Closed Let's Have Cake Together

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Seraphina My

Angsty Gurl™ | Traveling | Drama Radio Show Host ⚡
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Vine Wand, 11 ¼ in, Acromantula Web Core
21 (7/2040)
Seraphina uncomfortabley made her way into the dance and quickly found a table, wondering if she might see Jenna nearby. She wasn't quite sure how Tilly and she had agreed to show up at the dance together, but it made the Gryffindor feel extra confused. Seraphina had spent the past two years feeling a lot of anger towards Tilly and making the girl's life miserable, whether conciously or not. And now they were attending the Valentine's Day dance after numerous people had seen them fight on the ground or watched Seraphina stuff cake into Tilly's boobs? The third year wanted the guilt to fall off her shoulders, but she was worried that maybe this was some kind of trick to get back at her for all the terrible things she did. She wouldn't be surprised if all the third years ganged up on her right here and pulled a Carrie or something. Pulling the heel of her shoe on and off her right foot, Seraphina continued to look down at the table, hoping Tilly wouldn't come so she didn't have to process her feelings.

@Tilly Drage
Tilly had absolutely no idea what she was doing. She was most certainly an idiot. The Hufflepuff had dressed up for the Yule Ball- not too much, but enough to make it look like she hadn’t just thrown something together after walking off the Quidditch Pitch. Tilly deflected her roommates’ questions about who she was attending the ball with. It wasn’t like she had a date, not really.

She wore a rose-colored knee-length dress that her mother had sent via owl- she would never let on that it had almost certainly been handed down or thrifted. Tilly decided to let her hair down, teasing it with her fingers. With her insides churning, she made her way down to the Great Hall.

When she spotted Seraphina, she approached her, trying not to look as nervous as she felt. “Hi,” Tilly said, “you look nice.” The Gryffindor’s all-black outfit seemed very appropriate.
Seraphina looked up, feeling her flight response trying to kick in as Tilly talked to her, but it was quickly buried under a warm sensation in her chest. "You look really pretty," she blurted out, realizing that what she had been thinking had suddenly fell out of her mouth and onto the pile of baggage before them. "I mean, thanks," Seraphina quickly added, clearing her throat as she looked back down at the table and started picking at her nails. "So, umm, what do you, you know, usually do at these things?" she asked, not really sure what the point of dances were.
Tilly couldn’t help blushing as Seraphina told her she looked pretty. Not many people said that to her. ‘Pretty’ wasn’t the first word that came to mind when people looked at Tilly, at least not in her opinion. It was especially weird coming from someone who used to be her sworn enemy. Tilly hesitated, then said, “Um, stand around, usually. Watch people. Dance if my friends want to… but the food’s usually the best part.” Especially when it’s not smashed onto my chest, she wanted to add, though held back. It wasn’t very ladylike of Tilly to mention just how much she liked to eat, except she’d never fancied herself much of a lady. "You?"
Seraphina still felt uncomfortable by her previous comment, but Tilly didn't seem to acknowledge it much. Maybe she didn't hear her. Looking up as Tilly described her previous dance experiences, Seraphina shrugged. "I've only really been to one dance," she said, forgoing the unneeded descriptor, as she was Tilly could figure out which one it had been. "I like to watch people," she half mumbled, unsure if Tilly actually meant it. She hesitated to ask what kind of food they had, but her stomach grumbled loudly. "Umm, food?" she asked, pointing towards a snack table, as if to suggest they go and get some desserts.
Speaking of people watching, Tilly looked over as one of the older boys- Michael Newton, she remembered, the one who'd made a laugh of his duel with Sydney Townsend- wearing a getup of flowers and belting out a song at the top of his lungs.

Tilly snorted and turned away from the spectacle. "Good choice," she said, wandering towards the dessert table, "I hope they have lemon." She found herself feeling shy all over again. What sort of conversation was she supposed to strike up with Seraphina My? What would her other friends say when they found out who she was hanging around with? Not that she made a point to care what other people thought, but she knew she was going to hear about it.
Seraphina nodded and meekly walked over to the snack table with Tilly, confused as to what she was even doing. Also, why did Tilly want lemons? That seemed a little gross, but Seraphina figured it was best not to say anything. Waiting to touch the food so Tilly knew this wasn't some big plot again to smash cake into her, she looked at the options and decided she wanted to try something that looked like it was covered in coconut. "Uh, you first."
Tilly was so focused on the desserts she didn't notice Seraphina's confusion. Her eyes brightened when she saw something that caught her fancy. "Yes!" she said in triumph, holding up a plate of lemon cake. She bet Rita would be over the moon when she noticed. Actually, she hadn't seen the Ravenclaw yet. For a moment, she wondered what her friend would think of her hanging out with the girl who'd ruined a perfectly good piece of cake in front of them.

A wave of something- awkwardness? shyness? came over her as she looked back at Seraphina. It was hard to believe the Gryffindor wasn't making fun of her for being so excited about eating. But Tilly had to stay positive and think Seraphina was changing for the better. People could change- right?

Tilly stood off to the side, waiting for Seraphina to pick something. A petal fell onto her shoulder and she instinctively looked up at the ceiling spread with vines and flowering roses. Love was weird, but even Tilly had to admire the celebration of it. "That's gorgeous," she said, her cake forgotten for the moment.
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