look 'ere ladies and gentlemen

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Nusa Mauven

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Mahogany Wand 9" With Essence of Centaur Tail Hair
Meet Nusa Melora Mauven. She is a Hogwarts Scotland student who was sorted into Ravenclaw in the past "year". She used to attend Durmstrang so there should be ties for her from there but most kind of thought she was odd and disliked her because of her partiality towards muggles. What I'd like for Nusa is a few friends who have her in their best intention because she is a bit of a lamb. But I'd also like people to think that her personality is all an act when it most certainly is not and would tease her. I would also like someone to fancy her, she wouldn't really know why but it would certainly be interesting because she's never really been liked by anyone. I kind of picture them being really cutesy and flitting around one another but Nusa will still kind of be naive about the whole thing and not really know what she feels about the whole situation so he'll have to make the first move but it would probably just be a kiss on the cheek. See, cutesy!
Nusa kind of lives in her own dream world but she observes people when she is back on Earth. She doesn't really speak much but when she does her words are chosen carefully. She is rather innocent and does not know much about the world around her and how dark it can be despite most of her family being into Dark Arts.

Yeah that is basically it.
Hmm. I can offer you Emily Kain if you want? She's Robert Kain's older sister, and she's 16 nearly 17. She IS a muggle, so im not sure how they would know each other, but i can offer her as a friend?
If you'd prefer i can offer Li as an ex-durmy friend, who's 18.
I haven't roleplayed at all with Emily before, so really her personality is entirely new, and as for Li, she's going through a weid phrase because she's just found out she has a family (check of C-D)
I have a second year Durmstrang that is sort of like that that she could've been a sort of mentor too but I'm not sure it would fit in to the time line of her transferring.
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