Looking for Ingredients

Elizabeth Malfoy

Well-Known Member
Liz wandered into the forest, wand lit. She had a specific mission- collect fluxweed. Her left hand held a brown cloth sack, with only a small amount of vegetation inside. Geez, I really use up this stuff.

Knowing that she was getting deeper into the forest, she kept herself mostly hidden in the undergrowth. She continued to poke around the bushes, searching for fluxweed.
On a small rocky outcrop, covered in moss and grass amongst other things, a small red fox sat quietly. He lowered his tawny head into a sprouting of brown and green funghi, sniffing at them in earnest. Was this what he was looking for?

To his right, his keen hearing picked up a rustling in the bushes. His head snapped up, looking in the direction of the sound, and through the bushes, he made out a dark outline of a human figure. His large eyes narrowed.

((Picture time :o ))

Liz pulled a small branch to the side, revealing a tiny patch of fluxweed. Perfect she thought, and pulled out her supplies. She slid on her dragon hide gloves, and pulled out very sharp small shears. She slowly and carefully began to harvest the fluxweed. This is a good start

(( :o fluffy))
The fox watched in silence as the figure went about its rustling. Curious, he hopped down from the outcropping. Keeping low, he crept around the bushes, careful not to disturb any foliage as he went. A sliver of moonlight crept through the dense trees, and reflected off something sharp and metal.

The fox froze, wary. His sensitive nose detected that the perpatrator was human, witch. Creeping forward just a little bit more, the trees swayed above him, and the moonlight reflected off a head of blonde hair.
Liz stopped abruptly. She thought she heard a rustling of leaves, but was unsure from which direction. After several moments of silence, she let out a breath that she didn't realize she'd been holding. After another couple moments, she began to cut it gently.

A strand about six inches long fell off, and she caught it. She put it in the bag, and turned to cut the rest. That one strand was about a fourth of the fluxweed in the patch.
If the fox could have rolled his eyes, he would have.

Padding a bit closer to the human, he stopped about ten feet away, observing as she harvested the fluxweed with the shears. He was quite content to just watch her, keep guard, as it were. Giving away his presence would not be a sensible idea.

To his right, however, a small rodent passed harmlessly by in the undergrowth. Insitinctivley, the fox let out a low growl deep from his chest, his teeth bared.

Liz dropped her shears, and promptly pulled out her wand, aiming it in the direction or the snarling. "Protego Totalum" she whispered, shielding herself from a possible attack. No point in trying anything offensive until she knew what was there. If it was a student, well, attacking a classmate wasn't on the top list of things for her to do.

Liz stared, not quite seeing what was there. She simply waited for it to make another move. This time, though, her eyes were open to the entire area. Nothing would sneak up on her while she was distracted.
Great. How was he going to do this without getting himself blasted in to pieces. He knew she could do it, so he wasn't going to take any chances.

He walked slowly into her line of sight, keeping low to the ground and in what he hoped looked like a submissive pose. Sure, he could revert back into his human form right now, but chances are that would startle her into stunning him. Besides, this way was much more fun.

He paused. Looking up at her, he cocked his head to the side in a decidedly un-fox like way.
Liz looked at the fox, her brows furrowed. "Er... hello." she said, almost feeling as if it deserved a human gesture. "Sorry if I scared you. If it makes you feel any better, you scared me too." she grinned nervously. "And now I'm talking to a fox. They'll lock me up in St. Mungo's if I don't stop that."

She looked from the fox to the fluxweed. "Before I return to work, I've got to ask. Should I be scared by you?" She knew she was talking to an animal. And how bizarre it would sound to anyone who happened to walk by. Luckily, people didn't happen to walk by incidents like this in the forbidden forest. Not to mention, a fox is one of the smartest animals she knew of. Foxes, and snakes.
During Liz's chattering, the fox had padded closer to her, looking up through big amber eyes at her. He couldn't help but grin as Liz rambled on, and wondered what the expression looked like in his fox-form.

At her question, the fox shook his head from side to side, and sat back on his haunches.
Liz grinned down at the fox. "Good plan." she picked up the shears and began to work on another strand of fluxweed. What a strange fox... it's got some odd facial expressions.
The fox let out a sigh, although he supposed it probably came out as more of a pant. Bright girl, Liz. Just not so sensible sometimes.

The fox reared up and took a few paces back. Without warning, it leapt towards Liz, its paws outstretched in front of him. In mid air, the fox began to change shape, its limbs growing and morphing, the glossy coat dissappearing, until the tall lean form of George Weasley was looking down at Elizabeth.

"So, what? You just trust strange woodland creatures now?" He smirked.
Liz turned to see the last few moments of the transformation. She gaped for a moment, then closed her mouth. "First of all, you're an animagus?!" she paused. "And second, noting it was you after all, was I not right to trust a... strange woodland creature?" she asked.

Liz was still incredibly flustered, and trying to recover. It wasn't everyday that a small fox leaps at you and doesn't... stay a fox.
George grinned and put a hand on her shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...actually, bollocks to that, I did. You didn't know it was me, so no, you weren't right, for one blasted time. I could have been anyone...or thing. I could have been a death eater" He said resolutley, and folded his arms across his chest.
Liz sighed, knowing he was right. She'd argue anyway though.

"Well, maybe I knew it was you. I mean... being orange and all." she grinned. "And the only animagus death eater I know of is one that I wouldn't mind seeing."
George stuck out his jaw defiantley. "I am not orange, I am...tawny. I think. And a very handsome fox" He teased.

"Oh yeah? You didn't tell me that. What's his form?" He asked, genuinley interested. Being an unregistered animagus was risky business, but easier that way, though it was difficult to keep tabs on other animagus.
Liz grinned. "Adorable. Just like a pygmy puff."

She smiled. "He's a small lizard. I trust you won't pass this on to anyone. That's how we started talking." she bit her lip. "I speak parseltongue. No clue how that happened. My family doesn't know. Or at least, I hope they don't. The only ones who know are you, Garett, Courtney, and possibly Estrella. Well, Bellatrix knows too." she paused. "Anyway, Night after they nabbed us, I was ranting in parseltongue to my pillow. He spoke it too, and that's how we communicated without the death eaters knowing."
George smiled softly. "You have my word, you know that. But speaking parseltongue? Not exactly shaking off the repuation that goes with your name" He said jokingly.

His eyes went wide and an imaginary lightbulb clicked on above his head. Letting out a small chuckle, he shook his head. "I am so sorry, where are my manners, I almost forgot why I'm here," He paused, his expression turning serious, "What the bloody hell are you doing in the forest?!"
Liz sighed. "I know it. There's a reason I'm not more open about it."

George's sudden change of tone left her at a loss for a moment. "Er..." Liz looked around. "Where am I? I must have gotten lost on the way to Gryffindor tower?" she hoped he wouldn't be too upset. She could take care of herself in the forest- she'd been doing it for weeks now.
George shook his head. "I get it, you think if a beasty jumps out at you, you can take care of it yourself right?" He had to smile at her bravery.

"Did you know that standing within 20 feet of you right now there are more than two things that will quite probably at some point tonight decide to make you their dinner?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Liz bit her lip, thinking. Of course that's what I thought!

Looking around, she saw no threat. "No... I don't see anything." she was now a bit more scared than when she entered the forest.
George leaned to the left a little, and looked over Liz's shoulder, through the trees and shrubbery, and nodded almost inperceptibly.

"About 15 feet behind you, there's an adolescent hellhound." George paused, anticipating her reaction. "Oh, he won't hurt you, not now anyway. His name's Tolouse, I got him out of a jam with a swarm of doxys once." He shrugged. "But, y'know, if I wasn't here, you'd make quite a tasty treat."
Liz swallowed audibly and nodded. George certainly has his connections in here.

She almost didn't want to ask.

"What's the other one?"

But curiosity got the better of her.
George grinned. "There's a Mackled Malaclaw next to your left foot." He pointed down at the lobster-like creature. "Okay, fair enough, wouldn't kill you, but it'd make you unlucky enough to be killed by something else on the way out." He laughed a little, though the warning was entirely serious.

"Thought I sensed a wolf earlier too, but I think I must have been being paranoid".
Liz looked down, and quickly brought her left foot over to meet her right, away from the Malaclaw.

When George mentioned the wolf, she stiffened for a moment, wondering about the abilities of animagi.

"Oh..." was all she could really say. "Well... some things are worth a bit of risk, right?" she bit her lip. "I was a bit careless this time. Usually I bring a broom with me- quick getaway and all."

She turned to George. "Er... why are you here, anyhow? Just to run around all fuzzy?" she grinned.

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