Open Look At Me, I Made It

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Celia Vu

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Celia couldn't stop smiling.

It was a foreign feeling, this happy ache in her cheeks, and she knew she was probably attracting curious glances, but she didn't care. Her life had changed earlier that day when a letter bearing the words "We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to..." had landed on her breakfast plate, and now nothing else mattered. Celia had always known that this miserable chapter of her life at Hogwarts couldn't last forever, but knowing and believing were two different things. Now she believed. The letter was tangible proof of the light at the end of the tunnel, a promise that her seven-year nightmare would soon be over.

Celia had been a little tempted to spend the entire night just staring at her acceptance letter and converting all her daydreams about college into actual plans, but she had a beautiful dress saved for tonight, and it would be a shame if she didn't get to wear it. She'd been apprehensive about the Yule Ball this year since she usually spent these events with her friends, and most of them had ditched her. For a moment, it had seemed like Seamus might ask her, but to her disappointment, he hadn't.

Now, all those worries and disappointments seemed so far away. Celia felt like she was floating as she made her way through the Great Hall. The future she'd worked so hard for was finally within her grasp, and she couldn't imagine anything bringing her down tonight. As Celia took in the decorations, it occurred to her that this time next year, she would be in New York at her dream school, experiencing a real winter with actual snow, and the thought set off another burst of joy.
Adorah felt odd about chaperoning a dance when she wasn't sure her judgment was much wiser than some of the older students, but if she could keep some first years from destroying anything or putting weird foods among the snacks table, she will have felt relatively good about the evening. As she made her rounds, things seemed relatively calm so far. Most students hadn't arrived yet, but that allowed Adorah to take everything in. The hall was decorated rather nicely, and the presents were a nice touch. The former Ravenclaw watched as a group of second years started bickering over one particular gift until her eyes were drawn towards a black dress.

Adorah didn't know the current Head Girl, but she had read her most recent article in the student newspaper. She knew it must be weird to have such a young professor, and while she only taught up to the fourth years currently, Adorah could see how there wasn't much of a difference between her and some of the older students. She didn't have much life experience, was still in the relationship she had nourished during her seventh year, and barely looked older than 17. But still, she had done quite a few internships and continued to study astronomy past her NEWTs. She hoped in a few more years, she would be seen in a higher regard like what she had for her own professors. As she walked closer to the head girl, she wondered if she should say anything about the article. Or anything at all. And as she contemplated this, Adorah proceeded to trip over the train of her dress, propelling herself forward right next to the Head Girl as she faceplanted onto the floor. Adorah could feel her nose crunch as it made contact with the floor, and she took a second to just lay there, wanting to disappear, before starting to push herself up off the ground. "Sorry," she said to whoever, feeling something wet on her face.
Years on the Quidditch pitch meant Celia had very good reflexes, so when a black blur suddenly entered her peripheral vision, she instinctively flinched out of the way. A girl faceplanted next to her, and once Celia got over her surprise, she gave a mean-spirited giggle. The snow wasn't real and they weren't anywhere near the ice rink, yet this girl had still managed to trip over her own feet and fall flat on her face. That took talent. Celia knew that as head girl she should probably help the girl up, but she decided she was off-duty tonight. One of the professors could help her instead.

With a smirk, Celia started to step around the figure lying on the floor, when the girl pushed herself up, and Celia realized it was Adorah. She stared at the former head girl in horror before she remembered her acceptance letter. It didn't matter if Adorah had heard her laugh; the woman no longer had any real power over her. Celia relaxed and adopted a look of concern though amusement still glittered in her eyes. "Professor," she started, and if she were feeling bolder, she might have said it in a mocking tone. But even though she no longer had to suck up to the professors anymore, Celia figured outright hostility would be a bad look. So she continued to feign concern. "Are you okay?" She grimaced a little — no pretending required — and took a slight step back, both to avoid getting blood on her shoes and to give Adorah room to sit up. "Should I go find a nurse?"
Adorah sat up on her knees, as she felt a little dizzy, before processing that someone was talking to her. "No, no, I'm fine," she said in a nasal tone as she held her nose shut, which she presumed was the source of the bleeding. Adorah pulled out her wand as she stood and pointed at her face, silently remembering a spell Juniper had taught her to deal with these exact things, as broken noses were a common occurence in quidditch. As she waved her wand, she heard a crack and felt pain across her face. She wasn't that great at these kinds of spells, but she figured it would hold until she could get home to Noel to see if there really was much damage. "I'm just very klutzy," she continued, taking a seat at a nearby chair and grabbing a napkin, trying to wipe her face. "Did I step on your dress? Or-or get any blood on you?" she asked quickly, looking at the floor to make sure the blood had just gotten on her face. "Again, so sorry." Adorah wasn't sure why she was apologizing so much when, in reality, the fall had really only affected her.
As Adorah sat up, Celia got a better look at her dress. Between the color, cap sleeves, and silver piping, there were notable similarities between Adorah's gown and her own. However, the former head girl's dress looked like a cheap knockoff, as if someone had brought a toddler's drawing of her dress to life. Celia smirked slightly, knowing she looked much better. "You don't say," she muttered dryly as Adorah explained that she was very clumsy. Maybe she owed the woman more respect considering her position at the school, but it was so hard to take Adorah seriously as a professor when Celia had first known her as head girl.

At the questions, Celia made a face. "I hope not," she said a little sharply, taking a step back and glancing down at her gown. The color meant it was impossible to tell if there was any blood, but she doubted a broken nose would cause a big enough spray to get any on her dress. There wasn't even blood on the floor. She assumed Adorah hadn't stepped on her skirt either, considering the lack of dust or "snow." Still, maybe she should have protected it the same way she had protected the train on her Halloween Feast dress. Celia took out her wand and quickly cast an Imperturbable Charm on the skirt. At Adorah's apology, she glanced up, mildly amused. There was no need for an apology, of course. Adorah had only hurt herself. But to accept the apology would imply otherwise. "It's fine," she said graciously. "Are you sure you don't want me to get a nurse? I can also find Professor Alcott-Ward for you and let him know that you can't chaperone tonight since you accidentally hurt herself." She'd made the offer under the guise of generous concern, but her eyes were bright. She hoped to make Adorah squirm.
Adorah wiped what she thought was most of the blood off her face, unaware if there was anymore as Celia continued speaking. She thought it was odd for the Slytherin to suggest that she should go home over a simple fall and broken nose. Sure, blood was not a great way to start the evening, but it didn't impact her ability to supervise students. "No, it's fine. Thank you, Celia," she responded, with a little irritation in her voice as she stood up. She cleared her throat as she readjusted her footing and looked at the Head Girl. Adorah was always bad at getting a read on people, and Celia was no different. She had not really interacted with her and didn't remember the Slytherin from when she was in school, but she didn't seem like the friendliest. And it wasn't just based on the interactions because professors talk, something Adorah was horrified to learn when she joined the staff. "Sorry to interrupt your evening," the professor said, noticing Celia's dress and realizing they were both wearing black. "Love you dress, by the way. Very classy."

ooc: I did not intentionally choose the Wish version of Celia's dress for Adorah to wear, but I love how it worked out
Adorah sounded more annoyed than terrified, which was a bit disappointing. Still, Celia thought the former head girl had done a decent enough job of proving her incompetence. The ball had only just started, and she'd already broken her own nose. How could she be trusted to wrangle the actual menaces of the castle if she couldn't even keep herself uninjured? "If you're sure..." Celia said, keeping up the charade of concern. She hadn't really known Adorah during their time as schoolmates, but she was getting a better idea of what kind of person the former head girl was when she apologized for the third time. Celia smiled at the comment about her dress. "Oh, thank you," she replied, pointedly not returning the compliment. "I wanted to wear something special since it's my last Yule Ball. Figured I'd go all out." That wasn't exactly true since Celia went all out for every dance, and her dresses for the last few years had been just as nice. "I guess that's not really a concern when you're a professor," she said with a smile at odds with her words. Celia was reminded of a past conversation she'd had with Seamus about how sad it would be to be a professor reliving their glory days at a high school dance. Adorah had once been head girl, and this was what she'd decided to do with her future? Celia almost felt sorry for her.
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