Looking for boys!

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Vivian Brackenstall

📜poet | quiet | tall | flirty📜 indie musician
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Tristan) (Gay
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Hawthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
7/2031 (31)
So Daphne and I have finished most of the setup work for Vivian and Tristan's relationship, and now I'm looking for other boys for Vivian to have flings/brief relationships with throughout the next few years.

If you haven't followed the plot, the general setup is that at the beginning of the year, Vivian and Tristan Collins began dating in secret, which unbeknownst to Vivian was orchestrated so that Tristan could date more presentable, socially acceptable people in public. He found out at the yule ball, and after a bit of discussion Tristan has convinced him that the best thing for their relationship would be to date other people in public, and keep their relationship private. (Relevant threads: 1, 2, 3, 4)

So, boys! Vivian is available for anything from one-thread flirtations to long-ish term relationships, but they'll never be his Main relationship, and he will be seeing Tristan behind your character's back the whole time (sorry D=) I know there aren't a ton of gay/bi male characters around his age, but I'm still hopeful, and if anyone has any straight male characters who they'd like to question their sexuality, hit me up. This relationship situation is going to continue until 7th year, so I'm keen for anything from immediately upcoming plots to things far, far in the future. Ideally, I'd like Vivian to have a lot of very short, mostly meaningless relationships while he's struggling to emulate how Tristan behaves.

If you have any questions, let me know! I'm open to just about anything for Viv at this stage!
Aww Vivian :(

But okayyy going on what we've already talked about: did you want me to start a wee thread for Flavio and Vivian? I'm thinking we should have them sort of hang out for a bit before anything else happens since that makes more sense to me :p

Edit: started the thread lmao http://hogwarts.nz/topic/30380154/1/
Rowan! I don't think we have ever rp'd together yet. (I have a bad memory and response record, so if we have :wub: )

I have Vincent Della-Robbia: He is half-veela and is a character I haven't gotten to play with as much. He is a fourth year Slytherin and is very playful and manipulative. He LOVES gossip as he believes that it is entertaining. Vinny is not a very serious person about anything, so he would not care if Vivian is seeing someone behind his back. He has a huge ego that is pretty hard to break. I'd be up for them flirty or something long-term but, Vincent does get bored of being with one person.

Let me know!

Anna: Aaaah that's perfect! I'll reply asap, thank you! :hug:

Lovi: I don't think we've ever RPed together, but I'm definitely keen to! :) Vincent sounds absolutely perfect! Vivian is a very gentle person, and (as evidenced by this entire plot) easy to manipulate, he likes to make people around him happy. They could maybe be seeing each other casually for a while, and drift apart once Vincent gets bored with him?
Hey Rowan! :hug:

I have Matt Rosemary, he's a year below Vivian and currently thinks he's straight (he'll turn out to be bisexual though). He's going to date someone else soon, but we could throw them in a plot together and they could meet before they start dating in a few IC semesters? Matt isn't one for committed relationships and is rather blunt, but he can also be a nice person. I think something short-term could work for them or whatever you feel would work out is okay with me :)

Let me know what you think!
Ooooh, that sounds perfect! I definitely think they could work out for a short-term fling at some point in the future! I love it! Thank you :hug:
I have Hudson Worth: Ravenclaw, First Year.

He is two years behind Vivian so this would be something later on in the school years.
Ainsley Lynch said:
Lovi: I don't think we've ever RPed together, but I'm definitely keen to! :) Vincent sounds absolutely perfect! Vivian is a very gentle person, and (as evidenced by this entire plot) easy to manipulate, he likes to make people around him happy. They could maybe be seeing each other casually for a while, and drift apart once Vincent gets bored with him?
Yay! I would be up for starting something soonish if that's what you want! <3
Steph: Aaah that sounds great! I'm definitely keen to have things lined up for the future, are you thinking it'd be a somewhat lasting thing or a short fling?

Lovi: Yess!! I'm definitely keen for that, whenever suits you :D
I could see them being a more long term type of thing maybe like an on and off again type of long term. Where each time it's like a fling cause they have feelings for other people (Hudson is gonna be bi so there will probably be a girl he is thinking about or another guy tbh) so they use each other to try to get over the other person. They could also be friends at the same time so things can get complicated with that.
Ooooh, I like that a lot! On again off again is very good :)
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