ago, that Elio had once imagined himself dating Chrys and being very glad for it. Even since then, there hadn't been anyone else Elio had ever met who had given him the same level of energy that he had, a chemistry that he couldn't explain even when compared to Rowan. However back then things had been different, his heart had belonged to Rowan and that had, and would, always have been the most important thing. After graduating there was a natural distance of course, and once Honey had been left with Rowan and Elio, Elio had started to see Chrys in a different light. It wasn't that he now thought of him negatively in any way, so much as he now viewed the man as Honey's father, and that whatever had once been between them was now muted, irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Now here he was, over five years later standing before someone with all his personal feelings aside. It was funny how life worked out sometimes.

Stepping through the threshold, Elio followed after Chrys as he guided him into the house. "Hey," he mouthed to Luna with a small wave, although his eyes immediately dropped to the blonde in her lap. He hadn't seen Honey for so long, was it possible that she'd also changed in that amount of time? What if after everything, it was Honey that no longer wanted to stay with him, that she wanted to be with her real family, not the broken one that was currently scattered in pieces? He turned to face Chrys once more, a rare wave of doubt creeping through his mind. The moment Chrys found out he was no longer working, he was bound to refuse the agreement. How could he prove he could look after Honey if he wasn't even stable himself? Had this been a bad idea?

Once in the kitchen, Elio leaned against one of the counters, crossing his arms over his chest before flicking his gaze towards Priscilla, another wave of unease pulsing through his body. If Rowan had dropped off the duck, where on earth had she gone? Elio had assumed she'd have at least told Chrys something. "I don't suppose you know where she went?" he asked, "I'm not trying to find her, I just want to know if she's okay," Elio clarified. It was true it was probably better he didn't know where she was, but given that wherever she was right now she had nothing to her name, Elio knew enough about his ex to be concerned.
Zennon was just out for a leisurely stroll, and walked right past the Kaster place without even noticing who's place it was, because this was absolutely none of his business.
Chrys took in Elio, putting the pieces of him he could recognise up against the pieces of him that had changed in the years since they'd graduated. There was so much about his behaviour back in school that he regretted and some of it he wondered if it wasn't the reason things were like they were now. He wasn't sure how much of this he could blame on his own parents, mother dying when he was a tiny child and his father being almost completely absent in most of his formative years. He could say he didn't have a parental figure to really base anything off of and it wouldn't be a lie really, but it didn't explain why everyone else seemed to be doing just fine whilst he was the one struggling. He took his wand out of his pocket and waved it, calling a fire whisky to his hand and offering a second one to Elio, if he wanted it. "No, like I said, ain't seen her," he said, sighing. He wished he had, maybe he'd feel better, but he couldn't shake that ice cold feeling in the back of his neck whenever he went another day without hearing something about someone he loved. It didn't bode well, but he had seen Zennon, and he didn't look worried, so that must have been a good sign.

"I've seen Zennon though, doesn't seem too worried, might mean he knows where she's at," he offered, thinking if Elio was really that invested he could probably start there. Chrys didn't make a habit of getting involved in other people's lives since he'd made it almost a habit back in the day. He knew better now than to get involved because it only caused issues. He'd known that for years honestly, he just wished he'd taken it to heart earlier in his life that he could have done something about it. "I'm sure she's fine, she's been through a lot of sh!t, Elio, we all have, don't underestimate her ability to keep going," he said, giving him a light hearted half smile, reminiscent of one Elio used to know well.

He knew why Elio was here, probably, he didn't want to ask though, because she wasn't entirely sure he knew what the answer was going to be, and he wanted to give them both the time they needed to get ready for the inevitable question.
As the fire whiskey was offered to him, Elio took the glass graciously. Honestly, perhaps it was needed for the both of them as though they could feel something brewing in the air, the tension not for the first time, hanging between them so thick it could be cut with a knife. Despite the way he'd been having breakfast cocktails with Ava, and spending more evenings than not bunded up with some spirit or another, Elio paused before taking a sip of the drink. It would have been so easy, not to mention it would have taken the edge off the conversation that was mounting, however, he wasn't about to fight for Honey while under the influence, nor overlook the possibility of reuniting with her with whiskey in his system, no matter how little. He didn't make a scene however, instead just resuming his position with his arms crossed, glass held lightly between his fingers.

It was unnerving that Rowan had left Chrys in the dark, but perhaps it was intentional, after all wouldn't she know Elio would go asking at one point or another? At least Zennon was her brother, he'd side with her enough to protect her from him. That's what this had come down to now, Rowan feeling as though she needed someone to stop him from finding her. Before Elio let himself focus on it too much, he cleared his throat, "I guess that's something," he agreed, meeting Chrys's eyes with a slight frown as he felt judged for not knowing Rowan well enough to understand she would be alright. It was true they had all been through things, but they'd been through it together. Elio had never underestimated Rowan but he could argue things were different now, and this would be new territory for them all. Elio wasn't here to argue with Chrys about Rowan though, so he simply nodded, letting the steam in his chest fizzle out before continuing.

"And you," he began, "are you doing alright?" Elio had been so focused on his own life these years that sometimes he had to remind himself to check in with his friends too. Of course, he also was hoping to get a little information out of him in relation to how he felt about his daughter being a regular house guest for the time being, but he knew he would have to play his cards right if he wanted to make some progress. "You and Luna, you seem, happy," he noted, recalling the image of the girls curled up on the couch in the other room, just like it had been in his own life a mere month ago.
Chrys rolled his shoulders, sensing the fight in Elio, but was relieved it didn't break the surface. It wouldn't do, regardless of anything, he didn't want to have to bar Elio from his place, Honey was here, and this would always be her home, he didn't want to have to get in between all of it. "Yeah," he said casually, not wanting to read too much into it. Sure, Elio knew things about Rowan that maybe Chrys didn't, but it was also true that he might have been too close to it. Elio and Rowan had always been too wrapped up in each other to notice anything else happening around them, like Chrys falling apart in their sixth year, or being left entirely only his own in his last year because everyone else had decided to leave - his friends anyway. His roommates weren't really his friends, not like Rowan and Elsie, not like Luna and Elio. Then they'd all just left him on his own, and he'd barely managed to scrape himself together enough to manage graduation. But they hadn't seen that, because they hadn't been there. He still harboured some anger and resentment over the way eh felt like he'd been discarded, but he didn't mention it. There was little point, and he understood, sort of, some of it. Although Luna leaving him had stung.

"I'm fine, I always am," it was kind of like his super power, no one needed to worry about Chrys because he was always fine. His family said it, he said it, at some point he'd believe it. "Luna's been helping out, you know, watching Honey when I'm... busy, can't leave her on her own and all - she's a good friend." He wasn't sure what Elio was these days, he'd been a friend, now he was... someone Chrys occupied the same space as sometimes. He understood that people drifted of course, but he'd been fairly close to the former Gryffindor at one time, and now it seemed he was doomed to lose every friendship he'd ever formed in school. It wasn't like he had people popping over just to see him every day, or like ever really. They mostly only came around for Honey anymore, which was fair enough, she was a great kid. Excellent talking point. He wasn't sure what Elio was getting at, though he was trying to ignore it too as he took a sip of the firewhisky, ignoring the fact Elio was ignoring his. Maybe Elio didn't need it, but Chrys did right now.
Chrys would have to forgive him, but Elio was no longer convinced by fine. If the last few years had taught him anything, it was that things weren't necessarily as they seemed to be and that a lot could be covered up with the strength of a few words. "Yeah?" he repeated, eyes not leaving Chrys' face as he spoke. He knew he hadn't been as attentive to others around him as he should have been. There had been so much he'd missed out on because he was preoccupied with Rowan, and while he'd never regret being there for her, Elio knew there was no time like the present to try to make amends with those he cared about. He didn't want to lose himself again, to be so wrapped up that he couldn't see out. The experiences around him had always been so much bigger than himself and it had only taken Rowan leaving him for Elio to see clearly. "I'm glad you have her," he replied with half a smile of his own. He was truly glad that Luna looked out for both of them, however she did, because everyone needed to know there was at least one person they could rely on.

Elio resisted the urge to steal another glance outside the kitchen door, if only just to check that Honey hadn't moved from her position, that she was still comfortable, or that they hadn't woken her up with their hushed tones in the next room. "I know that Rowan and I came as a pair," it was strange to think of them as anything but, "that before, we worked together to help you and Honey," Elio wasn't sure whether he'd properly expressed how he felt about having the girl around in much more than a joke or agreement during a pickup or drop off meeting. "Just because that's changed though I don't want you to think you can't ask me to help you again," he continued sternly, "actually, I want to keep helping you if you'll let me." Elio knew that at any point, Chrys could announce to him that he had no intention of requiring any more of Elio's help, that he'd decided it was better for Honey to stay at home from now on.

"I miss her, Chrys." His voice was quieter still as he lowered his own walls to his friend, not wanting to hide how he really felt. "I miss Rowan too and the life we had, but more than that I miss Honey because in a world of confusion, stress, and pressure, she showed me what it means for life to be filled with pure living joy. I know I don't have to explain it to you, the way she can light up the room just by being in it, or just make those mundane moments throughout the day the most fun you'll ever have. She gives me more hope for the future than anyone else ever could." He wasn't sure he would ever let Honey nor Chrys know that it was because of her that he felt most alive, because he'd never want them to shoulder a burden of his own happiness, but it was true. "So please, please. Don't underestimate me, either." If nothing else, Elio just found himself not wanting to lose her. He wasn't here to get in the way of his friend's family, to make things more complicated than they already were, or to stop Chrys from bonding with his daughter, but Elio had to make sure he knew that just because he'd split up with Rowan, it did not mean he wouldn't still be there for his commitments to Honey.
"Yeah," he said, when Elio seemed to question everything and nothing in the space of one word. He wasn't getting into this today, he hadn't spoken to Luna about anything yet, and he wasn't talking to Elio first, he hadn't deserved that privilege for a long time and though he was glad Elio still thought of him asa friend, or seemed to, he wasn't sure how he felt about it for himself. Mostly he felt like people just used him, he'd done the same to them, back in the day, because that was what worked. They used him, he used them, it was a win-win situation until it wasn't. He didn't care right now, it didn't matter. He took another sip of his drink as he listened to Elio talk, cresting up to the point he was here to make, apparently. The more he spoke, the most Chrys kept expecting him to demand he have Honey back with him, since they'd been more parents to her than Chrys had ever really been, but he just kept talking. Honestly Chrys was a little shocked and he was sure it showed on his face, and he swallowed the words he was about to say in denial of it, having assumed he'd known where this was heading. Apparently he'd lost the ability to get ahead of the game in that sense.

"She misses you," he said, glancing to the doorway where he could now see Honey pocking her head around, trying to figure out if she was welcome into the kitchen or not. Chrys nodded subtly to her, and she shuffled quickly into the room, not looking at Elio until she got to her father and Chrys wrapped a protecting hand around her shoulders. She was so tiny, but that made sense since she was seven. "She likes it when I tell her stories about school... the uh, nice ones," he added, putting his whisky to the side now that Honey was standing beside him. "Elio came to say hi, Honey," Chrys said, pushing Honey forward a little to let her know it was okay to go and say hi to him.
Honey hadn't really been sleeping, there'd been a weird sort of vibe in the air all morning and it had put her on edge. Despite what Luna might have tried to say, she hadn't been able to put it completely out of her mind until she'd heard her dad go to the door and then watched through her fingers was Ellie had headed on through the house to the kitchen. She'd been a good girl though because she'd waited exactly one and a half minutes before she'd rolled to the floor (not seeming to shock Luna at all) and then crawled her way over to the kitchen in case her dad looked out to see her walking across the carpet and nodding for her to go and sit back down. She wanted to know what they were saying because she knew they were talking about her, adults were always talking about her lately - at least it felt like that.

She poked her head around the corner of the opening to see her dad end Ellie having some kind of a discussion, and how Ellie had missed her in the last couple of weeks. That made her smile, but then it made her sad, because if he missed her that much why had he stayed away for so long? And where was Ro? She hadn't seen her since they'd come back from the family holiday they'd had a month ago. Her dad called her into the kitchen and she walked over slowly, her socks sliding slightly on the tiled kitchen floor as she looked over her shoulder at one of the men who had raised her for the last five years. The main one, mostly. "Hi Ellie," she said, a small smiling slipping up onto her lips as she stepped a little closer to him. She didn't get to close, unsure of what the situation was, but when her dad pushed her a little closer she held her hand out and gripped his hand in her tiny one. "Hi Ellie," she said again, because she wasn't sure what else to say at this point.
The shock wasn't something Elio was used to seeing on Chrys' face, but that didn't deter him from saying what needed to be said. They may not have had the closest friendship anymore, but Elio had no reason to hide from him. Before he had a chance however to find out whether or not Chrys would allow him to continue to care for his daughter, Elio followed his gaze to the kitchen door where large blue eyes were now looking up at the man opposite him as though asking for permission to enter. Honey had always been observant, picking up on shifts in the atmosphere between people. He supposed she was more like Rowan in that sense, able to pick up on things before they were even there. It didn't surprise Elio in the slightest that she looked to her father to check whether or not she could come in before hesitantly approaching his side. After everything that had happened over the last few weeks, just seeing Honey again was enough for Elio's voice to catch in his throat, a thousand words on the tip of his tongue he wanted to tell her. It must have been so confusing for her not to know what was going on. If Chrys didn't know, Honey knew even less.

As Honey turned her head to peer at Elio over her shoulder, a grin on his face wider than it had been in weeks formed. Setting his drink on the side, the man crouched down so he'd be at her level. Elio already knew Honey liked stories about school, although he also knew that her absolute favourite ones were the stories of when they had almost gotten into trouble but had managed to escape before getting caught. That, he knew, was more like him than Rowan. He glanced at Chrys, in all honesty, she'd probably gotten that from him too. "Oh yes, although if she's anything like we were at school, we don't need to be worried about her not having a good time," at least in their early years, he chuckled. Elio was grateful as he nudged Honey a little closer, who still seemed noticably apprehensive of what was going on. He could understand that however, he may well have been too if he didn't know whether he was coming or going.

Elio caught her small hand as she offered it to him, "Hey Pumpkin." His voice was softer now, eyes looking straight into the face of the girl who was getting him through the hardest part of his life without even knowing it. He knew things had always been a little unusual for her growing up, and he didn't want to make it any more difficult for her. What if it was best that despite everything Elio wanted, Honey was better here? At least if she was here, she had the stability and reassurance two parents could give her, and if Chrys ever needed his help, what was to say he couldn't babysit for the afternoon? It wouldn't be the same as raising her of course, but he loved Honey enough that if this was where she belonged, he would have to be content on the sidelines with the knowledge that she was getting the best she possibly could. If Elio thought the things running through his own head were a mess, he could only imagine what someone in the dark must have been going through.

Elio wasn't going to ask her if she'd been good for her dad and Luna, because that would imply that she needed to be well-behaved if she was going to hold value to him, and Elio had long established that he didn't need Honey to be anything but herself to him as long as it was authentic. "Things have been a little bit different the last few weeks haven't they," he sympathized, not keen to hide her from topics although also not wanting her to worry. He didn't want her to grow up too fast, but he wasn't going to invalidate her feelings just because of her age, either. That was the trickiest part of parenthood, finding the balance. "Your dad and I are just talking about how we can make things feel a little bit more comfortable. We want to make sure you're happy, don't we," he added, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear with his free hand.
Chrys hadn't expected the shock to linger on his face, but it was difficult to shake off, especially when Elio spoke so candidly. Their friendship had drifted, but Chrys knew Elio well enough to understand that he wasn’t the type to hide his feelings, especially when it came to Honey. The very thought of losing her presence in his life seemed unbearable to Chrys, but before he could even begin to process it, Honey had appeared at the doorway with those big, blue eyes that had always been a mirror to her thoughts. She hesitated, her gaze flickering between the two men as if seeking permission to step into the room. Her ability to sense the tension was uncanny, much like Rowan’s, and Chrys couldn't help but wonder just how much she'd picked up on despite their best efforts to shield her.

Elio’s reaction was instant, his grin wide and warm, a stark contrast to the turmoil swirling in the room. Setting his drink aside, he crouched down, bringing himself to Honey’s level. Chrys watched as the two connected, a pang of guilt tugging at him. Elio's stories had always captivated Honey, especially the ones filled with mischief and narrow escapes, a trait she’d inherited from both men. Chrys couldn’t help but chuckle softly as Elio spoke, the warmth in his voice a stark reminder of the bond they all shared. Elio’s words washed over him, but it was Honey’s cautious steps forward that tugged at his heart. She was still so young, too young to understand the complexities of the situation, and yet here she was, caught in the middle of it all. As Elio took her hand, his voice softening to a whisper, Chrys felt the weight of the unspoken truth hanging between them.

He knew Elio loved Honey deeply, and that love was as pure as anything Chrys had ever seen. But he also knew that the stability she needed was right here, with him and Luna. It was a difficult realisation, one that hurt more than he’d anticipated, but Chrys couldn’t deny what was best for her. Elio’s role in Honey’s life might change, but it didn’t mean he had to lose her completely. Maybe there was a way they could all navigate this, find a new normal where Honey could thrive. As Elio spoke to Honey about the changes of the past few weeks, Chrys watched the way her face softened, the way she leaned into Elio’s touch. It was clear that she trusted him, loved him even. Chrys swallowed hard, knowing that whatever decisions were made, they had to be in her best interest. And that meant allowing Elio to remain a part of her life, even if it meant he would have to watch from the sidelines.

Chrys stepped closer, his own voice gentle as he knelt beside them. “We’ll figure this out, Honey,” he reassured her, meeting Elio’s gaze over her head. “We both want what’s best for you, and that’s never going to change.” He reached out, brushing a hand over her hair, the weight of the decision settling in his chest. “We’ll make sure you’re happy, no matter what.” He wasn’t sure what the future held, but as long as Honey was at the center of it, they would find a way.
Honey squeezed Elio’s hand a little tighter, searching his face for answers she wasn’t sure she’d find. His soft words and the gentle way he tucked her hair behind her ear helped, but they didn’t erase the confusion swirling in her young mind. She nodded slowly, acknowledging that things had indeed been different, even though she didn’t fully understand why. She appreciated that Ellie was talking to her like she was grown-up, not brushing off her feelings like they didn’t matter. But the fact that she didn’t know what was going on made it hard to feel comfortable, no matter what he said. She wanted to believe him, to trust that everything would be okay, but it was hard when things had felt so strange for so long.

“Why did you and Ro go away?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly. Honey wasn’t sure if she was supposed to ask questions like that, but she couldn’t help it. The words tumbled out before she could stop them, revealing just how much she’d been holding in. “Did I do something wrong? I’ve been trying to be good…” Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked down at her feet, suddenly unsure of herself. Honey wasn’t used to feeling this way—so uncertain and scared. The grown-ups had always made her feel safe, but now that safety felt like it was slipping away, and she didn’t know how to hold on to it.

“I miss you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “And Ro. I miss how things were.” She glanced up at Elio, her eyes pleading for some kind of reassurance, something to make the bad feelings go away. “Can we go back to how it was before? When we were all together?” She clung to Elio’s hand like it was a lifeline, hoping against hope that he’d tell her everything would be okay, that they’d all be together again soon, and that nothing would ever change between them. Honey didn’t understand why things had to change at all, and she wished more than anything that they hadn’t.
As Elio's eyes fell on Chrys, crouched on the opposite side of Honey to his own position, it was as though he was looking in a mirror. Not to say Elio looked across and saw himself, but he did see a man who would have done anything for the girl between them, who wanted to be there even if she hadn't been there for her whole life. What if, after everything, it didn't matter how much Elio wanted Honey to be in his life, Honey was not his daughter? Of course, Chrys wanted the best for her, that's why he and Rowan brought up her when Chrys had been unable, but the plan hadn't been to keep her or to act as though it was a permanent arrangement. The realisation that perhaps coming here had been a mistake hurt more than hearing Rowan tell him it was over.

Pushing down his own emotions to face Honey, his eyebrows raised in pain at her question. How was he meant to explain to a six-year-old what had happened? He could only be as truthful as was necessary, for both her and Chrys's sake. "Ro and I decided that she and I shouldn't live together anymore," he said gently, careful not to let Honey think it was her they didn't want to live with, "we had to go away for a couple of weeks so that we could decide what we did want to do instead." Another glance in Chrys's way as he spoke, hopefully answering any of his questions in the process. Elio had to take a moment between sentences, just to gather himself enough that he wouldn't let Honey show how upset he was neither through the cracks in his voice or the glaze in his eyes. He couldn't hold it together though when Honey asked if she'd done something wrong, looking at him with those huge eyes at him as though any of this could possibly have been anything to do with her. "Baby girl, no," he didn't wait to wrap his arms around Honey, pulling her into a tight hug if not only so that she couldn't see the tears that had now built up in his eyes too. "You have been perfect." Just as she was, every part of her.

It took Elio a few more moments before he could finally face her again, "I miss you too Pumpkin, more than anything." It was true. Honey had already pulled him back to his senses more often than he realised in the days since they'd parted. As much as it pained him to admit it, Elio pressed on, "Things can't go back to the way they were before. Rowan and I are on different paths now and we have to do what's best for us as much as we have to make sure you're doing what's best for you too!" he gave her the best smile he could muster. "But, I promise you Honey it doesn't matter what happens, or where I am, or what you do, you will always have a home with me if you want it." Perhaps it would be too much for someone as young as she was to comprehend, but Elio couldn't leave without her holding on to the knowledge that despite everything that happened and whatever was to come, he would be there if she needed him. Elio squeezed her hand, "We're Peanut Butter and Jelly remember!" he grinned, recalling their nicknames. Naturally, he was PB given his allergies, and Honey was a type of Jelly. "You can't have one without the other," he kissed the back of her hand, before standing once more before the pair.

"I should.. go," Elio said, clearing his throat a little as he spoke to Chrys, feeling as though he was now getting in the way of some critical bonding time between the trio. Elio had been wanting to ask him to reinstate their agreement, but Honey had everything she needed here and Elio would just make things more complicated. He pushed the thoughts of such out of his mind, his heart breaking for the second time in as many weeks.
Chrys looked up at Elio with sad eyes as he slowly started to put the puzzle together of why the pair were no longer together. He supposed he could understand it, their relationship had made little sense to him from the beginning, but, the background he came from had leant him to being a little more open in the ways of relationships than some other people perhaps. After all, his father was polyamorous and for a while Chrys had thought he might have been too. He'd found out pretty quickly that he wasn't, but he'd never really worried too much about it, so hearing that Elio and Rowan had essentially called it quits for good was sad. He'd known them for almost half of his life, which was a long time for someone to be together. What had it been like twelve years? Sh*t, if they couldn't make things work, damn. His eyes dropped away from Elio, letting him have this private moment that was for him and Honey and he stood up and stepped slightly away, moving to sit up on the counter instead of almost breathing down their necks. They would work this out because they were adults, and he could hear bits and pieces of what Elio was saying quietly to Honey. She was clinging to his every word and he didn't want to break her heart more than it had already been broken. After all, he was already a terrible parent how bad of a parent would he be if he ripped his daughter away from the home she had always known. He still wanted her around, of course, but... maybe it wouldn't be so bad for her to see Elio too? As Elio stood to leave, Honey wrapped her arms around his legs, and Chrys stood from where he had been sitting, reaching out to grasp Elio's arm. "Look, I know this sucks, and it's not ideal, man I don't want you never to see her. We can do weekends, yeah? Two a month and go from there, see how things work out and... maybe we can renegotiate. She loves you, it would mess her up never seeing you." More than she was probably already messed up. He didn't want to break her worse.

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