Long time lurker, first time member

Addison Blake

OOC First Name
Sycamore Wand 12 1/2" Thestral Tail Hair Core
Hello HNZ!

I'm Paige! I'll keep this short and sweet but I've been RPing for a while now and stumbled across this board a few years ago. Due to a long line of commitments, I never got the chance to join but became really invested in some of the RPs :tut:

I recently rediscovered it and thought, well why not? So here I am!

Can't wait to become a part of such a long-standing and well-loved site, and get plotting with you all soon enough!
Hi Paige!

Welcome to HNZ! I'm glad that you found us again and decided to join. I'm Cyndi, one of the admin. If you have any questions as you get to know the site even more, please send me a PM. :)

You're here just in time for sorting, which starts at the end of the month, and our birthday celebration!! ^_^

See you around!
Welcome :hug:
I'm Annaleise and we should totally get to plotting sometime :D Can't wait to see you around!
Hi yah! Paige

Welcome to HNZ where everything and everybody is awesomesauce. If you want to rp or just chat, I'm a PM away :wub: :D

I'm Alex by the way (Don't confuse me with Alexis :p )
Hi Paige! Welcome to HNZ! ^_^
Hey, Paige :D

Glad you took a leap and decided to join us, we love having more people to plot with. I look forward to learning more about you and abusing our characters with wild and whacky situations xD

I'm Kelsey Ruth, or KR - Welcome to the site!
Hey Paige, welcome to the site! It's always fantastic getting new people to join our cult community! I've been here for about eight years now, so good luck trying to escape :r

And I see you have a character from Ilvermorny? WELL. In that case, you should totally sashay on over to this topic!

Also the Information button has to be one of my favourite places for apps and information on the site, so be sure to have a look through there too, but I'm sure by now you know how everything works here :lol:

I hope you stay a while and looking forward to role-playing with you. ^_^
Hi Paige!

Nice to meet you! Glad you found our little neck of the interwebs again, new blood is always a good time for a celebration! Can't wait to dig in and sort some plots out with you! I'm Teigan by the way, Australian born and bred. Send me a pm if even you just want to talk, I love getting pm's!
Professor Sloane Stark said:
I'm Teigan by the way, Australian born and bred.
And I am her sister. ^_^
Hello! Lovely to see you've decided to join us. You can call me Tenile/e, and I hope to be seeing you around some time to hang out and have a chat, or plot! :hug:
Hey Paige! I'm Kaye ^_^ It's always good to see a new face around the board! I'm looking very forward to hopefully plotting and RPing with you in the future. If you want to PM me, never hesitate because I love talking to people :wub:
Welcome to HNZ!
Very happy to have you here with us, can't wait to RP with you in the future.
Hey Paige, and welcome!! :claire: :hug: I'm really glad you decided to sign up. If you have any questions or just want to plot/rp feel free to pm me! ^_^ (if I don't pm you first :r )

hello there! It's so awesome that you've chosen now to join. The school year is wrapping up soon so if you decide to sort someone you have plenty of time to develop someone! I'm Coke and I love new people even if sometimes i may seem like a bit of a butt! Feel free to pm or Skype me if you have any questions or want to plot!
Welcome to the site Paige! :party:
Ah my gawd, thanks everyone! You're all so sweet :wub:

I've been doing a bit of research and hopefully plan on having Addy transfer so she can join y'all at HNZ. If not, I'm sure I'll totally just make four new characters, one for each house :tut:

Will see you all on the IC side (and the OOC side) very soon

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