Closed Injuring You Who Injures Me

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (15)
Gregory was trying to keep ahead of his studying, he was doing his best to make sure he wouldn't completely fail all of his exams. He was still thinking about leaving, but he knew his dad wouldn't let him leave without a valid excuse, and failing his exams would just seem like he was running away from something. He was putting in his best effort, his best foot forward for it, it just seemed that whomever he had been in some past life, had broken more mirrors than Gregory could fathom. The hufflepuff had been in the library for a long while, it was getting towards curfew and there weren't too many students about. Gregory had tripped a little, dropping lots of his notes, guides and a few books. He cursed himself, but bent down to gather them all up, keeping his gaze down and trying to do it relatively quickly he knew he was in the way and he knew his luck would lead him to tripping someone up.
Cassius Styx walked out of his classroom with a stack of books in his arms. He knew that he was going to pass his exams and classes with no trouble. So, while he was walking, he did not notice that there was a very insignificant obstacle in his way that he did not see until it was too late. His leg was caught on Gregory's body and sent him tumbling to the ground. His knee took the brunt of the impact, ripping his pants and skinning it. Since Cass was not used to such injuries like this, it hurt a fair bit. "Ah, sh*t!" Cass cursed as he managed to find his bearings and looked to see who or what tripped him, and he saw the worm that he hated the most right now. "Are you kidding me?! As if being born wasn't good enough for you, you just had to trip me too?" Cass took out his wand to summon the books back to him before they got trampled, but unfortunately, he would need to make it to the nurse to treat his skinned knee.
Gregory had been getting everything he'd dropped back into his hands, glancing about for anything else, and had been too slow to stop the person from tripping over him. He glanced immediately at the person and froze. Of course…OF course it was him. Gregory thought about making a break for it, better to get in trouble for running in the library than whatever Cassius would spit at him, but he was glued to the spot, terrified of the other boy. He cringed at the insult and shook his head, ”I'm sorry,” he just said immediately, ”I was picking up the stuff I dropped, I thought people could see me,” he tried to explain. He didn't necessarily want to accuse Cassius of anything, but he clearly hadn't been looking where he was going if he tripped over a whole person.
Cass glared at the boy responsible for his pain, which honestly, did not even compare to how much Cass had given him - though if anyone tried to convince him that it was unjustified, then he would be fighting back. It was never his fault, and this time, he really thought that it wasn't. Depending on the point of view, it could go either way. Gregory apologized, but Cass was having none of it. "You injured a pure-blood's knee. 'I'm sorry' doesn't even cover it!" Cass came close to shouting, which was rare even for him to do when he was mad. Wait, was Gregory now accusing him of being blind?! The audacity of this Hufflepuff! "Oh so now I'm blind, am I?" Cass made sure he had his stuff in his bag when he stood up and took out his wand. At least now he knew a few spells. He aimed it at the Hufflepuff. "Then get up and run, and see if I will miss."
Gregory glanced down at Cassius' knee visibly gulping as he saw the blood. He hadn't meant to do that. he had just been in the way, as usual. Always in the way. Once he left the school he'd no longer be in the way, no longer bothering him. Gregory shook his head at the demand, holding up his hands at the boy as he raised his wand. "I didn't mean that," he was quick to say. Gregory was frozen for a moment before he started moving. He ditched all of his things, leaving them behind as he darted forward, but of course, all he did was get a few steps and trip up over his own feet, sending him once again crashing to the ground.
Cass hated this because he was injured because of this boy. His pants were ruined, and his precious blood was spilled. Did this boy really understand how dire this was? Likely not, which was infuriating! He was practically shaking with anger because of this. The Slytherin first year watched as Gregory abandoned all of his things, and tried to dart forward but a few steps later and he was on his face. Cass put his wand away and muttered, "Merlin, this is not worth it. Why jinx you when you have two left feet?" He walked over to Gergory’s things and saw several things needed for exams. Notes and stuff. Smirking, Cass grabbed the parchment and started to rip it in two. If he couldn’t curse his physical body, then he could ruin his chances of making Outstanding on the exams. "Good luck on your exams, mudblood."
Gregory watched him, with a little relief that he wouldn't be cursed. But he watched as Cass tore up all of his work, and he sighed. He had been trying hard with them, trying his best to get them together and make sure that they made sense. But they were destroyed. Gregory just watched him do it, watched all the pieces fall to the ground. Gregory had intended to leave all of that anyway. This didn't make much difference, but watching him tear them up. It felt bad. He got up waiting for him to be done, so he could take the pieces and maybe put it back together.
Cass knew that what he did was such a d**k move. But it was more than worth it, to ruin all of the papers that Gregory had. It was just a shame that he did not know the flame conjuring spell, otherwise he would have used them to make sure that none were salvageable. And he did not have anything to spill on them. "You shed my blood. I shed every hope you had to pass. It really is equalizing." Cass smirked as he stepped around him to get his knee treated. He needed to get the blood off, his pants fixed, and the pain to go away. He was not a fan of this at all. Being lowered to such actions, but he did not have a choice. His day was ruined.

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