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Flinn McCarthy

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OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair
Okay, this is Flinn.

Flinn is very friendly, quite confident and also very confident, however he is extremely loyal. He is very popular and has lots of friends, many of them muggles, though he grew up in a wizarding home.
His Father-James died a few years ago. his Mother-Ellen is the main reson for this post.

I imagine Ellen with Natalia Worner as her play-by. Mostly because she plays a character called Ellen, in the Pillars Of The Earth-a wonderful movie and mini-series. I based Ellen on her, and Flinn on her son-Jack.

I need someone to play Ellen. She is over-protective of her son, and wants the best for him. She was a good wife, but could be controlling and often over-powering, however Flinn's Father was a quite man, and his wife talked enough for both of them. She is very friendly, but can be judemental, though that's optional. That's just the way she is in my head, if you want anything else, just throw it in. She has to be over-protective and loud though, otherwise-you have free reign.

They live on a farm in Galway, and run it on their own, though she might have to hire a farm hand f she needs help. Flinn is a half-blood, so I was thinking she might be pure-blood? an old Irish family perhaps, but if you want James to have been the Pureblood, that's fine.

Also, I'm planning on sending Flinn to Beauxbatons, according to his Mother's will, wo has begun teaching him French, that's where she went to school. He wants to go to Durmstrang, to follow in his Father's footsteps, but she's having none of it-this could cause rebellion when he's older. I have to get him accepted to beauxbaton's first though.

Secondly, I was wondering if there was anyone who'd like to be friends with Flinn, or rp with him, I'd like ideas, so anything goes. :D
I can offer Jamie as a friend though he is several years older

Heyy Maia!

I have a 3rd year Beauxbatons female.
She's not very nice. And cares mostly about herself. But, I can see them maybe
getting a long a little. And if not, it's always fun to have enemy RPs.
Whatever you would prefer.
He could be a big brother of sorts or just an older friend you can count on though he may not be the best role- model
Lol if you would please as I have recently set up a string of threads for a few people and currently am out of witty starts.
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