Closed Just Friends

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Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (22)
Cas spent a good amount of time on the Halloween feast this year- he'd helped the twins with their costumes before working on his own. Allison had the most intense make-up, Addison had the simpler but more elegant look overall, and Cas... well, Cas thought he was adorable. But now the twins had separated from him and had moved on to looking for their boyfriends, leaving Cas alone. He got a drink, looking around the hall to see if he could spot either of his... friends? Friends. He bit back a sigh. Lysander and he were just friends... and so were he and Sebastian. He had tried to talk Seb into coming here, but Cas wasn't having much luck spotting either of the other boys among the crowd.
Lysander was enjoying his costume this year. The way his heels clip-clopped with every step, or how his pigtails bounced over his shoulders, was oddly satisfying, and he could not help but strut his way into the Great Hall. He swung a wicker basket at his side, both as a prop and as a way to take back some extra Halloween snacks to his dormitory at the end of the night. His familiars would have loved some of the treats. He walked around the hall, occasionally twirling in his skirt, until he spotted a familiar face. "Casper?" He asked to be sure. It was hard to tell under all the makeup. "Looks like we both went with the femboy look." He laughed, giving his skirts another twirl. It was like wearing robes, but shorter and easier to walk in, and he was living for it.
Casper looked up, surprised to see Lysander there in a dress. He blushed. "It suits you," He blurted, before blushing deeper and looking away. "I mean, er, nice costume," He laughed nervously and shook his head before looking back to Lysander. "The Wizard of Oz, huh? Nice," He smiled, sticking one hand in his pocket and holding the fake skull in the other. "Are you meeting someone here or did you bring one of your familiars?" He asked.
Lysander laughed and did a mock-curtsy with his skirt. "You think so?" He chuckled. He definitely could have gone with wearing a skirt again. "Yeah, my dad used to read me the books. He's Australian, so I always thought that was what Oz was really like, until I was old enough to know it wasn't at all." He said. It had always been a hard distinction as a child, figuring out what was fact and what was fiction when witches were involved. Animated scarecrows and tinmen were not exactly abnormal. "Nah, I was just going to wander around and see who I ran into, maybe get some photos with Ajax." He said. "None of my familiars like Halloween that much. I don't want Fuzzfeathers trying to attack an enchanted cupcake again." He laughed. Especially with the creepy spiders overhead, he was sure he would have lost the owl to attacking them. "What about you? Waiting for anyone, or just standing around looking pretty?"
Cas bit his lip, stepping a little closer to run the edge of Lysanders skirt. "Oh definitely, it looks good on you." He admitted gently. He was half listening to Lysander go on, wanting to hear what the boy was saying. "That was sweet of him," He murmured, running the fabric between his fingers and not noticing he was staring too hard at it. "Pictures are good," He managed quietly. "He attacked a cupcake?" He asked, trying to sound like he was paying more attention than he should. He took a small step closer, finally looking up when Lysander complimented him. "You think I'm cute?" He managed softly, his blush getting impossibly worse.
Lysander was so engrossed in talking about himself and his animals, he barely registered how much attention Casper was really paying to what he was saying, or how much he was admiring his outfit. "Oh yeah, FF hates those walking spider cupcakes. Tears them to absolute pieces." He explained. He didn't want to see what he'd do to a real spider, though Pudding usually got to them first. His dormitory was decidedly spider-free. It wasn't until Casper closed the distance that he started paying more attention. "Fairly sure I said pretty." He corrected with a small smirk. He leaned in to Casper's ear and lowered his voice. "I don't make out with guys I don't think are cute." He whispered. It wasn't entirely true, the game of spin the bottle had been completely up to chance, but he'd lucked out with kissing a veela, so his record was pretty solid for cute guys.​
Casper realized right then how close he and Lysander were standing. Cas let out a nervous giggle, taking another small step back and attempting to brush his hair behind his ear, his hair immediately falling back into his eyes. "I-i-i mean, erm- a little makeup and some hair gel probably does wonders," He laughed nervously, peeking up at the other boy through long lashes and strands of bleached blond hair with a dopey grin. "A-anyway, erm, its just me again," He answered Lysanders earlier question, twirling a strand of hair around one finger, wrapping the other arm loosely around himself and giggling again shyly.
Lysander chuckled lightly as Casper pointlessly fixed his hair. This was where his own pigtails had come in handy. It kept everything out of the way, and honestly? The way they flopped about anytime he turned his head was kind of fun. "I dunno, I think I prefer you without it all." Lysander shrugged lightly. It was easier to see Casper's face without the panda eyes or his hair obscuring half of it. "I don't really know how to do makeup, or I would have done more myself. Maybe I could borrow some of your lipstick later tonight?" He suggested coyly. He all but sighed dramatically when Casper said he was here on his own again rather than coming with anyone. "Don't you get bored? You know, I'm not going to be here next year to rescue you from standing around all night. You need to let loose, have more fun with people." He tutted with a small smile and a shake of his head. He was glad he'd found him now, so he wasn't standing on his own for too long, but what would happen when he was gone?​
Casper was sure his cheeks were burning. He giggled a bit again, shifting his weight a bit. "Well maybe if you say please," He flirted back a bit. He hesitated as Lysander commented on Cas having more fun. "Oh, well," Cas started nervously, twirling a bit of hair around his finger and looking away. "I... kinda see Sebastian Kane sometimes," he offered shyly, unsure if it was something that would make Lysander mad or not.
Seb noticed Casper in the hall and since Cas was the one that managed to convince him to go to the feast, Seb decided to approach him, until he noticed who he was standing with. So he decided to just stay with his sister until Dani got distracted and Seb was left all alone, then he decided that it was worth the shot to come over and talk with them, it was probably going to be better than just seeing them there together and flirting. "Well, you two definitely are matching," he said as he stood behind Casper. Sebastian didn't have any costume himself, he found it useless, he was there just to see Cas. He had completely missed their conversation, so he didn't bother to find out what they were going to talk about, he was pretty convinced that he didn't want to know that.
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