Interactive Demonstration- DADA Second Years, Lesson Five

Lydia Drage

Researching the dark arts- for science
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
13.5" Fir with Core of Basilisk Skin
September 13, 2025 (31)
OOCOut of Character:
Second year DADA students: Please read the demonstration through Professor Drage's (my) last post.

If your character tries to use any of these spells outside of class (not condoned by the professor, wink wink) pay attention to the Acceptable Spells and Potions list (by year): For example, your second-year character shouldn’t be able to cast any of the jinxes demonstrated today, but could possibly master the Ear-Leeks and Antler Jinxes in third year.

Lydia waited for her second year students to arrive at the Duelling Chamber. She hoped that they would appreciate the change of scenery. The witch stood on the duelling platform with her coworker, @Professor Misha Haden. Quietly, she said, “Thanks again for helping me out with this lesson, Misha. I really appreciate it.”

Instead of a theoretical lecture, Lydia thought it would be more exciting for the students to see these spells in action. She reasoned that if they were going to practice these in the future, they might as well see what they were supposed to look like. That said, most of these jinxes were a little too gruesome to justify her using student volunteers. Once the students had filed in and settled down, she began.

“Please welcome Professor Misha Haden to class. He is our Charms instructor for fifth years and above. Today, Professor Haden and I will demonstrate three jinxes and one hex. Pay close attention to the effects of each.”

“Keep in mind that these are all advanced spells with unpleasant outcomes. If I find out that you are practicing these spells on other students- or creatures, for that matter- without supervision, your Head of House and I will come up with a creative detention for you.”

Finally, Lydia turned to Misha, grinning. “First, we will start with the Stinging Jinx.” She put her left hand behind her back and waved her wand at Misha, casting the dark charm.
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Being ask to help Lydia in her class was quite exciting for the charms professor. He was sure it wouldn't entail anything too bad, they were dealing with a second year class, but he was sure it would be fun. He went to the duelling area and greeted Lydia warmly. "Not a problem, Lydia," he said to her with a little smile. He was nervous, a little, about perhaps embarrassing himself just a little, but really it was a good idea, it was fun and engaging for the students so he was more than willing to help her out. The students filed in, and given that he didn't teach the younger years was mostly just a sea of faces he didn't know. At his introduction by Lydia he gave a theatrical bow to the students. He turned to face her for the first spell, the stinging jinx, and yeah, Misha was regretting a little, allowing this to happen, especially as the stinging spell hit and obviously caused his body to sting. He knew they had to let the students see it for a moment but boy did it hurt.
Lydia smiled apologetically at Misha as she cast the counter-charm. She paused a moment, before stating, “The Stinging Jinx causes a painful, superficial sensation to the target’s skin. This can cause burning, redness, and swelling.”

Grounding herself on the stage, Lydia said, “Next, the Ear Leeks Jinx.” She thought it wouldn’t be fair to make Misha the target of all these unsavory spells, so she waited on her turn.
Misha just gave a little wave at Lydia's smile, she didn't need to, he'd signed up for this. Though thankfully the spell didn't last long. He felt relief and let himself take a few deep breaths as Lydia explained what the spell did to the victim. He took out his own wand and then when she gave him the go ahead cast the Ear Leeks Jinx on her. The effects were instant. He gave it about the same amount of time as she had given the spell on him and then cast the counter curse to stop the spell.
Both sides of Lydia’s head erupted with pain as she was hit with the Ear Leeks Jinx. She grimaced; the pain was so bad, her eyes watered and she thought she might vomit. However, for the sake of her students and her pride, she managed to hold down her breakfast of kippers and toast.

The witch caught two of the full-sized leeks that had burst from her ear canals and held them up for the students to see. She was relieved when Misha cast the counter-charm, but her ears still throbbed.

Catching her breath, Lydia said, “The Ear Leeks Jinx, as you can see, is quite uncomfortable. It causes leeks- a vegetable in the onion family- to suddenly explode from the target’s ears.” She turned over the leeks, and then added jokingly, “not the kind you’d want to use in your soup.”

Dropping the leeks to the stage, Lydia placed her left hand behind her back again, and then cast the next jinx. She didn’t need to name it just now; it would be obvious.
None of these spells were particularly nice, but if she wanted to show them to the kids, this was the best method. At least without having to cast them on one of the children. He listened to her explanation of the spell he'd just cast, and used the time to brace himself for what was coming next. He put his wand back into his pocket to avoid the urge to throw up a shield. He hoped this next spell wasn't another one that hurt. He flashed her a quick smile and then, he was hit. There wasn't any immediate pain, but his head felt instantly heavier, and he knew she'd done the antler jinx. It was not particularly fun as a spell. but hurt a lot less than the other one.
Lydia sidestepped a leek and grinned as a pair of antlers grew from the top of Misha’s head. “The Antler Jinx,” she said, “does exactly what you would expect it to.” Really, there wasn’t much need for explanation. Lydia thought Misha looked quite nice with the set of thirteen-point antlers, so she held off on casting the counter-charm.

“And now, for our final spell. A hex.” Lydia waited for the last dark charm and mentally prepared herself. It wouldn’t be the most painful, but the most disgusting.
Misha was quite please as she hadn't the counter spell on his antlers. They needed to do the last spell, and he could definitely do it with antlers. He knew which one he was casting, he hadn't known what would get cast on him, but what he would cast on her. It had been rather fun, put some variation into his teaching life. He took out his wand again and with a little smile cast the final spell, a hex. The Bat Bogey Hex. It was likely to not be as painful as the leeks jinx, but it was going to be rather gross. This was solidified as the spell hit Lydia, and the bat emerged from her. Gross.
No matter how well one cleaned their nose, the Bat Bogey Hex managed to do its damage. Lydia couldn’t decide whether to laugh or gag as the mucus monster attacked her face. After a moment she waved her wand, casting Finite. The “bat” disappeared. Lydia was pleased to see that her hibiscus-colored robes were still clean.

“The Bat Bogey Hex, quite nasty, as you can see. It turns the target’s nasal secretions into a bat, which immediately turns on them.” Lydia pocketed her wand. Misha seemed in no hurry to have his antlers fixed, so she let it be for now.

“And that ends our demonstration. During the rest of the class period, take advantage of the extra space in the Duelling Chamber and practice the other spells we’ve learned so far with any partner; the Trip Jinx, Jelly-Legs Jinx, Knee-Reversal Hex, and other defensive charms and spells as you see fit.”

“If you have any questions about the four spells you saw today, feel free to ask myself or Professor Haden. You will be required to know the effects of each for your exam. Also, a huge thanks to Professor Haden for joining us today.”
Leia had been surprised when the lesson of defence against the dark arts had brought them to the duelling area. Leia was feeling pretty good about duelling - she had actually won. She was surprised to see the professor with the older charms professor. She listened along as the professor described what was going to happen in this lesson, the professor would demonstrate it. She watched with interest as they did. Each professor casting and having two spells cast upon them. She didn’t bother taking notes as the professor gave them a little information about each one. She knew they would be able to do a couple but it was pretty entertaining to watch the charms professor have antlers and the DADA professor have bats fly out of her nose. The latter was pretty gross too. Leia was already reaching for her wand as the professor said that they could use the rest of the time and the space to practice. She paired up with someone and immediately got into practice the spells. As a duel winner she felt like she had to be good. She did the first spell a few times and the other two a few too.
Kalif Styx the Second brushed his hair and made sure it was tidy. He noticed how it was starting to become darker, but he ignored that for now. He had to inherit something from his dad after all. He briefly wondered how Amarantha was doing, since she was a pro at gathering information. She took after Hades more than even he would have thought. Kalif took after his grandfather, which was why he was the perfect specimen for his future job. The Slytherin walked out of the dorms, and into his next class for the day, which was still in the dungeons, so it was not a long walk. Things were moving along smoothly, as to be expected. Next year, all the houses would be combined, so he would have Sawyer and Amarantha with him at all times.
Professor Drage started the lesson with introducing Professor Haden to the second years. From what he knew about this professor, his grandfather loathed him. Yet, here he was, with his cousin. It was highly interesting. The two hit each other with different jinxes, with the first being the Stinging Jinx, then the Ear Leeks jinx, Antler jinx and finally, that bat-bogey jinx. It was all rather pointless, except for the stinging jinx. He felt that one would be quite useful. Kalif made a few quick notes over it all, since he felt that he might encounter these in the future. Jinxes sure did cause some pain though, from what he could tell by the looks on the professors' faces. He listened to the dismissal, and left accordingly. He knew what not to use, since it was rather unclean.
Ronald was so confused that the 5th lesson of DADA is in the duel arena, when this stage he is a one competitor in thier year level, Ronald flash back all the session that he is win and lost at the same time, Professor Drage said that this lesson will be learn some technique at jinx with other advance in our level and this are Stinging Jinx, Ear Leeks Jinx, Antler Jinx, and Bat-Bogey Hex with the help of charm instructor for higher level Professor Misha Haden.

Ronald take his note and because thic actual lecture need them to thier final exam, and the young Gryffindor take his note now.

Stinging Jinx - causes a painful, superficial sensation to the target’s skin. This can cause burning, redness, and swelling.

Ear Leeks Jinx - is quite uncomfortable. It causes leeks- a vegetable in the onion family- to suddenly explode from the target’s ears.

Antler Jinx - leek and grinned as a pair of antlers grew from the top head your opponent.

Bat Bogey Hex - It turns the target’s nasal secretions into a bat, which immediately turns on them.

Ronald see the other jinx was so cruel and scared and its so good to us to see the effect of the jinx in thier effect in our both eye rather in lecture only because its so scared if you do this to prank other people.

Ronald practice the other jinx that we know and time to practice with partner like Trip Jinx, Jelly-Legs Jinx, Knee-Reversal Hex. Ronald done to practice with thier friends, Professor Drage end oir lesson and all of us back in our common room.
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