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- 12 3/4" Black Walnut/ Maple Essence of Silver Thistle
((I just thought that I need to have a think about some of this stuff =P))
Full Name: Lemina Emily Ruth Vesper Troque
- Birth Date: 3rd March, 2006
- Current Age: 13
- Basic Appearance: Long dark blonde wavy hair. Really, really shiny bright blue eyes. Smallishy mediumish, pale skin. Lemi dresses extremely casually.
- Parents:
Emily Ruth Mother, half-blood, a house-wife. Was semi-removed from magical world for ages, but is now slightlyl more willing to use magic.
Emerich Vesper Son of a death-eater. Married a pure-blood and had two children. Wife then died. He soon met Lemina's mother and fell in love with her. Thought she was a muggle so faked identity as 'Harry Troque' and dumped his kids with his parents. Left 9 years after Lemi was born, but came back with 3 years.
- Siblings, if any:
Lilea Vesper Emerich's daughter, Lemi's half sister. She is Hoover's twin and the older of the two. She is mean sometimes, but kind at heart.
Hoover Vesper Lilea's twin. Together they own Dervish and Banges in Brightstone. Very lazy.
Lizette Troque One minute she acts all innocent, the next she is dating ten boys. Lemi's little sister, a year younger. The two have fallen out at the moment.
Celia Troque 7 years old. Very quiet on the outside, really hyper on the inside!
Mina Troque 4 years old. Bossy in a cute way.
- Pets, if any:
Nyctea Own pet, snowy owl. Bought from Magical Menagerie in first year.
Milnes Old barn owl. Family pet. Quite weak.
- Area of Residence: Peebles, Scotland
- Blood status: Half-blood.
(If your character is a sorted student
- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff Lemina always trys to put others before herself. She loves helping anyone and being with friends!
- Best school subjects (And why): Herbology and Potions This is because she is good at them, and she also likes the professors.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy She did really badly in her first year, and that set her off on a bad whim.
(all characters
- What would their Patronus be? A Swan, she has many childhood memories of playing by the pond full of swans.
- What would their Boggart be? Any of her sister's dead.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) An Owl
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Sitting at the staff table, smiling, with all her siblings gathered around her - all happy.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Either the birth of her sister, Mina, or the day her father "came back from the dead".
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Full Name: Lemina Emily Ruth Vesper Troque
- Birth Date: 3rd March, 2006
- Current Age: 13
- Basic Appearance: Long dark blonde wavy hair. Really, really shiny bright blue eyes. Smallishy mediumish, pale skin. Lemi dresses extremely casually.
- Parents:
Emily Ruth Mother, half-blood, a house-wife. Was semi-removed from magical world for ages, but is now slightlyl more willing to use magic.
Emerich Vesper Son of a death-eater. Married a pure-blood and had two children. Wife then died. He soon met Lemina's mother and fell in love with her. Thought she was a muggle so faked identity as 'Harry Troque' and dumped his kids with his parents. Left 9 years after Lemi was born, but came back with 3 years.
- Siblings, if any:
Lilea Vesper Emerich's daughter, Lemi's half sister. She is Hoover's twin and the older of the two. She is mean sometimes, but kind at heart.
Hoover Vesper Lilea's twin. Together they own Dervish and Banges in Brightstone. Very lazy.
Lizette Troque One minute she acts all innocent, the next she is dating ten boys. Lemi's little sister, a year younger. The two have fallen out at the moment.
Celia Troque 7 years old. Very quiet on the outside, really hyper on the inside!
Mina Troque 4 years old. Bossy in a cute way.
- Pets, if any:
Nyctea Own pet, snowy owl. Bought from Magical Menagerie in first year.
Milnes Old barn owl. Family pet. Quite weak.
- Area of Residence: Peebles, Scotland
- Blood status: Half-blood.
(If your character is a sorted student

- Hogwarts House (And why): Hufflepuff Lemina always trys to put others before herself. She loves helping anyone and being with friends!
- Best school subjects (And why): Herbology and Potions This is because she is good at them, and she also likes the professors.
- Worst school subjects (And why): Astronomy She did really badly in her first year, and that set her off on a bad whim.
(all characters

- What would their Patronus be? A Swan, she has many childhood memories of playing by the pond full of swans.
- What would their Boggart be? Any of her sister's dead.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) An Owl
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Sitting at the staff table, smiling, with all her siblings gathered around her - all happy.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Either the birth of her sister, Mina, or the day her father "came back from the dead".
- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Lemina smiled. Today was going to be the day, the day on which Lizzi and her made up. They couldn't do it via post, they had to do it face to face. She stepped into the fire and muttered, "Silver Thistle Cottage."
She arrived at the house. Celia and Mina ran up to her, Mama and Papa were sitting, smiling on the couch. The ring of Lilea's singing ran through the house. Hoover was standing at the window, looking at the snowflakes which were beginning to form. But no Lizzi.
"Where's Lizzi?" Lemi stated bluntly.
She heard her mother mutter, "Not here. She's going to Shara's for Christmas. Last minute change of plans. Callum, Chris, Chloe, Clemmie, Zoe and Poppy are all going too."
Oh my god. Lemina sat down on the floor, hugging Mina in her arms. She was smiling, yet it was a weak, fake smile. Her mind wasn't with the welcome-homes she was constantly recieving. They were with something else. Lizette. She hates me.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
Today was fun, yet tiring. I awoke early morning. Nobody noticed, it's easy to sneak out now that I have a dorm with just Caysi, she doesn't care. I know I'm a prefect, but will, my favourite motto, 'I'm a prefect, not perfect! Anyway I snuk down to the Gardens and just sat amoungst the flowers. I picked a few for my many scrap books. You know how much I love pressing flowers! I think that they are the prettiest things on earth.
After that, I went back to the castle for breakfast. I just had some pumpkin juice and a slice or two of toast. Then I went down to the lake and had a swim. Was great fun. I love Sundays! And in NZ, the sun actually shines!
I was swimming for about an hour, but the big Durmstrang ship kept getting in the way. I've not met anyone from there yet, not sure how but oh well! Once I'd finished I went up to the dorm and got changed.
I met ***** in the prefects common room. I said hi, but he was a bit hostile. I think he likes somebody else. Life officially sucks as far as boys are concered, but oh well! As Lizzi used to say before she went off on her boy fanatics, 'Girls are like apples. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Boys are scared to climb that high in case they fall and get hurt more. But one day a brave boy will come and pick you!' I just hope she was right.
Lemi x