Old School Week Lost in the Colors

Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (22)
Casper was caught up in a new project. He'd been down here for most of the day. Paint covered him, splattered over the floor. Cas wasn't the cleanest painter, but he was passionate. He wasn't sure where the muse for this had come from, but it was working. Burgundy, indigo, cerulean, amber, sandstone, his brush flew over the canvas. The landscape that was emerging was warm, wild, safe, exotic. He could think of a hundred contradictions that described his painting, but he was lost in the creation.
Sebastian was just trying to find Casper, he wanted to hang out with him as more as he could. "Hey Casper," he said loudly, tho, he kinda understood that the boy probably was really into arts. "Cas?" he called once more as he approached him a bit. "Casper?" he touched Beckett's shoulder, trying to get his attention.
Celia wasn't naturally artistic, but she did enjoy painting. Her stock of oil paints was running low, so she decided to head for the Conglomerated Arts room. She wrinkled her nose when she stepped inside. "Ugh, why is there paint everywhere?" She saw a Slytherin trying to get the attention of the person responsible for this mess. "Can you tell him that he's making a mess?"
Cas jumped out of his skin when someone touched his shoulder, spinning around. He accidentally slashed his paintbrush across Sebastian's face, leaving a streak of orange paint over his cheek and nose. "Seb-!" He started to stammer, when a new voice broke in, complaining about his work. Without thinking, Cas leaned over and slashed his brush in the air at her too. He hadn't meant to do anything, and his eyes widened as a few drops of paint hit her legs.
The last thing that Seb expected was a brush on his face. "I'm pretty sure that it's not skin paint," he lightly joked before turning to the new voice. She was Celia, right? Beater. "I think he already heard you and oh shoot," Seb was ready to look at Casper with seriously? look but understood that they had bigger problems. The color actually hit her. "Celia, he... don't be mad, it's just a color, right? It's an art and the shoes totally are not ruined," Seb tried to calm her down as he had seen her around and just hoped that the shoe won't fly in his and Casper's direction. "Why did you do that? She will literally bury us now," Seb quietly whispered at Cas.
Celia was shocked when the boy decided to attack them for rightfully pointing out the mess he was making. Glaring, she took a step towards the Hufflepuff, her hand automatically reaching for her wand. "What," she seethed, "is wrong with you?!" The Slytherin boy then spoke up, and she shot him an incredulous look. "Why are you defending him? He literally just threw paint at your face!"
Caspers eyes widened and he hid a bit behind Seb. "I don't know, I had flashbacks of being bullied and I just reacted," He whispered back, unthinkingly bringing up a hand to clutch the back of Sebs' shirt. "I didn't mean to get him," He managed shyly. So much for being confident. "He snuck up on me." He pouted, ducking a little more behind Sebastian. "I didn't think any would get on you, I was... being defiant," He offered her gently. She was so short, why was he suddenly so nervous of a little girl?
Seb was about to react to what Casper said about the memories but he noticed Celia's hand moving towards the place where she most likely held her wand. "No wands in there! Just the brushes," he would reach out the hand to try and calm Celia but Cas grabbed his shirt not letting Seb move anywhere. "Well, I'm defending him because he's my friend. And it's just a paint, I... And I did sneak up on him," why they were literally scared of the third year? "Please, don't use magic, I can clear your shoes, I know the perfect spell for that," he fastly offered while they were untouched.
"I was going to clean up the mess myself," Celia lied before moving her hand away from her wand. Even she knew she couldn't win a duel against two older students. Plus, hexing someone would land her in major trouble. "You need better friends," she told the Slytherin before turning her full attention to the Hufflepuff. "Let me get this straight. You slung paint towards me because you were 'being defiant,'" she said, using air quotes as she took another menacing step forwards, "But you didn't think any of it would get on me? In what world does that make any sense?"
Cas swallowed nervously, stepping just a little closer to Sebastian and leaning a bit against the older boy. "The one where I thought all of the paint from my brush was on his face," he replied. "You were being mean. My mess is just around me, it wasn't affecting you. Bullying isn't okay, you can't be mean to people and expect them not to react. I'm in here every day and I always clean up after myself, you don't need to be mean about my work and you don't have to act like I'm not right here, I've heard everything you've said about me to him." He defended himself, feeling better about standing up to her. That might go better if he wasn't hiding behind Sebastian but Cas was new in being confident. "Yes, I got a few drops of paint on your shoe. Any one of us can clean that in a matter of seconds. If you hadn't been rude I wouldn't have reacted negatively."

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