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Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Evelyn had been meeting with Fleur often but it felt like they didn't have time for eachother that much. Evelyn was busy with her boyfriend and Fleur with hers, although it seemed that, that wasn't that much anymore. But she didn't knew that for sure. Fleur was more of a flirt than she was, but Evelyn mostly didn't even had to her best to get some attention. But with Lucas that was different ofcourse. She had done everything she could and lost herself in that. And that mistake she would never make again. She had learned from slapping Zenia and was glad that she could ignore the girl so far. The blonde had wrote a note to her best friend so that they could meet in the student lounge and she really wanted some alone time with her best friend. Just girls together and how much she loved Lucas it was nice to be with her friends too. And it was sometimes hard with how busy she was as a prefect, heta omega president and reporter of the Hogwarts Monthly. But she wanted to give all of her friends the attention they deserved. Evelyn chose a free couch and went sitting down and waited for her friend to arrive.
Fleur wished her and Evelyn could be partners on patrols during Prefect duty. Not that Flavio wasn't interesting but he wasn't her best friend by any means. She loved Evelyn and often thought she'd probably be the one thing she'll leave school with that will be forever. She wasn't sure about Amber and Noemie or any of her other friends at the school. But her and Evelyn were the closest pair and she had missed spending time with her best friend. She was excited to receive the note and quickly had sent one back telling Evelyn she'd be there. Heading to the Student Lounge there was a lightness in her step, a kind of joyful pop, everything between all the studying and classes and Prefect duties had become dull to Fleur. She found joy in conversing with her peers, mostly the guys. But even that started to not be any fun when she didn't many responses back. Getting to the Student Lounge Fleur strode in and fell on the couch beside her best friend. "Evelyn! Darling, it's wonderful to see you again," Fleur's natural British accent coming out full force.
Evelyn was glad that she could be prefect again together with Aaron. Aaron was a good friend of hers and from her boyfriend and she was happy to see that he and Anabelle seemed to like eachother. Evelyn was thinking about asking them on a double date, how fun would that be! But Fleur and Riley would be an option too a triple date was that even a thing? Evelyn smiled as her friend joined her. Fleur was mostly just as excited as Evelyn was and she liked that of her friend. '' Hi Fleur!! I'm so glad to see you. '' Evelyn smiled and nodded that she could sit with her. The blonde looked over to her friend. '' Omg I'm a prefect again. Kingsley gave it back. I'm so glad!'' Evelyn took her study very seriously and also her future, and she hoped that this wouldn't be such a big issue for her carreer. But she figured it wouldn't be. '' So how are things going?'' Evelyn asked her best friend.
Fleur was glad to spend some one on one time with Evelyn, she didn't mind their other friends much but it was nice to be able to unload her thoughts to her best friend and let Evelyn do the same. Truthfully she was wondering how it was going with Lucas. He hadn't been the best guy in the world to Evelyn in the past and now Fleur was worried for her best friend. She was hoping to protect Evelyn from more hurt and pain and didn't fully trust Lucas quite yet. "You got your badge back! I'm so pleased, finally those boring prefect meetings I won't be there bored alone!" Fleur said with a laugh, she had deeply missed Evelyn at the Prefect meetings and she hoped they'd be paired up again next year to do patrols together during their seventh years. It had been a good reason why Evelyn gotten her badge taken away, and she was glad the Gryffindor HoH was willing to return the badge as well. She was sure Styx would have had her expelled if she'd done something similar. "Oh you know, this and that. Classes and final exams coming up. Everything is moving so fast these days," Fleur said sitting back glancing around the room to see who was there. "Do you know Solomon? He is in our year in my house. He is quite the interesting fellow," Fleur said with a light smile thinking about how they'd spent time talking in the common room. He was completely different to others in the school, already so passionate about something and handsome as well. But Fleur could never help herself when a good looking guy was around. She was certainly attracted to looks, but she did also put value into personality. She wouldn't date a complete jerk or some meat-head guy.
The blonde was curious what her friend had been up to lately. This was a good chance to catch up. Fleur and she didn't knew eachother yet in first year, but they started to build up a great friendship. Evelyn saw a lot of people as good friends, but she and Fleur had much in common and Evelyn admired the girl. Fleur mostly spoke what was on her mind, and sometimes that wasn't the most nice things that came out but she was honest at least. A lot of people could learn from that she figured. She was glad that Fleur seemed to be happy too about her badge. She was glad that she didn't thought low of her. '' It feels amazing. I just can't believe it is our last year soon. I'm curious though who will become Headgirl. I think I blew away my chances by hitting Zenia. That girl ruins everything really.'' Evelyn was still pretty mad at Zenia and never would forgive her. Than the blonde listened as what her friend had to say. She nodded at Fleur her comment that everything went so fast. '' It scares me a bit to be honest. I know what I want to do after Hogwarts. But right now everything is how I ever dreamed things to be. I hope that it stays that way. What would you like to be your future carreer?'' Evelyn asked her best friend. They had spoke of things before but now the last year seemed to be getting closer she was curious.

When Fleur mentioned a boy all of sudden the blonde frowned. She had heard that name before and knew who that was. She didn't really liked the boy that much, because it seemed that he didn't liked her too. He was a friend of Merrill and they weren't the best friends in the past. Evelyn started to like Merrill more, but Solomon didn't seemed to be trying to like her. And Evelyn didn't cared. '' What about him? I don't like him that much. His friend Merrill and I didn't liked eachother that much. But now she is okay.'' The blonde than frowned again. She knew Fleur liked flirting but wasn't she with Riley still? '' So are you still together with Riley? Or does that Solomon has made your head spin around?'' The blonde than asked her friend with a laugh.
"I certainly won't be Head Girl, my grades were barely enough this year to keep Styx off my back about being a role model, or whatever. I bet Amber, I can't remember what the Ravenclaw girl's name is so probably not her?" Fleur questioned, surprised she had let her last prefect partner's housemate completely slip under her radar. "I think something with fashion, drawing isn't much of a career and maybe modeling would be a good way to see more of the world and enjoy things I already know I like," Fleur said honestly thinking about it. "You? My oh-so-talented friend?" Fleur questioned Evelyn in return. Fleur loved spending time with Evelyn that was for sure and she did enjoy talking about herself but she felt uncomfortable as her best friend brought up Riley. He was a nice guy and while she felt like a true jerk for ignoring him she knew it wasn't going to work out between them. She couldn't risk her parents disowning her like they had Anna-Jo. She was entitled to a lot and risking it over a cute wonderful guy wasn't something Fleur wanted to do. She wasn't sure Evelyn would understand, so she decided not to mention the whole reason to her actions to her best friend. She frowned at her friend's words, she could remember hating Merrill for Evelyn when they first became very close. She hadn't known Solomon was also a problem to her friend. "Riley is cute," Fleur said looking everywhere but towards her friend, "I think that we are finished however. And I'm not too interested in dating Solomon. He is an interesting guy certainly. I still wouldn't mind it if Rory asked me to a dance, but he only ever seems to have eyes for other girls, I guess I'm not good enough." Fleur huffed pretending not to care as much as she really did.
The blonde smiled for a moment when Fleur talked about her grades. Evelyn always did her very best for the classes she liked. Some of them she dropped, she wanted to focus on the things she was good in. Like Charms that was a important class for her and most people knew that. Evelyn wanted to excell in that class often. But she sighted and agreed about Amber. Evelyn was almost sure that she would become Headgirl. If it would be anyone else she would be suprised. But the blonde thought school was also to learn, and to make mistakes and climb up again. And she did that exactly. She had learned from her mistakes and she had been a model student before the accident with Zenia. '' I don't know the Ravenclaw girl really good. But I agree about Amber. Though I really hope that I have a chance myself too.. But we will see .'' Evelyn thought of Styx for a moment and laughed. She was so glad that she didn't had to work together with that man. '' Gosh Fleur. How can you keep up with Styx. That man is so creepy. I'm glad with Kingsley, though she is very strict.'' She had seen Kingsley her house when dating Noah, she couldn'imagine the same from Styx. The blonde took her cup of tea that stood on the table and took a sip and looked at her friend again. It was nice to think of the future and she knew that Amber also had plans in the fashion. It was so nice that some friends of her had the same idea. Evelyn hoped that they could work together and not work against eachother. '' You can really draw good. So designing would not be a problem! We always could help eachother out? I have some plans to build up an own brand. Perhaps we can brainstorm sometime?'' Fleur was another social contact and her father would just encourge her to work together to make your name more famous. And Fleur was her best friend so they would have the best time ever.

When Fleur started about Riley she had no idea what to expect. She knew that Fleur was often distracted easily by boys especially. '' You think? Or are you sure?'' Evelyn asked. She liked Riley he was another Gryffindor and he was friendly she thought. But if Fleur didn't felt something for him anymore she respected that ofcourse. But she had to tell him at least. When Fleur said she wasn't interested in Solomon she was glad. Evelyn found him a bit creepy or something, but she just had a feeling he didn't liked her too. Fleur talked about Rory often and sometimes she felt bad. Rory seemed to have eye for Evelyn mostly, but Rory was just a big flirt just like Fleur. And Fleur deserved more. '' Rory? He is handsome but that is all. Don't get me wrong I see him as my friend. But just as you say he is so easily distracted and thinks highly of himself. You deserve more.'' The blonde said with a smile.

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