Just Students

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Professor Lyra Potter

Mother of 4 💜 temp charms 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Vine Wand with Chimera Scale Fragment Core
So I would really like to get my student characters more active. Right now, I have four students at HNZ. Please chime in here or pm me or skype me if you have any characters that would like to rp with mine.


Link Potter
Gryffindor 5th Year
Link is in serious need of a life. He's not a serious individual. He enjoys pranking others but never takes it too far. He isn't malicious. Link doesn't care about his grades and school in general. He's plays to join a Quidditch team like his parents and doesn't see why he should waste his energy on classes when he can spend that time coming up with adventures or pranks. Link is a diehard Quidditch fan since he has grown up around the game. He is fiercely protective over his twin sister. He trusts her opinion above all others. That doesn't mean he does everything she wants him to do though. They can have epic fights, but they never last long. Link is brash and he doesn't mind a fight. He needs friends, romance, and enemies. I'm open to all ideas.


Noah Kingsley
Slytherin 3rd Year

Noah is the son of the Minister and Professor Kingsley. He is quiet and reserved in most situations. He has grown up in the spotlight and he's careful around those he does not trust. He is thoughtful and honest, so keep that in mind if you ask him a question. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to excel at everything he does. I would say it's his ambition that landed him in Slytherin. If I wasn't such a slacker, he would have better grades IC. :r Currently, Noah is dating Evelyn Manning. Noah could use friends and enemies, as well as future love interests.


Layla Reyes
Hufflepuff 6th Year

Layla is Noah, Lyra, and Link's cousin. She's impossibly kind and compassionate. She's forgiving even when she really shouldn't be. She will not hesitate to stand up for herself or those she loves. Layla is also very outgoing and loves to meet new people. She has a boyfriend so she's good there, but really doesn't have any friends.


Lyra Potter
Gryffindor 5th Year

Lyra is Link's twin sister. Lyra is impatient and stubborn. She's a very determined person. She does whatever she wants to when she wants to do it. Her curiosity often gets the best of her and lands her in some sticky situations. She's bossy even when she isn't trying to be and thinks she usually knows best. She's fearless and adventurous. She never turns down an adventure or a challenge. Lyra is an avid Quidditch fan and loves to spend free time on the pitch. She's got some friends (though I'd love to rp with some of them :r ) but she is always open to more. Lyra's love life is fairly full, but I'm always up for ideas there too. She's got one enemy but I wouldn't mind her having more.
I promise to start our topic with Link and Nadya.
I knew I was forgetting something. :doh:
If I think of anything else I'll say it here or pm, or text.
Hi Kait!!! I'm glad you posted this because I've been wanting to RP with you for sooo long now ^_^ because we've never RPed together!! :o And luckily I feel like I actually have characters to offer you!!

So first for Link I have Bethany Zanders, she's a 4th year Gryffindor and she seems super similar to him in the sense that she's a jokester and doesn't take life too seriously! Right now she wants to be the Minister of Magic (omg she can talk to Noah too*!!! :o ) but she lacks the focus to actually take that seriously. She is super adamant about her beliefs though and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She's really feisty and competitive and sporty and just really likes to have fun! She can def be a friend for him & romantic interest if you want! ^_^ I just need more for her in general! :)

(*I didn't even think about that but that's an option too!!)

For Layla I have Darcy Pratt who is a 6th year Slytherin (she transferred into HNZ in her 4th year). She's really quiet & reserved and she doesn't really waste her time with people if she thinks they're annoying or something but I don't think she'd find Layla annoying. She really needs more friends so I would love for them to be friends! ^_^
Hi Kait! :wub:

Okay, I have three students. Syrus, Stella and Eros.

Syrus - Little hyper cub here. He my little baby. IDK. Would be fun to have an old fashion rival with a Syltherin?? Up to you. Wherever he fits, because like all my other characters they're not fully developed yet. xD

Stella - Syrus's sister. Weird last names. Likes making things the old muggel ways. Really don't care much for magic. Doesn't like quidditch. Constantly looking after her siblings. The grounded, but least successful Stilinski when it comes to magic. Again, it's progress.

Eros - Activist, well he getting more into it. He the youngest one in his family and has decided to fight for rights for those that need help. He going to be more political, basically. In the wizarding he'll want to work for the minister of magic one day, but for now he does what he can. Love his sister, who happens to play quidditch. I should really work on his bio next! Also very gay but quite about it.

Air - Ari might be a new transfer student, I hope. I'm applying to be a pure blood, and all that jazz. He comes from a line of wizard who's faught many wizarding wars. Again, a work in progress. He can have a thing with Layla in the near future?! Just a suggestion. Anyways, sorry it's not better detailed and stuff. xD :hug:
Abby :hug: I can't believe we have never rped! It's time to fix that. Let's have Link and Bethany rp! I think that they will get along nicely! I also like Darcy and Layla as friends. I can start one and you can start the other?!

Madz: Let me pm you.

Kaitlyn: Thanks for the link! I'll reply shortly.
Kait! :D I just think Evelyn and Link and Lyra need to meet. They are in the same house so perhaps we can work something out. Also Elizabeth Wespurt is a third year Gryf and she loves to prank and doesn't take school that seriously. She would love Link.
Hey Kait! :)

For Link and Lyra, I can suggest my Rosemary twins, Amy and Daniel who are in 5th year and therefore should know the twins from class. When together, Amy and Dan are quite adventurous and like to explore (yes, they like to do that still). Although neither of them are Gryffindors, I'd love for the quartet to be friends if you're up for it? They'd probably be good friends :)

Noah: Kaia Grimm is my Ravenclaw third year :wub: I'd need for her to have a future love interest, she's soon dating someone so I don't mind when/if Noah is available :) Either that, or they can be friends! Kaia's the type of person to keep to her books mostly but opens up to people when she becomes their friend, she can be goofy and have a good time and isn't always quiet.

I can offer Leo Benivieni as a friend for either Link and/or Lyra, he's also adventurous and is overall a friendly person. He's my 4th year Gryffindor and would've seen either of the twins around the common room, at house meetings, etc :)

As for Layla, I'm pretty sure Amy and her have talked? I might be thinking of someone else entirely, my apologies if I am, but I figured they'd also be great friends!

Let me know what you think! ^_^
Hi Kait,

I had a strange sense of Lily and James when I read your piece about Link and put him with my Reisha xD
I am hoping beyond words that she gets transferred for September, she's a Gryffindor at Hogwarts Scotland and a prefect - so will have a lot of getting to grips with stuff when she has to move during the summer and transfers schools, knowing that all the hard work she had put it to her last school to earn her prefect status will have gone down the tubes. She is a perfectionist, works incredibly hard at school and so needs someone to give her a wee adjustment nudge :D a little bit of 'don't take yourself too seriously' sort of thing.

I can picture them being at odds with one another for a bit, he trying to get to know her and get her to lighten up and she trying to get him to leave her alone and then it all just changes and she really won't want him to leave her alone at all :wub:

Just an idea :r
I think both of those sound fun Jamie. Which one would you like to do first? I can start it.

Clara: I think the sets of twins met in the kitchen a while back but the rp was never finished, so we could go with the assumption that they are all friends by now. I'd love to rp them all again or a combination of them.

Marcella and Lyra are besties so I think she would get along well with Leo too, but I like the idea of Leo and Link being friends. Link needs more friends.

Kaia and Noah sound great. I don't think I have anything lined up for him after Evelyn. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong there!)

Layla and Amy have talked before. Maybe they could be friends? Layla has like zero friends and she's going to be all alone when her boyfriend graduates soon.

Link and Reisha: I think this could be cute. I think we would need to rp them first to see how they get along, but I definitely see potential. :D
Lyra Potter said:
Link and Reisha: I think this could be cute. I think we would need to rp them first to see how they get along, but I definitely see potential. :D
I agree - very cute indeed but absolutely right, we would have to see how the rp together ;)
totally looking forward to it :D
Rosemary/Potter twins: I'd like that. Where do you think they should meet up? We could make it an open topic.

Leo/Link/Lyra: Lyra might have heard of him before then? I can start this one between Leo and Link, if you want. We can either do it in the common room or somewhere else, I honestly don't mind.

Kaia/Noah: I have an open topic where Noah could join that I can send the link to you, unless you'd want them to have a separate one? :)

Layla/Amy: it would be great to see them talk again xD Maybe they could both be studying in the library and Amy spots her or the other way around and they strike up a conversation?
I think the twins could really have reason to be anywhere. I love the idea of an open topic!

Leo/Link/Lyra: She should have at least heard of him. Let's do Leo and Link in the common room. If you start that one I can start one with the twins?

Kaia/Noah: I can join that one. Just send me the link.

Amy/Layla:That sounds great!
Leo/Link/Lyra: sure! I'll start it ASAP!

I'll send you the link for Kaia's topic by PM soon :)
I got the pm. Replying soon!
Kiera Potter said:
Abby :hug: I can't believe we have never rped! It's time to fix that. Let's have Link and Bethany rp! I think that they will get along nicely! I also like Darcy and Layla as friends. I can start one and you can start the other?!
Kait!! I am back from my trip so I can go ahead and start on this!! ^_^ If you want to start a topic for Link & Bethany I can start a topic for Layla & Darcy!! :D :D
Heya! Don't think we've ever rped before (correct me if I'm wrong) so I have a couple of ideas to suggest to you to change that! :D

The first idea I have is that my character Flavio could be friends with Noah! They're both in the same year, so they might already know each other on a first name basis from classes which would make starting a frienship for them a little easier! I can see them getting along and possibly being friends because Flavio is also a very thoughtful and ambitious person, but it's not in the sense of being competitive with others, and more in the sense of wanting to have lots of knowledge for himself. One of the main differences I see between Flavio and Noah, though, is that while Noah is careful of who he trusts, Flavio is a little too trusting of others and this has lead him to being taken advantage of in the past.

I kind of like the idea of them becoming friends from their similar sense of ambition and thoughtfulness since they would probably have a lot of in depth discussions about, you know, everything! and also because I think Flavio needs to be less trusting of others so easily, and he could probably learn a little bit about that from Noah. I just like that idea and I hope you do, too!

I'm not exactly sure how their friendship could really blossom, but we could always just have them run into each other in the library or work on something together in class and see what happens from there :D

The second idea I have is for my character Cairo, and Lyra to interact! I don't know if a friendship would develop from it, but I think it could be a random and fun sort of character development situation for both of them if they were paired together for a project, which makes both of them fight to be the leader and make the decisions of what they're doing. Cairo isn't usually a bossy person, but when it comes to academics he is very specific in what he wants and I think it could be fun for them to butt heads. Let me know what you think!
So somehow missed all these responses!

Abby- that sounds lovely! I'll get right on that.

Annaleise- I honestly have no idea if we have ever rped but I know we haven't recently! I'd be so happy to change this! As for Noah and Flavio, I could see this friendship working out nicely and I definitely think we should give it a try. I'd say they would know each other's names so maybe they could start by studying together in the library? As for Cairo and Lyra, would they know each other from Lanithro? She did spend nearly a year as his girlfriend. I'd think they were at least on a first name basis. Maybe we should do them and see how it goes? This could be very fun. I like the idea of them being paired for a project.
Kiera Potter said:
Annaleise- I honestly have no idea if we have ever rped but I know we haven't recently! I'd be so happy to change this! As for Noah and Flavio, I could see this friendship working out nicely and I definitely think we should give it a try. I'd say they would know each other's names so maybe they could start by studying together in the library? As for Cairo and Lyra, would they know each other from Lanithro? She did spend nearly a year as his girlfriend. I'd think they were at least on a first name basis. Maybe we should do them and see how it goes? This could be very fun. I like the idea of them being paired for a project.
I'm glad you also think Noah and Flavio would make good friends :D I'm happy to start a random thread in the library for them, if you like?

It would make sense that Cairo would know who Lyra was from Lanithro, and in general so that works! I could also start this thread too if you wanted, but since the semester is nearly over it might make more sense to rp them in the new school year. Let me know your thoughts!
I'm happy to rp Noah and Flavio outside of school if you want, but it's probably better if we do wait until the new school year starts to rp Lyra and Cairo since they can't exactly work on a project during the holidays :D

I can start something with Flavio when the holidays start and PM you with the link, then?
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