- Messages
- 74
- OOC First Name
- Jamie
- Blood Status
- Unknown
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Sexual Orientation
- Bisexual
- Wand
- 13 Inch Straight Sturdy Walnut wand with Phoenix Tail Feather
- Age
- 13

Julien Matthieu Beaumont
NAME MEANING- Julien (Joo-lee-an): Julien is an french name and a variation of Julian.
- Matthieu (Ma-Tyuu): The name means gift of god.
- Beaumont (Bo-mont): Means from an beautiful mountain.
NICKNAME/ALIASJulien doesn't have a nicknames. since his name is already kind of short. He also doesn't got other nicknames yet.
BLOOD STATUSHis blood status is unknown for Julien, since he doesn't know who his father is. Also his mother doesn't know for sure what his fathers status was. His mother is an half blood witch.
PLACE OF BIRTHJulien was born in Marseille, France. He had an nice time growing up there with his mother.
CURRENT RESIDENCEHe lives still in Marseille, France together with his mother, and stepfather and sister. They not live in the same house as Julien grew up. They moved in an bigger house where his stepfather lived.
NATIONALITYHis mother is born and raised in France, his fathers nationality is unknown to him.
BIRTHDAY2th April, 2041
HISTORYJulien is the first child of his parents. He was born in Marseille, France and still lives there with his mother. He was raised by his mother only and his aunt a bit. He has never known his father since he left when finding out his mother was pregnant. He has no clue who his father is and desperatly wants to find his father. He got an stepsister and stepfather, but Julien doesn't like both. He doesn't get along with them since they are way more in the spotlight than he is. He loves his mother very much, but things aren't the same anymore when his stepfather and sister came in the picture. He feels bad about that, and often spends more time in his room than together with the family.

Young Julien

Drew van Acker
HAIRJulien has got dark blonde hair. When it's summer and he spents lot of time in the sun his hair gets some lighter. He does pay some attention to his looks and hair but is not very vain. He is satisfied with how his hair looks and tries some different things out sometimes an bit longer but can be shorter also. He doesn't have one main hairstyle.
EYESHis eyes are blue/green from colour.
HEIGHTJulien is tall for his age and kind of athletic build. He likes to sport sometimes, so he works for his body and wants it to look good. He's kind of proud of how he looks.
DOMINANT HANDHis dominant hand is right.
CLOTHING STYLEJulien has an kind of simple clothing style and some people would call it rich people clothing style. He wears polo's and jackets with an tie sometimes. But he can also wear jeans with an t-shirt. He doesn't care too much about clothes, but if he wants to impress an girl he would put some more effort in it.

- Investigative: They enjoy research, mathematical or scientific activities. These individuals live in their mind and prefer to deal with the real world from a distance.
- Observer: A person who watches or notices something.
- Introvert: A shy, reticent person.
- Intelligent: Having a good amount of mental ability.
LIKESJulien like Reading, Quidditch and sports, Astronomy, Writing, Solving Mysteries, Sweets, Watching people behave and learning new things.
DISLIKESHe doesn't like being in the spotlight, Fights, Failing, His stepfather and stepsister and not being taken seriously.
SECRETSJulien doesn't have an specific secret at the moment.
GOALSJulien wants to find out what he wants to do in the future and make some friends. And also he wants to find his father.
FEARSBeing bullied and his mother leaving him.
STRENGTHSJulien is investigative and he shows a lot of interest in different things and people. He doesn't think as an social person of himself but the fact he shows interest in different people and things they like makes him make contact more easily than he thinks. He can observe good so he knows a lot of how people behave and what is going on around him. He has en eye for details and keep track of stuff that doesn't seem important to other people at first sight. Also Julien is an good writer he likes to keep track of situations that happen to him. But he can easily write and be objectively about situations and people.
WEAKNESSESJulien can be a bit in the background and be insecure about himself, he doesn't throw himself in the attention directly and he can put himself to the background than, He is more social than he thinks, but he is not comfertable directly with people. He is a thinker before he acts, so that makes him having an hard time with making choices sometimes, he doubts too much than. He wants to know specific details of an person or situation before he can really open up to someone in some cases.
Julien is an intelligent boy with an interest for a lot of different area's. He is very curious to learn new stuff and the behavior of people. He likes to observe an situation and has an eye for details. Also Julien is investigative, he likes to solve mysteries and find answers to stuff that aren't answered yet. He is an good and sweet boy raised with good manners. He is kind of vain since he was raised with a lot of womans around him. He doesn't had an father figure in his life yet, not one that he likes or wants to learn from. Julien also likes sports like Quidditch but also shows interest in muggle sports and the muggle world overall. He hates being in the centre of attention, he doesn't take the spotlight and rather wants to stay in the background. He doesn't think as an social person of himself, but he makes easily contact because his interest in others. Julien is an thinker before he acts, so it takes some time sometimes for him to make an choice in an situation.

He would smell Peppermint, Fresh Grass, Old books
MIRROR OF ERISED When Julien looks into the mirror of erised he would see himself with his mother and father, although he doesn't know the face of him.
His boggart is his mother leaving him being angry.
WAND- Wood: Walnut: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
- Core: Phoenix Tail Feather: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
- Inches: The wand of Julien is 13 Inches.
EDUCATIONHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand


Julien was pleased with the sorting result. He had no clue where he would end up, but Ravenclaw seemed like an good match for him. He liked the people in his house and the vibe it had. He didn't mind to be in any house.
FAVORITE PROFESSORHis favorite professor is Sarah Harrington, because he likes the subject she teases and to be passionated about Astronomy.
LEAST FAVORITE PROFESSORHis least favorite professor is ..
FAVORITE CLASSHis favorite class is Astronomy and he also likes Charms.
LEAST FAVORITE CLASSHis least favorite class is Potions, because he doesn't feel like he is that good in it.
OCCUPATIONJulien is currently an student at Hogwarts New Zealand

![]() MOTHER Genevieve Florence Beaumont BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Beauxbatons alumnus HOUSE Ombrelune OCCUPATION Writer | STEP FATHER Bernard Frans Dubois BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Happily married EDUCATION Beauxbatons alumnus HOUSE Ombrelune OCCUPATION Photographer | STEP SISTER Fleur Airelle Beaumont BLOOD STATUS Half-Blood RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single EDUCATION Hogwarts New Zealand HOUSE OCCUPATION Student |
Julien has an very good relationship with his mother, his mother is his everything and since the day he was born he felt very safe with her. He doesn't know who his father is, his mother told him that he left after finding out his mother was pregnant. His mother doesn't want to tell much more and doesn't know too much about the man who is his father. He really wants to find out, and either it will be negative or positive he wants to know. When his mother married his stepfather Julien was not very happy, he had not an good relationship with his stepfather. And never saw him as an father, although it is the only father he had ever had. After he got an stepsister he felt very alone at first, since his mother took care of his sister. He doesn't like the girl and finds it hard to share his mother. His stepfather and sister are more extrovert and he finds it hard to deal with that.
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