Open Like a Shooting Star

Emma van Houten

Excitable | Loud | Older twin | Party Planner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
It had been surprisingly easy to borrow Fleur's broom without asking. She had expected it to be more difficult to head into the sixth years girls room and grab it, but no one had been there. It had been easy to spot which bed was Fleur's, too. Emma was sure her sister wouldn't mind, but not sure enough to actually go ask. It would be easier to ask forgiveness than permission, especially if there was a chance that Fleur might never know about it. Emma just wanted to fly and do cooler things than they did during flying lesson. She had first wanted to fly at the Quidditch pitch and pretend to be a Quidditch player like her sister, but it was occupied by one of the house teams for a practice. So Emma had kicked off on the great lawn and was now flying around, grinning. There were a few students outside, but not everyone noticed her flying around above them. Emma decided to fly a little lower, wondering if she could scare anyone by flying right above their heads.
Chloë had been wandering outside for a while now. She hadn't planned on doing anything, but just wanted to spend some time outside, away from her books and everything that had to do with class. Not that she minded class, she actually loved learning, but if she would stay inside she would do far more than she was asked to and forget to make time for fun. The youngster had been making her way to the other side of the lawn when a strange sound made her look up to reveal.. a broom? The youngster took a few steps forward and turned around so she could see who was flying around so dangerously low. "Emma?" Chloë frowned, looking up at what seemed to be one of the girl from her dorm. "Wh- I- How did you get a broom?" The first year asked, curious more than anything to how the girl had managed to get a broom as they weren't allowed one of their own in their first year. She knew they weren't supposed to have one or fly around for that matter, but Chloë couldn't help but secretly be jealous of the other Gryffindor just casually flying around the lawn.
(hope you don't mind me joining)
No worries, sorry for the late reply

Emma grinned in delight as she saw someone look up to her, especially pleased it was someone she knew. She waved at Chloe and stopped flying to hover in mid-air above her. "Hi!" She said cheerfully, grinning down at her. She leaned forward on the broom and smirked at her question. "It's my sister's broom." She told her smugly. "She taught me how to fly, and she's on the Quidditch team. Isn't that so awesome?" She knew she was bragging a little bit, but she couldn't help it. She was pleased with how shocked and surprised Chloe was.
Chloë chuckled at how cheerful Emma looked, although she was still frowning upon the fact that she was actually flying a broom around the grounds. They weren't even supposed to have brooms. "Yeah, that's cool!" The girl replied, knowing all too well the fun, and trouble, of having an older sibling teaching her how to fly. Her brother wasn't on any Quidditch team, but he sure was a fine flyer. "But how'd you get it? She .. lend it to you?" She asked, growing curiouser about the whole ordeal by the second. Surely if Emma's sister was on the house team she would be smart enough not to lend her broom to a first year? If someone caught her she'd definetely be in trouble. If someone caught Emma, she might in trouble too.
Emma grinned proudly when Chloe admitted it was cool. She was happy to show off a bit, especially because she knew not many people in their year would be flying around. Especially not on good brooms like this one. Emma shrugged at Chloe's question. "I borrowed it." She said cheerfully, not feeling the need to add that she hadn't actually asked Fleur for permission, though she doubted her sister would have said no. "Wanna get on and fly with me?" She asked , flying lower so Chloe could hop on if she wanted to.
Chloë got more and more suspicious of how Emma got the broom with every word she said. She felt like it wasn't really her business, but then again borrowing might just be another word for taking it without permission. She didn't care much about that, but what she did care about was what would happen if she, or they, got caught out here with a broom. They would certainly loose some points and get detention. "No thanks." The youngster replied to the girls question. "I love flying, but I don't think it's worth getting caught and loosing house points for." She continued, she didn't want to be a killjoy but she was hoping Emma would maybe decide to stop doing it as well. If they were going to loose any more house points, she didn't want to be the reason for it.
Emma wished Chloe was a little bit more enthusiastic about Emma's totally cool idea to fly around on her sister's broom. It was brilliant! It definitely deserved at least some cheering. She had expected her to at least accept her offer to fly along with her, and was a little offended when the girl said no. "What? Who says we're losing house points! We're just flying." She pointed out. "And it's not like it's my broom." She added with a huff. "Some Gryffindor you are, not wanting to take a little risk." She added, as she had heard Gryffindors were supposed to like taking risks. Right?

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