
Charlie Wendell

Active Member
OOC First Name
My name is Robin, but most people call me Ro. I really love to read, and I write, too. I live in New Zealand, so this is really cool. Um, yeah. I like beaches, hokey pokey, rowing (but not rugby), bush walks, bird watching and basically any other thing you'd peg on a Kiwi girl (except rugby). (Never rugby.) I've RP'd on the FanFiction forums a bit, as well.
Hey there Robin, and welcome to HNZ! It's always nice to see another Kiwi join up - you're all such lovely people (it's the Aussies we're afraid of :r ).
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm from Canada!
If you ever have any questions or concerns about the site feel free to send me a PM and I'd be happy to help you out.
I look forward to seeing you around the board!
I lived in Australia for a year and it seemed that half the people in Australia were Kiwi's :p And then I joined this rugby team (Yes, I joined a rugby team and I am still traumatized) and all the people on the rugby team were kiwi's (in Australia) and I was always hit and knocked down and disqualified for doing some weird rugby thing thats not allowed.
Hey there Charlie :D

We already "know" each other from the RP, but welcome! Get a globe, look at New Zealand and then look for the country that is LITERALLY in the other side of the World... I'm from there :D
Nice to see some unsorted students who are active too!

Never played rugby though...
Hey there Ro :) I'm Maddy, welcome to HNZ!!!! I'm in Australia haha so right next to you!! :) I'd be happy to roll play with you or anyone if I can, and if you need any help PM me!! :D
Have fun!!!
Thats what is cool about forums :) everything is diverse. And Charlie, are you from Spain? I think that is directly opposite of New Zealand.

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