Looking for Ingredients

Liz was thoroughly confused. She knew what was happening, but was too exhausted to piece everything together.

She ran with George, clutching her bag of fluxweed. It would be awhile before she had the guts to come in here again. Losing it would be a terrible idea.
Behind them, George heard the stone casing around the spider finally give way and crumble. A loud growl could be heard, and the sound of what was probably a pretty nasty fight ensuing followed.

Praying that this would work, and that Liz wouldn't be too mad at him for doing it, he gripped Liz's hand harder. He concentrated, and disapparated, taking Liz for a side-along apparition with him, and apparated outside the forest at the edge of Hogsmeade.

Sighing a breath of relief. He turned to Liz, and cocked his head to the side, looking conrned. "Are you okay?"
Liz was a bit dissoriented, and a little bit in shock, but fine for the most part. "I'm okay." she said with a bit of a waver in her voice. "That... usually doesn't happen when I collect fluxweed." she said in a very matter-of-fact tone.
George grinned and laughed. "It must be me. I attract all the nasties."

"You fancy a butterbeer? Calm your nerves? My treat."
Liz laughed. "Jeez, I'm going to have to borrow some armor from the castle next time I see you. It might save my life."

She nodded. "And a butterbeer sounds fantastic. As long as it doesn't jump up and eat us."
"Well, actually, they are marketing a new line of rather vicious butterbeers..." He said sarcastically.

He smiled warmly. "Come on then, trouble." And with that, he turned and headed for the Three Broomsticks.

((See you in there! ;) ))

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