Let's Try Some Plots

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
Valentines Day Love GIF by BREAD TREE

Hello all! It's that time of year again! It's plotting time!! This time, I'm just going to be focusing on my hnz students! But if there is any of my characters that are outside of hnz you want to rp with (whether it be an adult, unsorted character or international student) pls don't hesitate to reach me and maybe we can sort something out!


Abigail Payne
7th Year | Gryffindor | Prefect
Bio | Aesthetic

Joshua Lynch
6th Year | Gryffindor | Chaser
Bio | Aesthetic

Conan Burke
5th Year | Ravenclaw | Shell Collector
Bio | Aesthetic
Abigail is in her final year at Hogwarts and wants to make the most of it. Abby isn't as shy and to herself as she used to be but she still is by a little. She is open to making a few friends as well as help those if she needs to. She loves to paint as well as do any sort of DIY.

NEEDS: Friends, strengthening friendships, romantic interests (f/m) - can be short or long term or anything, I'm open to anything
Joshua is in his sixth year and is having a mixture of different feelings about being at a magical school. While he is enjoying the magical part of him, he is sort of struggling with the muggle side of him at times. He isn't as close to his muggle friends as he used to be. Aside from that, he is enjoying school.

He loves playing Quidditch, it's one of his favourite sports. Joshua loves to play sports, though he isn't really academically gifted

NEEDS: Friends, strengthening in friendships, quidditch threads, anything really.
Conan is in his fifth year at school and he's really excited about it all so far. He is now the eldest Burke at Hogwarts as his two older siblings have left and graduated. Conan is a bit nervous at the thought that he is now the eldest here.

He doesn't really know what he wants to do once he leaves school, he doesn't want to disappoint his parents but for now he's just enjoying life as a teenager. Conan is still pretty much into his shell collecting, his shell collection forever growing

NEEDS: Friends, Strengthening of friendships, romantic interests - could be crushes, short or long term, anything really! - I'm open to anything for Conan

Eliza Reynolds
4th Year | Gryffindor | Geek
Bio | Aesthetic

Marley Owens-Lee
3rd Year | Hufflepuff | Artsy
Bio | Aesthetic
Eliza, I honestly haven't done much with her but I would love to do more with her! She's currently in her fourth year at Hogwarts. She doesn't have many friends, but I would love for her to have a few. She's into comics and all things geeky.

Eliza has grown up in the muggle world most of the time, with her grandma teaching her about the wizarding world from time to time as she grew up, so she has some understanding of the muggle world. Eliza again, loves comics, anything geeky and is just happy to be here.

NEEDS: FRIENDS!! Strengthening in friendships she might already have. Romantic (f/m) - crushes at this stage! Other than that, I'm pretty much open to anything!
Marley!! Marley had a good break, her adoptive father has finally married and she is very happy for her dad as well as happy to be in a newfound family! Marley is now in her third year at Hogwarts and she is honestly enjoying everything about school so far. She is pretty much open to trying anything new. She is very loyal to her friends and is always open to any form of adventure!

Marley is currently on the school's Hufflepuff Quidditch team as a beater and she's loving playing Quidditch do much at the moment. Marley is very artsy and loves anything related to art. She has found a new interest in Greek mythology and crystals, so she is always open to learning anything new. She is very excited about her classes this year at school as well.

NEEDS: Friends, Strengthening in friendships, Quidditch threads, New Adventures, ANYTHING!! Romance - Crushes at this stage!! But would be happy to discuss anything if you have an ideas about anything!

Fiona Burke
2nd Year | Gryffindor | Outdoorsy
Bio | Aesthetic

Thomas Fitzgerald
1st Year | Hufflepuff | introverted
Bio | Aesthetic
Fiona is the youngest Burke and is in her second year at Hogwarts. So far she thinks Hogwarts is okay, nothing as spectacular as she thought it would be from her siblings. But she is enjoying it nonetheless. Fiona is very tom-boyish. She doesn't like anything girly, she's already dealt with the girly stuff with her sister Molly who was pretty much into all that stuff.

Fiona loves sports, especially Quidditch as she grew up in the Wizarding world. However, she isn't sure if she'd like to try out for the school team this year. Other than having a high interest in sports, she loves the outdoors, you'd most likely see her around outside of the Hogwarts castle.

NEEDS: Friends! Strengthening in friendships, pretty much anything!!
Thomas is basically the new kid on the block of my characters. He is new to Hogwarts. He's a shy little kid and is one of the youngest kids in his family, having two older siblings and a younger sibling.

While his two older siblings went to Hogwarts in Scotland, his dad had decided to send Thomas to the Hogwarts branch in New Zealand, since it was closer to home and his dad knew how he felt about being away from home

Thomas is pretty much introverted and a quiet kid. He has a high interest in plants and animals, especially cats. Thomas has a cat named Pepper, which he loves very dearly. Thomas is very shy as well as loyal to people he is friends with. He is a follower, so he'll follow anyone even if he knows in his heart that whatever they're doing could be wrong.

NEEDS: Friends!!! Bullies (as much as i don't want anyone to bully this poor boy, I think some of it would be interesting for his plot) I'm pretty much open to anything for this boy!

And these are all my hnz student characters! I'm happy to plot any sort of idea you may have! However, I might pick and choose some plot ideas as I'll be trying not to put too much on my plate (but we shall see cos knowing me, that might get thrown out the window lol!) Also if you need any characters that need family members I'm always happy to make new characters hehe! Or if you wanted to make a sibling or family member for one of my characters, that would be fun too! hehe
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Hey :hug:

I have a few ideas for Miro and a couple of your Gryffindor students!!

Firstly, I think Miro and Joshua should be friends, and have a few quidditch related rps. By friends I mean Miro looking up to Joshua and following him around and generally bugging him about quidditch. I think now that Miro's on the quidditch team as an alt he would use this as an opportunity to consider himself friends with everyone on the team even if this may not be the case :p I like the idea of Miro following Joshua around and asking to practice with him a lot and this could be a fun mentor friendship thing they have!

Next, Miro and Fiona are in the same house and year, and Miro is also outdoorsy so I have no reason to believe he wouldn't want to be friends with Fiona. I imagine they probably know each other by face and name from classes etc so if Miro spotted her on the grounds he wouldn't be afraid to say hello and become her friend :D
Hey :hug:

I have a few ideas for Miro and a couple of your Gryffindor students!!

Firstly, I think Miro and Joshua should be friends, and have a few quidditch related rps. By friends I mean Miro looking up to Joshua and following him around and generally bugging him about quidditch. I think now that Miro's on the quidditch team as an alt he would use this as an opportunity to consider himself friends with everyone on the team even if this may not be the case :p I like the idea of Miro following Joshua around and asking to practice with him a lot and this could be a fun mentor friendship thing they have!

Next, Miro and Fiona are in the same house and year, and Miro is also outdoorsy so I have no reason to believe he wouldn't want to be friends with Fiona. I imagine they probably know each other by face and name from classes etc so if Miro spotted her on the grounds he wouldn't be afraid to say hello and become her friend :D
Ahhhh Hello Anna!!

I love both of these idea!!

Josh x Miro - I could totally see this as like a big bro-little bro kinda thing and i love that so much! I think Josh would be touched at that thought, though he might not be the best with advice or tips on quidditch but he'll try his best hehe!

Fiona x Miro - YES! Fiona is in desperate need of some friends so I'm totally keen on that idea!

Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?
Ahhhh Hello Anna!!

I love both of these idea!!

Josh x Miro - I could totally see this as like a big bro-little bro kinda thing and i love that so much! I think Josh would be touched at that thought, though he might not be the best with advice or tips on quidditch but he'll try his best hehe!

Fiona x Miro - YES! Fiona is in desperate need of some friends so I'm totally keen on that idea!

Did you wanna start one and I can start the other?
Sounds good!

I can start the one for Joshua and Miro, can you start the one for Fiona and Miro?

Is it okay if i say Miro approaches Josh at the gryffindor table, assuming he is already there eating?
Sounds good!

I can start the one for Joshua and Miro, can you start the one for Fiona and Miro?

Is it okay if i say Miro approaches Josh at the gryffindor table, assuming he is already there eating?
yesss! all of that sounds good! i’ll start something up for fiona and miro! and yesss you can totally do that hehe!
Heyyyy! Thought I would bring you a few things!

Conan x Leah: I think these two are pretty solidly friends at this point. Maybe they can do some shell collecting by the lake and are both a little distracted by their growing responsibility.

Eliza x Santiago: I know these two have at least met before. Right now Santiago is really struggling with missing his muggle friends and feeling disconnected. I think he might see her geeky interests as something like comforting and familiar. Maybe he can ask to borrow some of her comics or something?

Marley x Oskar: I think this would mostly be a pretty amusing combination. She's so bright and nice while he is so stiff and off putting haha. But Oskar is my new third year transfer and has tried out for the quidditch team to play beater like her. Mayne they can run into each other putting in some extra practice?

Thomas x Naveen: Roomies! I have every intention of joining the dorm thread as I get going on beginning of year stuff. But Naveen also has a cat and loves gardening so I think these two will be fast friends despite how shy both of them are haha. Maybe they can start a garden in their dorm later on? 👀
I've got one for you:

Thomas x Rosalind - I think they could make good friends! She loves plants and gardening, and has a cat at home so she likes cats too. They could potentially meet in the Hogwarts garden and get to chatting there? Rosalind isn't the most outgoing, but she isn't introverted either so she could potentially help get him out of his shell if that's something you want.
Heyyyy! Thought I would bring you a few things!

Conan x Leah: I think these two are pretty solidly friends at this point. Maybe they can do some shell collecting by the lake and are both a little distracted by their growing responsibility.

Eliza x Santiago: I know these two have at least met before. Right now Santiago is really struggling with missing his muggle friends and feeling disconnected. I think he might see her geeky interests as something like comforting and familiar. Maybe he can ask to borrow some of her comics or something?

Marley x Oskar: I think this would mostly be a pretty amusing combination. She's so bright and nice while he is so stiff and off putting haha. But Oskar is my new third year transfer and has tried out for the quidditch team to play beater like her. Mayne they can run into each other putting in some extra practice?

Thomas x Naveen: Roomies! I have every intention of joining the dorm thread as I get going on beginning of year stuff. But Naveen also has a cat and loves gardening so I think these two will be fast friends despite how shy both of them are haha. Maybe they can start a garden in their dorm later on? 👀
Hiii Kadi!!

Leah x Conan - 100% agree!! I reckon they're friends at this point in time as well. And yesss we could totally do that hehe! I feel like they relate to each other in some way, with somewhat similar situations that they're going through i guess hehe

Santiago x Eliza - Oh yes, I vaguely remember they met once before. Eliza can relate to missing her muggle friends and the muggle world. She feels that she's not really feeling connected to the muggle world, growing up with a muggle dad with a magic maternal grandmother - magic just sort of reminds her of her magical mother who abandoned her and her dad really - So she can sort of relate to that disconnectedness in a way. Eliza would be totally happy to share her comics though, always happy to talk about all things geeky haha!

Oskar x Marley - Marley's always happy to meet new people, even if they are stiff and odd-putting hehe! I think they'd be an interesting pair to see what they are like, totally up for a quidditch-related thread and see what happens! They'd be very interesting hahaha!

Naveen x Thomas - Our firsties! That's all good, no rush for that hehe! Them having cats and similar likes is great and I reckon they'd be fast friends too (Two shy friends, very adorable haha) A garden in their dorm is such a great and cute idea! I love that!!

Since the dorm thread has started, we can do something more with the firsties later? With the others, do you wanna start the others now? Or spread them out? And which one(s) would you prefer to start? I can start whatever's left over :)

I've got one for you:

Thomas x Rosalind - I think they could make good friends! She loves plants and gardening, and has a cat at home so she likes cats too. They could potentially meet in the Hogwarts garden and get to chatting there? Rosalind isn't the most outgoing, but she isn't introverted either so she could potentially help get him out of his shell if that's something you want.
Hi Sarah!

Rosalind x Thomas - Ohhh!!! Yess this would be fun! Them meeting in the Hogwarts garden sounds good! He'd most likely be found there anyways haha so that sounds good to me! Did you want to start something? Or would you like for me to start something?
Hiii Kadi!!

Leah x Conan - 100% agree!! I reckon they're friends at this point in time as well. And yesss we could totally do that hehe! I feel like they relate to each other in some way, with somewhat similar situations that they're going through i guess hehe

Santiago x Eliza - Oh yes, I vaguely remember they met once before. Eliza can relate to missing her muggle friends and the muggle world. She feels that she's not really feeling connected to the muggle world, growing up with a muggle dad with a magic maternal grandmother - magic just sort of reminds her of her magical mother who abandoned her and her dad really - So she can sort of relate to that disconnectedness in a way. Eliza would be totally happy to share her comics though, always happy to talk about all things geeky haha!

Oskar x Marley - Marley's always happy to meet new people, even if they are stiff and odd-putting hehe! I think they'd be an interesting pair to see what they are like, totally up for a quidditch-related thread and see what happens! They'd be very interesting hahaha!

Naveen x Thomas - Our firsties! That's all good, no rush for that hehe! Them having cats and similar likes is great and I reckon they'd be fast friends too (Two shy friends, very adorable haha) A garden in their dorm is such a great and cute idea! I love that!!

Since the dorm thread has started, we can do something more with the firsties later? With the others, do you wanna start the others now? Or spread them out? And which one(s) would you prefer to start? I can start whatever's left over :)

I down to leave something new for Naveen and Thomas until next semester or something! I also saw you had an open thread with Conan at the lake, if it's still unanswered I could totally hop on that with Leah unless you wanted to do something else?

As for the other's two I'm good to start either! But I'll go ahead and start Oskar and Marley, if that sounds good??
I down to leave something new for Naveen and Thomas until next semester or something! I also saw you had an open thread with Conan at the lake, if it's still unanswered I could totally hop on that with Leah unless you wanted to do something else?

As for the other's two I'm good to start either! But I'll go ahead and start Oskar and Marley, if that sounds good??
Yesss that sounds good, happy to do something new for the firsties for next semester hehe! Yesss if you'd like to join that thread, your more than welcome to! Saves us a bit of time to start a new thread hehe!

Sounds perfect! I'll start something for Santiago and Eliza and link it up to you whenever I get the chance to :)
Hi Sarah!

Rosalind x Thomas - Ohhh!!! Yess this would be fun! Them meeting in the Hogwarts garden sounds good! He'd most likely be found there anyways haha so that sounds good to me! Did you want to start something? Or would you like for me to start something?
Maybe you start it since Thomas is more introverted, then I can have Rosalind approach him, if that works for you.
I'm here!

Abigail x Evangeline: I think we've discussed them before but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe a yule ball thread? Or something leading to it? Just to see how they click.

I have two boys in his year without much really going on, Zerrin and Zion, we could throw one or both together and see how they mix? zion is a bit of a people pleaser right now and zerrin is absolutely that mom friend thats always busy looking after everyone around him.

Marley and Amodeus as always, of course.
I'm here!

Abigail x Evangeline: I think we've discussed them before but haven't gotten around to it. Maybe a yule ball thread? Or something leading to it? Just to see how they click.

I have two boys in his year without much really going on, Zerrin and Zion, we could throw one or both together and see how they mix? zion is a bit of a people pleaser right now and zerrin is absolutely that mom friend thats always busy looking after everyone around him.

Marley and Amodeus as always, of course.
Hi Jess!!!

Abigail x Evangeline: Oh yesss i remember, we've discussed them a lot but never got around to them sjdkfhs though i'm still keen to try something and see where it goes

Conan x Zerrin/Zion - Hmmm both sounds interesting mix, though im more leaning towards Conan and Zeriin. Maybe we can put them in a thread together and see what happens?

Marley x Amodeus: Would absolutely love more threads with these two!! Miss them together!!!
Hi Jess!!!

Abigail x Evangeline: Oh yesss i remember, we've discussed them a lot but never got around to them sjdkfhs though i'm still keen to try something and see where it goes

Conan x Zerrin/Zion - Hmmm both sounds interesting mix, though im more leaning towards Conan and Zeriin. Maybe we can put them in a thread together and see what happens?

Marley x Amodeus: Would absolutely love more threads with these two!! Miss them together!!!
So i'm seeing three threads.

Abigail and Evangeline could have a dorm thread? settling back in

thoughts for conan and zerrin?

and for marley adn amodeus, he has a thing for sitting on the steps in the courtyard and blowing bubbles?
So i'm seeing three threads.

Abigail and Evangeline could have a dorm thread? settling back in

thoughts for conan and zerrin?

and for marley adn amodeus, he has a thing for sitting on the steps in the courtyard and blowing bubbles?
Oooo yesss dorm thread sounds good!

Hmmm I'm honestly not too sure at the moment, is there a particular place in hogwarts that Zeriin usually is at?

Oh yes that sounds good!!
Oooo yesss dorm thread sounds good!

Hmmm I'm honestly not too sure at the moment, is there a particular place in hogwarts that Zeriin usually is at?

Oh yes that sounds good!!
Abby/Evie: Dorm thread it is!

Zerrin does enjoy the gardens, the arts room, or the towers.

Marley/Dues. Bubbles.

I could start Marley/Deus probably, do you want to start Evie and abby? Then we can figure out zerrin and conan, depending on location
Abby/Evie: Dorm thread it is!

Zerrin does enjoy the gardens, the arts room, or the towers.

Marley/Dues. Bubbles.

I could start Marley/Deus probably, do you want to start Evie and abby? Then we can figure out zerrin and conan, depending on location
Yess, that sounds all good! I’ll link something up and send it to u once i can get something :)
Heyy! We haven’t plotted in a while, and Noah is (currently) my main focus / my only student haha. I think he’d get along great with three of yours!

Noah x Marley: they’re on the team together even if Noah is alternate, but for the same position! Could potentially have a quidditch thread together to get to know each other a little as teammates? Then perhaps like go on adventures and stuff would be fun!

Noah x Fiona: they’re in the same year, not sure if they share any classes but could throw them in a thread together and make them interact, see how it goes xD

Noah x Thomas: if Thomas has some bullies I’m thinking Noah could be a really good friend to help him through that! Noah cannot stand bullies haha he’d maybe try to distract Thomas from all of that, maybe help him out and stand up for him if anything happens. Maybe he could show him around and introduce him to his friends and stuff? Again just throw them in a plot and see what happens?
Heyy! We haven’t plotted in a while, and Noah is (currently) my main focus / my only student haha. I think he’d get along great with three of yours!

Noah x Marley: they’re on the team together even if Noah is alternate, but for the same position! Could potentially have a quidditch thread together to get to know each other a little as teammates? Then perhaps like go on adventures and stuff would be fun!

Noah x Fiona: they’re in the same year, not sure if they share any classes but could throw them in a thread together and make them interact, see how it goes xD

Noah x Thomas: if Thomas has some bullies I’m thinking Noah could be a really good friend to help him through that! Noah cannot stand bullies haha he’d maybe try to distract Thomas from all of that, maybe help him out and stand up for him if anything happens. Maybe he could show him around and introduce him to his friends and stuff? Again just throw them in a plot and see what happens?
Helloo!! Apologies for the late reply!!

Noah x Marley - I like these ideas!! Marley would like to have friends on the team, so i reckon this would be good! I think a quidditch thread is a good start for now and then we can do more threads later that involve adventures and stuff?

Noah x Fiona - Would be pretty keen for this! Fiona doesn't have many friends nor has she been rped a lot so i'm pretty much keen to put them into a thread together and see what happens?

Noah x Thomas - Oh that would be so sweet! Thomas would appreciate it heaps to be honest! No bullies have been added or mentioned yet but we shall see! I'm still keen to put them together and to see what happens!

Maybe we could do one or two for now and focus on one later so then we have some stuff spread out?
@Poppy Perkins For Eliza and Santiago!

@Rosalind Montgomery For Rosalind and Thomas!

Helloo!! Apologies for the late reply!!

Noah x Marley - I like these ideas!! Marley would like to have friends on the team, so i reckon this would be good! I think a quidditch thread is a good start for now and then we can do more threads later that involve adventures and stuff?

Noah x Fiona - Would be pretty keen for this! Fiona doesn't have many friends nor has she been rped a lot so i'm pretty much keen to put them into a thread together and see what happens?

Noah x Thomas - Oh that would be so sweet! Thomas would appreciate it heaps to be honest! No bullies have been added or mentioned yet but we shall see! I'm still keen to put them together and to see what happens!

Maybe we could do one or two for now and focus on one later so then we have some stuff spread out?
Haha no worries at all!!

Noah x Marley: sounds great! I've actually got an open practice thread going on with Noah & Summer if you'd like to join in with Marley! Otherwise we could do a separate one, up to you!

Noah x Fiona: same with Noah, feel like I haven't quite rped him enough! Any ideas what they could do?

Noah x Thomas: amazing!!

That sounds good, which one(s) should we do? Should we go from the top and start there? :)

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