Last Movie You Saw

Cinema: Hansel and Gretel
Home: Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2
I just saw The Mist the other day.
Half of the cast is/was on The Walking Dead. :p
I watched The Intouchables earlier in the week. Toooo funny.
I just saw Tangled for the first time. What a cute movie! ^_^
The Dark Knight, again. ^_^
Last night I saw Skyfall for the first time.
Don't understand what all the excitement was for. The story seemed disjointed at best sometimes. :(
I have to agree with you there Nick. The last movie I watched was The ninth Gate. How weird that was...
Last movie I saw was Real Steel, for like... the sixth time this month. I think I might start quoting from it soon. xD
The last movie I saw was Oblivion.
I went and saw Star Trek: Into Darkness with my mister two days ago. It was so unbelievably epic (and not just because Benedict Cumberbatch was there for ladyboners). Charlie and I watched a few episodes of S.T. for context, and then watched Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan when we got home so I could see a little of what the other versions of characters were like. I like both equally ... but seriously, Benedict was so good in this. Everyone should watch Star Trek and Into Darkness (the new movies), especially if you're not a trekkie.
I watched the Dark Skies four days ago and it's a nice movie.... ^^ ... Although I wasn't quite contented with how the movie ended though.. :p
I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness over the weekend. I'm not a huge trekkie, though I did grow up watching all of the Star Treks (I think I saw TNG most often), so I remembered some of Wrath of Khan; thankfully, my friend remembered more and filled in the blanks. But, I thought Chris Pine did an awesome job as Capt. Kirk (again) and Benedict Cumberbatch was great. I think I need to see more movies that he has been in. I also think I might go see Star Trek again sometime next week with another friend. ^_^
World War Z. I was quite skeptical first about the whole zombie thingy as I'm not a fan but it turned out to a the most riveting movie I've watched so far for 2013.

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