Closed Letting Go

Sapphire Michaels

Clever- Mischievous- Snarky- Photographer
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Who Cares?
Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire had no idea why she had decided this was a good idea. Between cutting out Noelle and the harsh truth of Frankie's blatant refusal, she had... really lost any bit of hope she had. It was stupid, letting guys get to her like this, but honestly her life had just been a disaster for years. Her start in the orphanage, the mess with Mervyn, Chrysander, her brother's accident, she was slowly coming to realize that never in her entire life she had never once felt secure in anything, never felt like she had felt she belonged anywhere or with anyone.

She wasn't sure why she was here, really, standing at Zennon's front door. He was living with Sam and Finley now, probably making great strides towards being a healer like he'd always wanted. She raised a hand to knock, but she just... couldn't. Who was she even kidding? Zennon never turned to her. He had always gone to Analei, to Jake, to Sam, to everyone that wasn't her. She had always been an afterthought for him. He didn't need Sapphire in his life. He wouldn't want her around any more than anyone else had. Hell, even her uncle had taken Onyx over her. It was a harsh view, she knew it, but dammit, just once in her life could she be a choice for someone? She sighed, dropping her hand and leaning heavily against the door a moment, digging her hands into her eyes.

She took a deep breath and turned, starting back the way she had come. Maybe it would just be best for everyone if she just disappeared. Lost herself in the wilderness doing her work. Never came back out. The way her life was going, she doubted there would be anyone to even notice her absence.
“Do you think we should get a dog?” Zennon asked Sam as they headed back up the path leading to their apartment. Being out for a few hours in the day to just be together as a family was rare for them now - what with Zennon’s healer training and Sam figuring out what she wanted to do with her life, but given he hadn’t been needed this day, he’d let himself have some fun. Relaxing was almost always top priority in his mind and he preferred it that way. Sam was carrying Finley and he turned away from her as she was about to respond only to see… was that Sapphire? Sam caught on too and she looked at Zennon before nodding to him and heading past them to the apartment. Zennon wasn’t sure he liked the look on his friends face at all.​
“Sapph?” He called, coming to a stop in front of her. She looked sad, but he didn’t know what about. There had certainly been a lot of things in her life she could be sad about. He wasn’t sure specifically what this was about, but he wanted to help if he could. “Hun, do you want to come inside? Have a drink, chat? What do you need?” She’d obviously been at his house for something, no one else they knew lived around here and he knew she knew where he lived. He’d told all of his friends so that they could drop in and visit. Though, Sapphire was the first to have done so thus far.​
Sapphire was well on her way away, hands shoved deep in her pockets as she tried to mentally lock her heart away, tried to shut herself off. She heard Zennon, but tried to ignore him and continue on. "Bugger off, Baros," She grumbled, shouldering past him without even looking up. "It doesn't matter," She added softly, trying to bottle up her emotions as she pushed by, ducking her head and letting her hair fall to cover her eyes. She was just going to pack her bag and take off, disappear into the wild. It would be easier, really. Best for everyone involved.
Zennon was… confused.​
Sapphire didn’t normally react that way… though he supposed it had been some time. She clearly wasn’t having a great day so that must have meant something, right? But he wasn’t just about to let her walk away, not if she had been there to see him. That just wasn’t the kind of person he was - he couldn’t do that to someone. Especially since Sapphire was one of his best friends. He loved her. “Sapph, come on, you clearly came her with some intentions, what do you want, come have a drink.” He said, reaching for her but not grabbing her - from memory she didn’t like that.​
“Just tell me what’s going on, yeah? Talk to me. Of course it matters, you matter, what’s this really about?” He asked, jogging to step around and in front of her. He didn’t want her to think he didn’t care, of course he cared. Maybe sometimes he found it hard to really show it, but he definitely still cared, no matter what she might have thought. He had hoped he hadn’t ever made her feel like she didn’t matter, but he supposed there was no real way to be sure with anyone. Still, he didn’t want her to walk away thinking she was nothing to him. She meant a lot - more than he probably told her.​
“Come on, you were one of my first friends, you can tell me anything, Love.”
-godmod approved-

Sapphire stopped as Zennon moved in front of her, jaw clenching as she curled in more on herself. "It doesn't matter," She tried insisting, but she made the mistake of glancing up at Zennon, and her resolve cracked. Her shoulders slumped and she sighed. "It's stupid," She ran a hand over her arm, looking away again. "I- I knew better..." She stepped forward and leaned her head against his chest. "I had started to like Noelle, but he wouldn't let go of his feelings for his ex so I cut him off. Then there was this- this guy, homeschooled, he lived down the street. We had this sort of- unspoken, casual thing, once I graduated, I thought-"

She sighed. "He even asked me for drinks, I thought... but then I asked if he wanted to go out of town with me, my uncle had this interview set up, I wanted... I dunno, I wanted the job and I wanted him with me but he just- he freaked out, said a lot of mean, stupid stuff, it just," She sighed in frustration, stepping away and running her hands through her hair.

"It's stupid, I'm stupid, I'm not a choice, I never am, it just- I should never have thought otherwise," She wrapped her arms around her chest. "I'm just going to pack a bag and take off, disappear and fade into the woodwork, no one would notice I was gone and even if they did no one would care,"

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