Kia Ora again

Izale Brai

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beech with Essence of Pixie Hair, 14 1/4"

I'm new here. I've never been on a site like this before, but I LOVE Harry Potter and I'm from New Zealand. My English tutor told me I should come on here.

Hope to meet some people soon!
Hi there Zelia!
Welcome to HNZ! I hope you enjoy your time on the board and that it helps your English composition skills (as I suspect your tutor is trusting it will, and as it has for many other members of our site) while you don't even realize you're getting better. ^_^

I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a PM. :)

I look forward to seeing you around the site!
Hello Zelia :hug:
that is an awesome name by the way. nice to see you I am mia and i am from Australia. you seem to have one awesome english teacher? are they a member here too I cant think of anyone but i am not the best at remembering things about people.
for a bit of orientation I suggest you have a look at the site documentation
Anyway welcome to HNZ and you have picked the best time of the year to join. Sorting is currently open so i suggest if you want a student account you should pop over here to where sorting is being held.
If you are unsure about anything please feel free to contact me, one of the admins; Nick (Nicolas King)or Cyndi (Cyndi Kingsley) or one of the global moderators Donna (Riley Sparkles), Pat (Patricia Styx), Kait (Keira Potter), and Emzies (Stefan Archer). they are all supper friendly and happy to help people.
I hope to see you around, and if you want to RP let me know. I think i have an account for almost every situation (though not as many as some people mind)
Briar Rowan-Cullen :mia:
Thank you every one for being so nice. My tutor, Emma, said she was a member here ages ago but doesn't have time anymore.

My mum's name was Eliza. Zelia is a mixed up version of that. So is Izale. My last name's not Brai, tho!
Welcome to the site Zeila! I remember Emma! Good on her for recommending you to the site.
I hope you enjoy your time here. :)
that is really cool about the names. I hadn't noticed that they were all anagrams.
sorting is located here (just click the link then follow the directions)
Hai there welcome Zeila ! Where are you from? I Hope you have a great time here.
Welcome to HNZ Zelia! Tauranga, that's where Mauao is right? I hope you enjoy it here, I know all the rest of us do.
Hello Zelia!
Welcome to HNZ! Glad someone has pointed you in our direction!
I'm Emily, better known as Emzies. If you ever have any questions, or just want a chat, feel free to PM me!

A very warm welcome to you!
Thank you everyone.
Yes, Tauranga is where Mauao is. I try to get out and walk around or up it once a week or so. The views from the top are impressive.

I'm enjoying it a lot so far! Thanks for your PM, Jamie.

I told my tutor, Emma, today that I signed up. She told me who her characters were, and I looked them up. She asked about some people - Pattycakes (?), and Nick, and Julie, and Emzies? She says there were so many awesome people here. She says hi.

I'm glad she told me about it. I really like it so far.
I was only gone for like, 5 days, but I feel like I should explain. My dad found this letter in my school bag that I was supposed to show him, like, a month ago. It was about me being 'anti-social' in class. So he decided that to make me more social I shouldn't be allowed on the internet and should interact with real-life people. Dumb.

It's the last night of the holidays now, so I won't be able to be online during the school day, but I will defo be on most afternoons and weekends.

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