Little people need friends too

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Marcus Caine

Well-Known Member
Hi there. Marcus is only little but he needs friends too.

He is friendly and Jokey if he likes you but he is quite sneaky and mean if he doesn't. His big sister is Sydney Caine, Slytherin first year, and they do get along quite well but she doesn't like that he like muggle borns. Marcus is mixed blood but has been brought up thinking he is pure.

If you think your character could get along with Marcus then pleeeease reply to this or PM me!!

I've got an eight year old that he could rp with? Erin is naive, loyal, friendly and she thinks that everyone deserves a chance. She can be a bit stubborn and a little inconsiderate of peoples feelings sometimes. She is my characters little sister.
I have Gisella Lorka. She is seven, eight or nine, I forgot. But she is awfully nice to everyone other than Joceline Richarde because she thinks that she is the reason why her Mom is dead. She is mixed blood and I'm planning on having her be a future Ravenclaw OR Hufflepuff *is undecided*

Aaliyah can you tell me a bit about cedric??

Abi, she sounds like a good person, you wanna start a RP? Or me?
Tracy Caine said:

Aaliyah can you tell me a bit about cedric??

Abi, she sounds like a good person, you wanna start a RP? Or me?
Could you start it?
Tracy Caine said:
Sure, any place you want it to be in particular?
Anywhere but Bleak Street :)
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