It's A Hufflepuff!

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Akemi Tsukino

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Akemi Tsukino
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So, hey ya'll! I'm back to plotting! And since for now I only have one student (and I intend to keep it that way for now - hopefully I last) I shall get on with the plots!

This adorable ray of sunshine here is Akemi Tsukino. She is the fourth child of the Tsukino family - a muggle family. Even so, magic has never been entirely knew to her due to her two older siblings being part of the wizarding world. However, said older siblings - Ryuuji Tsukino (an HNZ graduate) and Rin Tsukino (currently in Durmstrang) - were actually adopted many years prior. The idea however, that Akemi herself actually harbored magic was the surprising thing within the family. Of course, her parents were not very overjoyed about this as they had wanted to ignore the existence of magic after Ryuuji's graduation more than a decade ago. However, with Rin apparently also being a witch and the manifestation of her own, their parents had no choice but to begrudgingly accept the circumstances.

Akemi herself is conflicted with the presence of magic within her. Although her magic had begun to manifest before she received her letter and she was noticing it - she was constantly in denial about it not wanting to face the truth that she was not exactly normal by muggle standards. Later, she also thinks that a muggle suddenly developing magic is not normal by what she naively knows of wizarding standards. She was also unsure of it due to how her parents and eldest sibling would feel about it - as Harumi was slightly envious but optimistic of them all having magic. She does not know how to approach the whole thing of her being a witch and she decided on pursuing her magical education with hopes of learning if and why magic is vital.

Akemi is a bubbly girl with an affinity to water. She loves outdoor activities especially those that involve the water ranging from swimming, diving, surfing and boating. She also loves to write and present artistic skills in the form of calligraphy. She is very social and outgoing though has very little attention span especially in the presence of multiple things she likes. However, she has a penchant for aiming to please people as they get closer to her so she has tendencies of dishonesty, fierce protectiveness and sometimes doesn't realize if she has gotten too far. She is also extremely loyal and extremely trusting to a fault that she does not know when to draw the line. Akemi dislikes people who are quick to judge others although there are times that she herself does it.

So for her anything ranging from friends, to mentors, to haters would be great. Plotting is fun so for any of ya'll that want plots especially for my cute little firstie you are welcome to PM me or post here! :D If you want any RPs or plots with my other charries, you are also welcome to tell me and I'm willing to share all the info you'll need and want!
Heya :hug:

Wow, she sounds fully developed already. Anyways, I have two first years who are no where at level with Akemi's development. Both are related to other characters of mines on HNZ, so it's a mixture of personality with these two. Joshua Toubia and Chante Ateara. I'm up for an rp or two. Doesn't matter to me. :p :D

I can offer my firstie Nixon Mercury as a friend for Akemi. He doesn't have a development or biography that is posted yet, but he does have similar traits to Akemi in the sense he is very outgoing and wants to please others. He also is protective of people and very loyal, though he tries not to show any of his feelings other than happiness from fear that his friends will not want to be around him if he does not act like the cheerful and playful version of himself that they are used to. Basically he is kind of a mess but I won't bore you by posting about it here.

The long story short is that since they are both outgoing, share a few traits and are in the same house, they would probably get along, so they should definitely rp. Let me know what you think!
Madz: Thanks a bunch! I've had her for couple years so I've had some time to think about her.. Anyways, would be happy to rp with you- I don't think I've had before! Do you want to rp with both of your charries or just one of them? I don't mind either.

Nixon/Akemi: I think it's a fabulous idea to see how they'd get along with such similarities! Would you like to start it or would you like me to?
Hi ^_^

I can offer you my first year Gabriella Tillinton, she is in the same house as Akemi and the two share an affinity to water. Gabriella loves to swim so maybe that can be something they bond over. It'd be fun because they also share a dorm and it would be nice for her to have a friend in her house and year! They are a little different as Gabriella is a lot more serious and not very bubbly and outgoing, people like that can actually annoy her quite a bit if she's in the wrong mood, but I think the two of them could get along. Some slight annoyance now and then might even make it more interesting :D

Since you mentioned mentors as a possibility I want to offer Amber here for that :D She's a Hufflepuff fourth year now but Akemi sort of reminds me a little of her as a first year xD I feel like Amber is the sort of girl that would like to help out younger students when needed, though she hasn't really had the chance to do that yet. Since they're both in Hufflepuff maybe we can think of something if you're interested!
Gabriella/Akemi: It would be interesting to see how a friendship would turn out especially since I want to see how Akemi would deal with the annoyance of a friend. I'd be all up for it!

Amber/Akemi: Very much interested! Especially since Akemi does not know how to deal with magic, especially her feelings about them. I think it'd be nice for an older student to help her sort some stuff out. Would you like to start one of them and then I'd start the other?
Yes! I'm glad you're into both ideas ^_^ maybe I can start the one with Gabriella? I feel like in the other one it's easier for me to react to your opening maybe! I'll add it to my list!
No problem.. I'll post the link here when it's up.. ;)
Ai Edogawa said:
Madz: Thanks a bunch! I've had her for couple years so I've had some time to think about her.. Anyways, would be happy to rp with you- I don't think I've had before! Do you want to rp with both of your charries or just one of them? I don't mind either.
Sure! I have Joshua Toubia - I've made everything about him a challenge, mister safety kind of kid. I mean his aunt raised him and pretty much made him out to be like a bad luck in the family. Not necessarily abused him or anything, just often told him to becareful or something would happen. Very superstitious around him. Because she says so, he'd listen while his sister Jenna beginning to believe she all crazy. But there a deeper secret hiding in the family.

Chante Ateara - Raised by two part giants. She is there miracle offspring. She grew up in a tree dome/cave. Her family quite normal, other than her parents size. They care for magical creatures outside their home and harvest fresh crops in order to survive. Chante sweet and friendly, she takes after her dad a lot. She might grow, no one knows for sure if she'll be like her parents or not.
Link! for Gabriella and Akemi ^_^ I figured the lake suited them both! I hope it's okay that I put it as open after you, can close it to closed if you prefer :D
Joshua/Akemi: I think Akemi would try to befriend him despite it being a challenge. She would reassure him that there is nothing dangerous about her and perhaps tell him of her family that was supposed to have muggles and instead having half of it magical.

Chante/Akemi: Akemi would find her to be interesting halving to be raised by two part giants. If she did indeed find out of Chante's heritage, there would be lots of questions asked out of curiosity from a girl that grew up as a muggle. Regardless though, Akemi would love to find a friend in her. I can start this one if you'd start Joshua and Akemi or the other way around?

Sure! I'll post a link here soon.
Hey Marga! :)

I can offer Xavier as a friend to Akemi. They're both in Hufflepuff and I think they'd be a good match. Xavier is similar to Akemi, except that he isn't as bubbly although he does like to make (the right type of) friends. If she lies, Xavier is very good at seeing through her and realising that she isn't being honest, which he doesn't like but we can make it work somehow xD He is polite, protective and caring so he would probably want to protect her from others hurting her.

Let me know what you think!

Xavier/Akemi: Hey Clara! And Xavier and Akemi would be interesting! She'd spread all her bubbly nature to him and try to convince him that she is a wonderful friend by throwing him hearts and flowers and rainbows (might actually be a possibility who knows xD ). Also, it'd be interesting for someone to see through her lies - regardless of her reasons - as to have someone make her understand her faults. And having someone protective of her would be sooooo adorable! :wub: I'd love it!
I love Akemi already xD Should we start an open thread for them or closed or what? Also how do you think they should meet? :wub:
I don't mind either way! Maybe Akemi can be having trouble with homework and he is the unfortunate soul she found? xD
Xavier sounds like the right person she'd find. He'd help a housemate out xD Would you like to start it or should I?​
It would be wonderful if you would!
Great, I won't be able to start it until Saturday the latest if that's okay ^_^
That is perfectly fine! :D
Ai Edogawa said:
Nixon/Akemi: I think it's a fabulous idea to see how they'd get along with such similarities! Would you like to start it or would you like me to?
Whoops I didn't see this until now, I'm sorry!

I have a bunchhhh of threads to start and it is always easier and quicker for me to write a reply, so would you mind starting it for me? That way it's more likely I will get to it in a timely manner :D
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