Let's play house

Mason Talarico

Head Auror
Curly 15 Inch Rigid Hornbeam Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core,
Mason stared at the house in front of them, a frown crossing the man's face as he considered the logistics of it all. The next house over was just through a copse of trees, much too close for his liking. There were far too few trees in that direction, increasing the likelihood of too many eyes watching them. In the other direction was another house. A cul de sac, he believed this was called. Mason continued to frown at the back of their real estate guy, a wizard who had come highly recommended by another Auror in their office but who was proving to be a huge disappointment in the Head Auror's eyes. He'd been clear that the farther away his neighbors were, the happier he would be. Walking into this house almost felt like a waste of time. Mason knew he'd already written it off even as he slowly walked forward, knowing that he had to give it a chance in case Sara liked it. Having to be cognizant of someone else's opinion was an unfamiliar concept for the man, and he was struggling mightily with it as they moved further into this house hunting business. Sara had distinct, sometimes very different opinions, on what she envisioned for their future love nest. Mason had found himself letting her lead the way, for the most part, though he would not compromise on their security. He just wouldn't.

Reminding himself to keep an open mind, Mason stuffed his hands into the pockets of his robes as he continued forward. He'd come straight from the office, where he'd gone to get a few hours of work done in spite of it being the weekend. But, he wouldn't, no he couldn't miss this appointment. Things had been...confusing with him and Sara, but they'd agreed to look for a place together and Mason had to believe that was a good sign. Time had only increased his admiration, his respect, and his love for Sara as they'd come to learn more and more about each other. Sara Moon was truly an amazing woman in every way imaginable. It seemed the real estate agent had discovered that as well. Mason had caught the looks, and he'd certainly caught the ill-disguised surprise when he'd discovered they were a couple and not father and daughter as Mason believed he'd suspected during their initial meeting. Their age difference was not something Mason paid a great deal of attention to most of the time. Really, it was only around his birthday that it was a sore spot with the man as he struggled to come to terms with his age. For a wizard, he was still quite young, but the gray hairs he hid with spells and the young woman at his side told him otherwise if he let them. "What do you think?" Mason asked his girlfriend quietly after they'd gone through a few rooms.
This could be the house she grew old in. The thought occurred to her as she faced a house which definitely wouldn't be the house she grew old in. In an abstract way, whichever house they picked, it felt very final. They hadn't discussed yet whether they would keep their own places, whether they'd sell, and it felt like an elephant in the room to Sara. The real question was whether they were betting on themselves. Glancing at Mason, Sara couldn't help rolling her eyes at him when the salesman wasn't looking as he described all the favourable features of the house in front of them. It wasn't right, that much she knew. Sara's priority was their future, and thinking of said future, she couldn't help picturing children in it. If they had kids, she wouldn't want them to have to hide their magical abilities while playing in their own garden, wouldn't like them to not play quidditch, or feel as though there was something wrong with what they could do. As she glanced at Mason, she could tell this place wasn't for him either. As far as she was concerned the cold, modern style of the building wasn't particularly homey. She'd begun to question the abilities of the man who showed them around each sterile, white room. They'd been very clear about what they wanted; and privacy had been fairly high up on that list. She knew it was Mason's biggest concern.

She followed their escort in silence, until Mason's voice reached her ear. She slipped her arm under his and leaned her head against his shoulder. "I don't think it's very us, what about you?" Was her simple reply, as she silently wished things were more normal between them. She still hadn't told him she loved him. The fight had passed, she'd forgiven him, but the words wouldn't come out. He had to know how she felt; was it really necessary for her to vocalize it? At least he hadn't pushed the issue. Surely their moving in together made it clear that she was serious about their relationship. As the realtor turned to face the couple, Sara couldn't help but sigh "It's lovely, really, but I don't think it's the right fit. It's.. cold, and we did say we'd prefer some distance from neighbours; we like our privacy." The words were delivered with a smile that left the man somewhat flustered, repeatedly pushing his hair out of his face. He assured them the next place would be better as he led them out of the building, on to the next house on his list. In her mind, Sara saw a cottage, somewhere in the country, but she wasn't holding out hope that the foppish youth who had yet to get it right would present her with her dream home.
Mason only needed to move his arm slightly to accommodate Sara as she gripped his and spoke. The man allowed a small smile to come across his face for a brief moment before willing it away again. Although he wasn’t overly fond of the looks that the man gave to Sara, he could tell that the good Auror, bad Auror routine was working well enough. He was certainly the bad Auror in this case, and he’d play his part well. It was easy enough since his disdain for the man was growing with each house they visited. Mason wasn’t even sure how many they’d seen already. Too many, he mused to himself as he shook his head in reply to his girlfriend. “No, I don’t believe that it is” he replied quietly, coming to an abrupt stop as the man turned his attention to the two of them. The room they were standing in was nice enough in size. Really, that wasn’t the man’s problem. He seemed to have a good understanding of the size of the home that they wanted and the price range, though the houses he was showing them were nearly always towards the top of their range. It was what Sara said that was missing – the us of it all. The man had yet to show either of them a home that spoke to them in a way that let them know that this was the house for them. As it had happened with their wands, Mason was under the belief that he’d simply know when he found the house that was right for them. So far, that hadn’t happened. Mason could hardly bring himself to be excited by what they’d just been shown. It was modern and cold. Both of their current homes were more traditional in nature. Perhaps they should have shown the man pictures of those before they’d begun.

As Sara spoke to the man, Mason glanced through the window, turning back only when he heard the man falling over himself to apologize. The Head Auror raised an eyebrow to Sara as the man turned away, ready to lead them to the next house. “On to the next” he murmured under his breath, just loud enough for her to hear. He waited for her to follow, taking the anchor position as they headed outside and off to the next home. They traveled to the next home, eventually stopping at what looked to be the edge of a forest. Mason looked around, the stirring of interest making itself known before he turned to Sara. “Are you still coming for dinner after all of this?” he asked, a wave of his hand at the final word. Mason had invited her over the night before. Work had been especially busy this week, so Mason had hoped for the two of them to set some time aside, outside of this house hunting, to be together. In general, life was stressful for them with their jobs, but their decision to look for a place together had added an extra wrinkle to things. What should have been a decision to further cement their relationship seemed to have made things even more tricky and confusing for the pair. Though they both seemed to want to move forward in this, at the moment, it all just felt like speculation. Mason had described it to his brother as being on the ninth step of a twelve step potion. Everything looked like it was going alright but making a wrong move at this crucial point would just destroy all of the hard work that had come before it. His brother had told him that it meant that things were going in the right direction, and Mason clung to that hope, not wanting to believe any alternative.
The search for a house was becoming monotonous, and Sara could see Mason was becoming tired of it. As they made their way to the next house, she had to make the conscious effort not to let her shoulders slump. Tedium. Utter tedium. She closed her eyes momentarily, and when she opened them, they had arrived; a forest. She'd loved playing in the woods as a child, climbing trees and racing Kate. "This looks more promising; and should fit your security standards." she whispered, having to go on tiptoe to whisper into Mason's ear. She laughed at his question, moving to walk beside him as they were led down a long avenue. "At this rate it'll be breakfast time before we're finished, but yes, I can't wait." She was looking forward to this evening. Yes, she saw Mason quite frequently, but it was different at work. She wasn't his girlfriend at work; he was her superior. She couldn't pinpoint what exactly was going on between she and Mason at the moment. He seemed somewhat nervous at times, as though he were treading very carefully. She didn't like it, didn't like how anxious it made her feel. The gravel underfoot crunched under her feet as she walked, glancing at Mason with her brow furrowed. It felt like he was far away sometimes. She knew he was working hard; not that he ever didn't work hard, and the house hunt was adding pressure, but she wished he'd worry less. She couldn't help wondering if she were a part of it. The dynamic of their relationship had shifted a bit after she'd learned of his ex-wife, but things were going well as far as she was concerned. Maybe it was just work, and she was overthinking.

A cough from their guide alerted her to the fact that they'd reached their destination, having walked a fair distance, she felt sure Mason would be happy with its isolation. Directing her attention to the building itself, she found a smile spreading upon her face. They were greeted by a country cottage; picturesque, homey. As the realtor described its attributes, Sara couldn't focus on his words. This place was adorable. It felt like something out of a fairy-tale, with arched windows and a little cover jutting out above the front door. She thought she could see a window seat downstairs in a bay window; a lovely little reading nook. Mason would laugh if she told him that was a concern, but it was. Sara Moon may have grown up, but the bookworm in her would never die. The garden was large enough, without being overbearing. There could perhaps be another one around the back; she couldn't tell. Not wanting to seem to excited if he didn't like it, Sara reached for Mason's hand and sent him a questioning look. If it wasn't his style, she wouldn't want to live there. They needed to find a place that spoke to both of them. She wasn't totally sold as it was; they would need to look around. At the very least, it at least corresponded to their primary request, that they would have their privacy. "Can we look inside?" A smile and a tilted of her head to one side meant it would be difficult for the poor man to refuse. When the salesman responded positively, she simply beamed, maintaining her grip on Mason's hand as they strolled through the gate toward the front door, the eldest Moon glancing from side to side, observing new little delights with each step.
Taking a look around, Mason allowed himself a nod to Sara's comment. He looked over and gave her a quick smile, letting her know that he agreed, though he wouldn't allow their realtor to see that he was mildly impressed by this all as they walked further and further into the woods. He was already thinking of the spells that could be implemented into to the surrounding area to keep Sara safe. The man's thoughts hadn't quite extended to the idea of children yet, though he had thought about them purchasing a pet together. Mason was glad that Sara seemed so enthusiastic about heading to his house later. He enjoyed her enthusiasm, allowing it to build his own. Taking another step, the man got his first view of the home, and he could feel his shoulders relax slightly.

The house was not overly large as the first one they'd seen had been, nor was it modern like the one they'd just seen. No, this one was quite different from any of the homes they'd been shown before. That was certainly a good thing. Mason hadn't even gotten a great look at it, he'd been quickly distracted and enamored just watching Sara's reaction to the home. She looked like she was trying to temper her reaction, so when she looked to him, perhaps wondering what he thought, Mason leaned down to whisper to her. "I like it, but I'm going to pretend I don't in case we want to negotiate." Standing up, Mason kept his hand linked with Sara's as they stepped forward together, crossing the threshold into the home. Mason moved to his left, wanting to see the living room and spotting a window seat, pillows making the space cozy. He raised his eyebrows towards Sara, figuring she'd love that feature before moving on towards a fireplace in the room. It was large, perfect for them to use as their main floo. They moved through the rest of the house, Mason noting that the man had been listening to them after all. He remained back as they headed for the final room, the master bedroom. It was large, easily twice the size of his own. "Sara, I don't think we're going to find anything better than this. It's...perfect" he replied, unable to keep any disdain in his voice this time. He could see himself growing old with Sara in this home, and the enormity of that was just beginning to hit him. Mason closed his eyes for a moment, rubbing at the bridge of his nose, as he took a moment to compose himself.
There, that was a place where a garden seat could be placed. Here, perfect for a bookshelf. Sara could see herself growing wildflowers in this tiny paradise. Mason's words prompted a smile and she placed a quick kiss on his cheek before entering. The hallway was enchanting, and the window seat was perfect. While Mason examined the fireplace, she moved to the kitchen; a large room, full of light, with a small door leading into a back garden; not too large, but big enough for a swing set, or a dog. Just right. She rejoined the two men in the hallway. "Kitchen looks good." she smiled, taking Mason's hand and squeezing it. Three bedrooms; one could be a study, the other a spare. As they entered what would be their room, she couldn't help grinning. It was perfect, full of light; that had been one of the things she wanted most, natural light. The Ravenclaw tower had made her accustomed to it. Light had always been something her mother valued in houses.

"Could we have a moment please?" she asked, smiling kindly at the realtor as he exited, full of platitudes and telling them to take their time. "It's wonderful." she breathed once the wooden door was shut behind him, the wood unpainted. She moved across to look at the window parallel with the end of the bed. "Wow, I mean; it's perfect. Great view." From here, she could see fields, the hint of what looked like a stream or some such. Another feature that would be perfect for children; a forest to play in. She'd loved her country upbringing, and would hope her children would be as happy. "You're right. I mean, it's a great size, not too big, but still enough space for the future, whatever we'd want to do with the spare room, it could be for guests, maybe.." They hadn't spoken about children, something Sara felt they needed to rectify since their relationship was taking rather a serious step. Realising this probably wasn't the time or place, she decided tor return to the topic at hand, Sara ran her hand along the windowsill. This felt like it could be home. Walking back over to her boyfriend, she took his hands in hers, moving them away from his face. "So, shall we put in an offer or play hard to get?" Excited as she was, she knew it showed in her face as she stood on tiptoe to look Mason in the eye.
The house was large, but it still managed to maintain its coziness, and with what they would include in their interior design efforts, Mason knew that this place would feel like a home. Glad that they were alone and free to discuss things, the man nodded his head as Sara spoke of her plans for the home. It was obvious that they were on the same page in this moment, a feeling that he found oddly refreshing. The man gave a small nod, his hands in Sara’s grip as she stood in front of him, the happiness of having maybe ended this dreadful house search permeating her face. Mason couldn’t help but smile, thankful to Merlin and others that they’d done it. “Offer. I want this over with as quickly as possible, and we have the money” he stated, not wanting to waste any more precious time on negotiations. Mason wanted the sale to happen quickly and quietly, so that they could get onto doing things like making their home unplottable and well-guarded. They were both Aurors and had a great deal of enemies just as an occupational hazard, and with Mason being the Head Auror, he knew that he had even more than what would be considered normal for a regular Auror.

"Besides, I'm sure you'll get a fair offer if he has anything to say about it" he said, the hint of a smirk playing across his lips. Mason was becoming more excited about this with each passing moment, especially now that he knew for certain that Sara felt the same way here - eager, excited, hopeful. Although there was still a lot for them to figure out, he knew that getting through this step was an important one. They'd be linked together in a way that wouldn't be so easy to just disregard. Becoming homeowners, even in the magical world, was a messy, complicated business.
As Mason smiled, Sara found her hands cupping his face. He didn't smile often enough, worrying so much about work, about other people. It was one of her favourite things about him, but also one of the most trying. "Perfect." It was exciting, knowing that their decision was made, that this would be their home. This would be the first time she ever lived with someone who wasn't family; Hogwarts didn't count, and it was an odd feeling. Both exhilarating and terrifying simultaneously. Honestly, it was a relief not to keep looking at houses, and she knew Mason was tiring of it too. She laughed at his next sentence, she hadn't exactly been unaware of the glances of the man who'd shown them around, but she hadn't realised that Mason had taken note. "I'll make sure to bat my eyelashes to excess." she teased, poking out her tongue. She felt almost giddy as she went to the door to retrieve the realtor.

As Mason had predicted, the price he suggested was a fair one, and was thankfully one they could afford. Of course, the current owners would need to be contacted in order that papers might be drawn up, but for all intents and purposes the house was theirs. As this news was relayed, Sara wrapped her fingers through Mason's, desperately, hopefully, happy. Something about this step felt permanent. Then again, everything about this relationship felt different to anything she'd ever experienced before. With a different man, the revelation about his former wife might have led her to leave, but Sara couldn't see herself without Mason Talarico. That was a scary thought, but for some reason it didn't affect her as it once would've. She loved him, so why should she consider a life without him when she didn't plan for that eventuality?
Grabbing onto her hands with his own, Mason moved them away from cupping his face and kissed her knuckles as she stuck her tongue out at him. He knew she was amused about his comments, and he nodded her head as she headed towards the door to retrieve the man. "Make sure you do. I need enough extra to buy us dinner tonight" he let out a small bark of a laugh as the door opened, his face slowly morphing into the impassive expression he'd been giving the man the entire time. They'd agreed to split the cost, but he knew that they'd pay over the asking price if need be. The home was just that perfect, but there was no need. Mason watched Sara as she worked her magic, her tone, her movements enchanting both men in the room. The price they were told was a fair one, and as they linked hands, Mason couldn't help but feel lighter, the weight of the New Zealand wizarding world lifting from his shoulders, if only for a moment.

Ending things on the note that the realtor would get back to them just as soon as the paperwork was completed on the other end of things, Mason and Sara were off. As they walked back down through the small forest they'd walked through to get here, Mason stopped and pulled Sara towards him. Keeping their hands linked, the man leaned his head down and gave his girlfriend a kiss, the love he felt for her swelling as they stood on what was almost their land. "Sara...I am a happy, happy man" he declared, his mouth only slightly parted from hers. "Thank you, love" he added since it was her who was responsible for his happiness. It certainly wasn't from his job, not when so much was at stake there. There was a lot at stake here as well. The man could feel that the stakes of their relationship had risen in the moments as they signed paperwork and spoke directly of plans and indirectly of other plans. Although he was cautious by nature, part of Mason wanted to simply dive in and see where things went. He hadn't felt this way in many, many years.
This was it. It felt rather more simple than Sara had imagined it. This was making a life with someone, this was commitment. That had always seemed a big and scary word, something separate from her entirely. Yet, here she was, sealing the deal on a house, setting herself up for a future with this man. She couldn't wait. As she glanced his way, she was thankful for a moment that she'd fallen for someone so inherently good. There were rakes and rogues who might've turned her head, but she'd fallen for the steady, kind, and dedicated Mason Talarico. Lucky girl. Lost in thought, she had to turn as Mason stopped, not expecting the kiss he placed on her lips. A smile broke across her face as he spoke, and she squeezed the fingers intertwined with her own. His words made her laugh.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft and she didn't move away, her lip caught between her teeth as he used the word again. The word she still hadn't used. It felt selfish to take so much time. Yes, the circumstances under which he'd first uttered the word hadn't been ideal, but time had passed, and she still hadn't answered. "Mason, you've been so patient... I know this whole thing has been stressful as hell and.." He could use that word and it simply slipped from his lips, like a habit. Meanwhile, she struggled and wondered why she felt so afraid. Mason wasn't going to leave her, and while he wasn't perfect, she didn't want anyone else. He was it. She couldn't wait any longer, she couldn't live with him without his knowing how she felt. As she stood in the middle of the forest, his face inches from hers, all the worry seemed silly, unnecessary in the face of such possible, lasting happiness. "I love you." Relief. That was the feeling which engulfed her as those three words were finally voiced.
The small forest they were in was quiet, birds chirping here and there as they went about their business. Mason could imagine himself and Sara taking walks on their grounds, each detailing how their day had gone. He couldn’t wait for those moments, especially if she wore the smile that she was giving him now. And that laugh. His desire to get them home doubled when he heard that. Mason enjoyed these moments of his day most, when it was just him and Sara. Unfortunately, they didn’t happen as often as he liked, though he hoped that the purchase of this house meant that there would be more of then. If that was the case, he’d gladly have forked over twice the amount of money that he had.

Mason gave a slight shake of his head to indicate that it was nothing. He knew that the search had been no picnic for Sara either, and she had done a great deal more work during this process than he had. With the purchase all but done, the stress that he’d felt over the decision seemed insignificant. Its weight was already nearly gone. The smile on his face broadened as he heard her continue. Those three words. All this time, Mason had known that she felt the words, he had to believe that anyway, but it was nothing to hearing them spoken aloud. The man felt a tug in his chest, wanting to commit this moment to memory. It had been special before, but now it was even more so. This was why he worked as hard as he did to make the world a safer place. The world was dark sometimes. But, in moments like these, moments full of hope and promise, love and comfort, he knew that he’d never stop his fight against that darkness. "Ah...now I see what you meant about timing" he stated, a small smirk on his lips as he alluded to his poor timing when he'd first spoken the words. "Yours is impeccable" he added.
Sara could see children running through these trees in her future. She could see fairy lights dotting the trees in December and lanterns in October. This place could become their own, and it felt somehow right to think of a future here. Yes, the search had been tiring and time-consuming, but it was over now and she could focus on claiming this place. Neither of them had very much free time, but Mason had considerably less given his position. She'd been placed mostly on research and background checks in the past while. Leads when it came to the Scitorari were often false and needed to be properly investigated. It seemed an age since the Brandt mission, the mission that had led her to know Mason as she did now. She didn't speak for several moments as she stood in the arms of the man she'd just purchased a house with and found her thoughts wandering to the exact shape of his jaw. "Well, I am a perfectionist." she finally responded with a low laugh.

Tracing his chin, she stepped back and turned back toward the path. "Now, you mentioned dinner?" keeping her hand in his she began to walk, her thoughts returning to the possibilities of this place. The house had so many nooks and crannies, places she could see some of her own possessions living, and spaces that would suit new ones. "We'll have to eat plenty, because all my money from now on is going toward filling this place with books." she joked as they reached the end of the path, before turning to apparate, he hand still in Mason's.

The End

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