Letting it out.

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Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Caysi walked down to the lawn wearing her tank top and her trackpants. She looked at her arms, they were all scarred and bloody, there were new cuts and old cuts. She sat down near the tree and got out the peice of glass that she cut herself with. She kept on looking at it.
Rhyspa had received the owl Caysi sent her and headed down to the Lawn. Thoughts swam through Rhyspa's head as she trudged through the grass. She clutched her coat closer to her body, she was a bit chilly. Rhyspa loved October, it was her favorite month, not too hot not too cold and Halloween was right around the corner.

Rhyspa approached a tree and saw that Caysi was sitting at the base of it. She held something stained red and it was somewhat shiny. Rhyspa couldn't keep the thought's from her head, good and bad they kept circulating in her mind. She noticed Caysi didn't have a jacket and wondered if her friend was cold or not.

"Hey Cays," Rhyspa smiled.
Caysi was shocked. She threw the glass piece away and covered her arms between her legs. " Hey Rhy...what's up?" She asked quickly.
"Nothing much," Rhyspa replied as her eyes followed the discarded item. She walked over to it and picked it up. Her eyes scanned the glass and she soon realized it was blood. Rhyspa dropped the glass like it was poison and stepped back from it.

"Caysi," she whispered, barely audible. "What is going on?"
Caysi stood up. " Nothing, nothing at all, why would there be something wrong?" She said.
As stated in the Site Rules under "GENERAL/CODE OF CONDUCT":
4. Excessive violence, gore, suicide, or self-mutilation are prohibited. While conflict and a certain amount of violence are central to some plotlines involving the Death Eaters, members must be careful not to step over the line to explicit gore and horror movie territory. The roleplaying of suicide or self-mutilation may result in immediate banishment.

I encourage you to re-read the site rules, and if you feel there are any grey areas please Personal Message an Administrator for clarification of the rules and/or permission to proceed with a plot.

I'll be closing this thread, if you desire it re-opened please PM me. :)

Note: Please discontinue all other threads you may have with this theme to them.
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